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How to: Enable Updating Subscriptions for Transactional Publications (Replication Transact-SQL Programming)

When creating a transactional publication programmatically using replication stored procedures, you can enable either immediate or queued updating subscriptions.,SQL.90).gifSecurity Note:
When possible, prompt users to enter security credentials at runtime. If you must store credentials in a script file, you must secure the file to prevent unauthorized access.

To create a publication that supports immediate updating subscriptions

  1. If necessary, create a Log Reader Agent job for the publication database.

    • If a Log Reader Agent job already exists for the publication database, proceed to step 2.
    • If you are unsure whether a Log Reader Agent job exists for a published database, execute sp_helplogreader_agent (Transact-SQL) at the Publisher on the publication database. If the result set is empty, a Log Reader Agent job must be created.
    • At the publisher, execute sp_addlogreader_agent (Transact-SQL). Specify the Microsoft Windows credentials under which the agent runs for @job_name and @password. If the agent will use SQL Server Authentication when connecting to the Publisher, you must also specify a value of 0 for @publisher_security_mode and the Microsoft SQL Server login information for @publisher_login and @publisher_password.
  2. Execute sp_addpublication (Transact-SQL), specifying a value of true for the parameter @allow_sync_tran.

  3. At the Publisher, execute sp_addpublication_snapshot (Transact-SQL). Specify the publication name used in step 2 for @publication and the Windows credentials under which the Snapshot Agent runs for @job_name and @password. If the agent will use SQL Server Authentication when connecting to the Publisher, you must also specify a value of 0 for @publisher_security_mode and the SQL Server login information for @publisher_login and @publisher_password. This creates a Snapshot Agent job for the publication.

  4. Add articles to the publication. For more information, see How to: Define an Article (Replication Transact-SQL Programming).

  5. At the Subscriber, create an updating subscription to this publication. For more information, see How to: Create an Updatable Subscription to a Transactional Publication (Replication Transact-SQL Programming).

To create a publication that supports queued updating subscriptions

  1. If necessary, create a Log Reader Agent job for the publication database.

    • If a Log Reader Agent job already exists for the publication database, proceed to step 2.
    • If you are unsure whether a Log Reader Agent job exists for a published database, execute sp_helplogreader_agent (Transact-SQL) at the Publisher on the publication database. If the result set is empty, then a Log Reader Agent job must be created.
    • At the publisher, execute sp_addlogreader_agent (Transact-SQL). Specify the Windows credentials under which the agent runs for @job_name and @password. If the agent will use SQL Server Authentication when connecting to the Publisher, you must also specify a value of 0 for @publisher_security_mode and the SQL Server login information for @publisher_login and @publisher_password.
  2. If necessary, create a Queue Reader Agent job for the Distributor.

    • If a Queue Reader Agent job already exists for the distribution database, proceed to step 3.
    • If you are unsure whether a Queue Reader Agent job exists for the distribution database, execute sp_helpqreader_agent (Transact-SQL) at the Distributor on the distribution database. If the result set is empty, then a Queue Reader Agent job must be created.
    • At the Distributor, execute sp_addqreader_agent (Transact-SQL). Specify the Windows credentials under which the agent runs for @job_name and @password. These credentials are used when the Queue Reader Agent connects to the Publisher and Subscriber. For more information, see Replication Agent Security Model.
  3. Execute sp_addpublication (Transact-SQL), specifying a value of true for the parameter @allow_queued_tran and a value of pub wins, sub reinit, or sub wins for @conflict_policy.

  4. At the Publisher, execute sp_addpublication_snapshot (Transact-SQL). Specify the publication name used in step 3 for @publication and the Windows credentials under which the Snapshot Agent runs for @snapshot_job_name and @password. If the agent will use SQL Server Authentication when connecting to the Publisher, you must also specify a value of 0 for @publisher_security_mode and the SQL Server login information for @publisher_login and @publisher_password. This creates a Snapshot Agent job for the publication.

  5. Add articles to the publication. For more information, see How to: Define an Article (Replication Transact-SQL Programming).

  6. At the Subscriber, create an updating subscription to this publication. For more information, see How to: Create an Updatable Subscription to a Transactional Publication (Replication Transact-SQL Programming).

To change the conflict policy for a publication that allows queued updating subscriptions

  1. At the Publisher on the publication database, execute sp_changepublication (Transact-SQL). Specify a value of conflict_policy for @property and the desired conflict policy mode of pub wins, sub reinit, or sub wins for @value.


This example creates a publication that supported both immediate and queued updating pull subscriptions.

-- To avoid storing the login and password in the script file, the values 
-- are passed into SQLCMD as scripting variables. For information about 
-- how to use scripting variables on the command line and in SQL Server
-- Management Studio, see the "Executing Replication Scripts" section in
-- the topic "Programming Replication Using System Stored Procedures".

--Declarations for adding a transactional publication
DECLARE @publicationDB AS sysname;
DECLARE @publication AS sysname;
DECLARE @login AS sysname;
DECLARE @password AS sysname;
SET @publicationDB = N'AdventureWorks'; 
SET @publication = N'AdvWorksProductTran'; 
SET @login = $(Login); 
SET @password = $(Password); 

USE [AdventureWorks]
-- Enable transactional replication on the publication database.
EXEC sp_replicationdboption 
    @value = N'true';

-- Execute sp_addlogreader_agent to create the agent job. 
EXEC sp_addlogreader_agent 
    @job_login = @login, 
    @job_password = @password,
    -- Explicitly specify the use of Windows Integrated Authentication (default) 
    -- when connecting to the Publisher.
    @publisher_security_mode = 1;

-- Create a transactional publication that supports immediate updating, 
-- queued updating, and pull subscriptions. 
EXEC sp_addpublication 
    @publication = @publication, 
    @status = N'active',
    @allow_sync_tran = N'true', 
    @allow_queued_tran = N'true',
    @allow_pull = N'true',
    @independent_agent = N'true',
  -- Explicitly declare the related default properties 
    @conflict_policy = N'pub wins';

-- Create a new snapshot job for the publication, using a default schedule.
EXEC sp_addpublication_snapshot 
    @publication = @publication, 
    @job_login = @login, 
    @job_password = @password,
    -- Explicitly specify the use of Windows Integrated Authentication (default) 
    -- when connecting to the Publisher.
    @publisher_security_mode = 1;

--Declarations for adding an article.
DECLARE @publication AS sysname;
DECLARE @article AS sysname;
DECLARE @owner AS sysname;
SET @publication = N'AdvWorksProductTran';
SET @article = N'Product'; 
SET @owner = N'Production'; 

-- Add a horizontally and vertically filtered article for the Product table.
USE [AdventureWorks]
EXEC sp_addarticle 
    @publication = @publication, 
    @article = @article, 
    @source_table = @article, 
    @vertical_partition = N'false', 
    @type = N'logbased',
    @source_owner = @owner, 
    @destination_owner = @owner;

See Also


How to: Create a Publication (Replication Transact-SQL Programming)
How to: Create an Updatable Subscription to a Transactional Publication (Replication Transact-SQL Programming)

Other Resources

Updatable Subscriptions for Transactional Replication
Using sqlcmd with Scripting Variables

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