Sdílet prostřednictvím

Products and Technologies Table

The following table lists the Microsoft products, tools, and technologies discussed in the ADO Programmer's Guide. It provides links, wherever possible, to relevant topics in the guide.

Microsoft Product or Technology References
Access/Jet Working with Recordsets

ADOX Fundamentals

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet
Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Active Directory Service
COM/DCOM Prerequisites for Using the ADO Documentation

Marking Business Objects as Safe for Scripting

Registering Business Objects on the Client for Use with DCOM

Setting DCOM Stream Marshaling Format

Enabling a DLL to Run on DCOM

Running Business Objects in Component Services
FrontPage Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing
Indexing Service Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Indexing Service
Internet Explorer Internet Explorer Error Codes
Internet Information Services (IIS) Records and Streams

Streams and Persistence

Command Streams

Using ADO for Internet Publishing

Solutions for Remote Data Access

RDS Scenario

Configuring Virtual Servers on IIS

Securing RDS Applications

"Internet Server Error: Access Denied"

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing

Internet Information Services Error Codes
JScript Handling Errors in Other Languages

JScript ADO Programming

ADO Code Examples in Microsoft JScript
ODBC Using RDS with ODBC Connection Pooling

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC
OLE DB OLE DB Providers

Appendix A: Providers

Provider Errors
Oracle Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle
SQL Server Controlling Transactions

Calling a Stored Procedure with a Command

Current Record and Size of Recordset

Forward-Only Cursors

Command Streams

Retrieving Resultsets into Streams

Running the Address Book SQL Script

Ensuring Sufficient TempDB Space

Minimizing Log File Space Usage

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Transaction Server Running Business Objects in Component Services
VBScript Handling Errors in Other Languages

Visual Basic for Applications Functions

Command Streams

Solutions for Remote Data Access

RDS Scenario

RDS Tutorial (VBScript)

VBScript ADO Programming

ADO Code Examples in Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition
Visual Basic Errors

ADO Errors

ADO Event Instantiation By Language

Visual Basic for Applications Functions

RDS Tutorial

Using ADO with Microsoft Visual Basic

ADO Code Examples in Microsoft Visual Basic
Visual C++ Handling Errors in Other Languages

ADO Event Instantiation By Language

Using ADO with Microsoft Visual C++

ADO Code Examples in Microsoft Visual C++
Visual Studio Appendix D: ADO Samples
Windows 2000 System Requirements for the Address Book Application

Granting Guest Privileges to a Web Server Computer

Registering a Custom Business Object

Securing RDS Applications

Configuring RDS on Windows 2000
XML Persisting Records in XML Format

Records and Streams

Command Streams

Retrieving Resultsets into Streams