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Confirm that a Front End Pool or Front End Server is Vacant


Topic Last Modified: 2011-04-06

To remove an Enterprise Edition Front End pool or Standard Edition Front End Server, you move or remove contact objects, application objects, and route assignments. If you are setting up a new pool or server, you should move the objects and routes, if possible. If you are completely decommissioning the deployment and do not plan to continue using the objects and routes, you should remove the objects and route assignments.

The set of procedures in this topic identify that the pool or server is vacant and no longer has references to objects and routes. If a procedure indicates that objects or routes still exist, see the links to the appropriate procedures to move or remove them in the Notes.

All procedures in this topic use the Lync Server Management Shell and Topology Builder on the Enterprise Edition Front End pool or Standard Edition Front End Server, based on what you use in your deployment. The procedures function on both Enterprise Edition pools and Standard Edition servers.

To open the Lync Server Management Shell

  1. Log on to the computer where Lync Server Management Shell is installed as a member of the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group or with the necessary user rights as described in Delegate Setup Permissions.

  2. Start the Lync Server Management Shell: Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync Server 2010, and then click Lync Server Management Shell.

To open Topology Builder

  1. Log on to the computer where Topology Builder is installed as a member of the Domain Admins group and the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group.

  2. Start Topology Builder: Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync Server 2010, and then click Lync Server Topology Builder.

Confirm that voice configuration has been vacated

To confirm that the voice components have been moved or removed, perform the procedures in this section.

To confirm that voice routes are not pointing to the pool or server

  • In the Lync Server Management Shell, type:

    Get-CsVoiceRoute | select Identity,PstnGatewayList

    The list should not return routes that are configured on this pool or server, or that point to a Mediation Server that you plan to remove.

To confirm that dial plans are not using the pool or server

  1. In the Lync Server Management Shell, type:

    Get-CsDialPlan -Identity registrar <PoolorServerFQDN>

    Where <PoolorServerFQDN> is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the pool or server that you want to remove. The result should not list any dial plans that point to the pool or server.

  2. In Topology Builder, check PSTN gateways to confirm that there is no dependency on the pool or server that you want to remove.

  3. Using the management tool supplied by the PSTN gateway vendor, confirm that the incoming route points to a pool or server that is not going to be removed. Or, if you are decommissioning the entire deployment, remove the incoming route.


    For details about how to do this, see the PSTN gateway documentation.

To confirm that conference directories have been moved or removed

  1. In the Lync Server Management Shell, type:

    Get-CsConferenceDirectory | where { $_.ServiceId.ToString().Contains("<PoolorServerFQDN>") }

    Where <PoolorServerFQDN> is the FQDN of the pool or server that is to be removed, and is in the following format:

  2. The command should not return any conference directories that are still configured for or assigned to the server or pool.

Confirm that contact objects have been moved or removed

To confirm that contact objects have been moved or removed, perform the procedures in this section.

To confirm that Lync Server user objects have been moved or removed

  1. In the Lync Server Management Shell, type:

    Get-CsUser -Filter {RegistrarPool -eq "<PoolorServerFQDN>"}

    Where <PoolorServerFQDN> is the FQDN of the pool or server that is to be removed, and is in the following format:

  2. The command should return an empty list, indicating that there are no users hosted on the pool or server.

To confirm that common area phone contact objects have been moved or removed

  1. In the Lync Server Management Shell, type:

    Get-CsCommonAreaPhone -Filter {RegistrarPool -eq "<PoolorServerFQDN>"}

    Where <PoolorServerFQDN> is the FQDN of the pool or server that is to be removed, and is in the following format:

  2. The command should return an empty list, indicating that there are no common area phone contacts hosted on the pool or server.

To confirm that analog device objects have been moved or removed

  1. In the Lync Server Management Shell, type:

    Get-CsAnalogDevice  -Filter {RegistrarPool -eq "<PoolorServerFQDN>"}

    Where <PoolorServerFQDN> is the FQDN of the pool or server that is to be removed, and is in the following format:

  2. The command should return an empty list, indicating that there are no analog devices hosted on the pool or server.

To confirm that Response Group objects have been moved or removed

  1. In the Lync Server Management Shell, type:

    Get-CsRgsWorkflow service:ApplicationServer: <PoolorServerFQDN>

    Where <PoolorServerFQDN> is the FQDN of the pool or server that is to be removed, and is in the following format:

  2. The command should return an empty list, indicating that there are no analog devices hosted on the pool or server.

To confirm that Announcement application objects have been removed

  1. In the Lync Server Management Shell, type:

    Get-CsUnassignedNumber | ? { $_.AnnouncementServerFqdn -eq "<PoolorServerFQDN>" }

    Where <PoolorServerFQDN> is the FQDN of the pool or server that is to be removed, and is in the following format:

  2. The command should return an empty list, indicating that there are no Announcement application objects hosted on the pool or server.


    For details, see Delete an Unassigned Number Range.

To confirm that Call Park orbit objects have been removed

  1. In the Lync Server Management Shell, type:

    Get-CsCallParkOrbit | ? { $_.CallParkServerFqdn -eq "<PoolorServerFQDN>" }

    Where <PoolorServerFQDN> is the FQDN of the pool or server that is to be removed, and is in the following format:

  2. The command should return an empty list, indicating that there is no Call Park orbit objects hosted on the pool or server.


    For details, see Remove Call Park Service Orbits.

To confirm that dial-in conferencing access numbers have been moved or removed

  1. In the Lync Server Management Shell, type:

    Get-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber | where {$_.Pool -eq "<PoolorServerFQDN>"}

    Where <PoolorServerFQDN> is the FQDN of the pool or server that is to be removed, and is in the following format:

  2. The command should return an empty list, indicating that there is no dial-in conferencing objects hosted on the pool or server.

To confirm that Trusted Application objects have been removed

  1. In the Lync Server Management Shell, type:

    Get-CsTrustedApplication | Where-Object {$_.TrustedApplicationPoolFqdn -eq "<PoolorServerFQDN>"}

    Where <PoolorServerFQDN> is the FQDN of the pool or server that is to be removed, and is in the following format:

  2. The command should return an empty list, indicating that there is no Trusted Application objects hosted on the pool or server.