Change Data Capture Service for Oracle by Attunity
The CDC Service for Oracle is a Windows service that scans Oracle transaction logs and captures changes to Oracle tables of interest into SQL Server change tables. The SQL change tables where the changes captured from Oracle are stored are the same type of change tables used in the native SQL Server Change Data Capture feature. This makes consuming these changes as easy as consuming changes made to SQL Server databases.
The CDC Service for Oracle can be installed on any supported Windows computer with access to the source Oracle database(s) being captured and the target SQL Server instance where the target CDC database resides. The CDC Service does not need a local installation of the Oracle database or the SQL Server database, only their supported clients. For information about where to install the required database components, see Database Prerequisites in this topic.
The installation of the SQL Server CDC Service for Oracle places the service configuration UI and the service program in the selected location. The CDC Service for Oracle is configured separately using the Oracle CDC Service Configuration Console. For more information on configuring the Oracle CDC Service, see Change Data Capture Service for Oracle by Attunity F1 Help.
To install the CDC Service for Oracle, manually run AttunityOracleCdcService.msi from the SQL Server installation media. Installation packages for x86 and x64 are located in .\Tools\AttunityCDCOracle\ on the SQL Server installation media.
The CDC Service for Oracle can be installed on any supported Windows computer where the SQL Server 2014 Native Client is installed; it does not need to be installed on the same computer where the target SQL Server is installed.
Supported Windows Environments
The Change Data Capture Service for Oracle by Attunity can run in the following Windows environments:
Windows 8
Windows 7 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64)
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1
Windows Server 2008 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) with Service Pack 2
Database Prerequisites
To work with the CDC Service for Oracle you must install the SQL Server 2014 Native Client Oracle software. This is a prerequisite that should be obtained from Oracle and installed before installing the Oracle CDC Service. Additionally, you need to install the SQL Server ODBC Client using SQL Server Setup.
The CDC Service for Oracle supports the following versions:
Source Oracle Database
Oracle Database 11x, any version
Oracle Database 10x, any version
Target SQL Server Database
For a list of features that are supported by the editions of SQL Server, see Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2014.
Running the Installation Program
To install the CDC Service for Oracle, open the installation wizard for the Windows platform you are using (32/64-bit) and follow the directions on the screen.
Uninstalling Change Data Capture Service for Oracle by Attunity
You uninstall the CDC Service for Oracle using Control Panel, Programs and Features.
Uninstalling the CDC Service does not delete the SQL Server databases created. For complete removal of the tool, you must remove the MSXDBCDC database and the specific CDC databases that were created in the target SQL Server instance you worked with.
If you uninstall the CDC Service software from one machine and install it on another computer, you only need to provide the following definitions:
Service account
SQL Server connect string and credentials
The master password
All the other definitions are stored in SQL Server and are available from the previous installation on another computer.
In This Documentation
Change Data Capture Service for Oracle by Attunity System Architecture
Change Data Capture Service for Oracle by Attunity How to Guide