Sdílet prostřednictvím

MenuItemTemplate members

Represents a control that creates an item in a drop-down menu.

The MenuItemTemplate type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method MenuItemTemplate() Initializes a new instance of the MenuItemTemplate class.
Public method MenuItemTemplate(String) Initializes a new instance of the MenuItemTemplate class and uses the specified menu item text.
Public method MenuItemTemplate(String, String) Initializes a new instance of the MenuItemTemplate class and uses the specified menu item text and image.
Public method MenuItemTemplate(String, String, String) Initializes a new instance of the MenuItemTemplate class, uses the specified menu item text and image, and specifies a script to run when the control is clicked.



  Name Description
Protected property Adapter (Inherited from Control.)
Public property AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory (Inherited from Control.)
Public property Attributes Gets the collection of attributes in the XML markup of the menu item.
Public property AuthenticationRestrictions Sets or retrieves the authentication that is required to view the menu item.
Public property BindingContainer (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property ChildControlsCreated (Inherited from Control.)
Public property ClientID Gets the ID of the control. (Overrides Control.ClientID.)
Public property ClientIDMode (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property ClientIDSeparator (Inherited from Control.)
Public property ClientOnClickNavigateUrl Sets or retrieves the URL to open when the menu item is clicked.
Public property ClientOnClickPostBackConfirmation Sets or retrieves a confirmation message to display when the ClientOnClickUsingPostBackEvent property is set.
Public property ClientOnClickScript Sets or retrieves the client-side Ecma script to execute when the menu entry is clicked.
Public property ClientOnClickScriptContainingPrefixedUrl Gets or sets the client-side ECMA script that should be executed when the user clicks on this menu entry.
Public property ClientOnClickUsingPostBackEvent Sets or retrieves the control ID and parameter for the post-back event.
Protected property Context (Inherited from Control.)
Public property Controls Retrieves an empty ControlCollection object. (Overrides Control.Controls.)
Public property DataItemContainer (Inherited from Control.)
Public property DataKeysContainer (Inherited from Control.)
Public property Description Sets or retrieves a text description of the menu item.
Public property DescriptionScript Sets or retrieves a client-side Ecma script that is associated with the description of the menu item.
Protected property DesignMode (Inherited from Control.)
Public property EnableTheming (Inherited from Control.)
Public property EnableViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property Events (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property HasChildViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Public property HiddenScript Sets or retrieves the client-side Ecma script to execute to determine whether the menu item should be hidden.
Public property ID (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property IdSeparator (Inherited from Control.)
Public property ImageScript Sets or retrieves a client-side Ecma script that is associated with the image of the menu item.
Public property ImageUrl Sets or retrieves the URL of the image to be displayed on this menu item.
Protected property IsChildControlStateCleared (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property IsTrackingViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property IsViewStateEnabled (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property LoadViewStateByID (Inherited from Control.)
Public property MenuGroupId Sets or retrieves the identifier of the menu group of the menu item.
Public property NamingContainer (Inherited from Control.)
Public property Page (Inherited from Control.)
Public property PageModes Sets or retrieves the page mode that is required to view the menu item.
Public property Parent (Inherited from Control.)
Public property PermissionContext Sets or retrieves the context of the permissions that are associated with the menu item.
Public property PermissionMode Sets or retrieves the mode of the Permissions property of the menu item.
Public property Permissions Sets or retrieves the permissions that are required to view the menu item.
Public property PermissionsString Sets or retrieves the Permissions property as a string.
Public property QueryStringParametersToInclude Sets or retrieves the list of query string parameters to be added to the ClientOnClickNavigateUrl property of the menu item.
Public property RenderingCompatibility (Inherited from Control.)
Public property RequiredFeatures Sets or retrieves the list of features that must be active in the current site to view the menu item.
Public property RibbonCommand
Public property RibbonCommandValueId
Public property RibbonContextualGroupCommand
Public property RibbonGroupCommand
Public property RibbonImage16by16
Public property RibbonImage32by32
Public property RibbonTabCommand
Public property Sequence Sets or retrieves the place where the menu item appears in the sequence of menu items.
Public property ShowOnlyIfUIVersionConfigurationEnabled Whether SPWeb.UIVersionConfigurationEnabled must be true to show this control
Public property Site (Inherited from Control.)
Public property SkinID (Inherited from Control.)
Public property TemplateControl (Inherited from Control.)
Public property TemplateSourceDirectory (Inherited from Control.)
Public property Text Sets or retrieves the text label for the menu item.
Public property TextScript Sets or retrieves a client-side Ecma script that is associated with the text label of the menu item.
Public property Title Sets or retrieves the title for the menu item.
Public property UniqueID (Inherited from Control.)
Public property UseShortId Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether the control uses the short version of the control identifier.
Protected property ViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property ViewStateIgnoresCase (Inherited from Control.)
Public property ViewStateMode (Inherited from Control.)
Public property VisibilityFeatureId
Public property Visible (Inherited from Control.)



  Name Description
Protected method AddedControl (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method AddParsedSubObject (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ApplyStyleSheetSkin (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method BuildProfileTree (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearCachedClientID (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearChildControlState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearChildState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearChildViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearEffectiveClientIDMode (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ClientOnClickUsingPostBackEventFromControl(Control) Sets the ClientOnClickScript property by using the client-side Ecma script that causes a post back by using the specified server control.
Public method ClientOnClickUsingPostBackEventFromControl(Control, String) Sets the ClientOnClickScript property by using the client-side Ecms script that causes a post back by using the specified server control and token-replacement parameter.
Protected method CreateChildControls (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method CreateControlCollection (Inherited from Control.)
Public method DataBind() (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method DataBind(Boolean) (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method DataBindChildren (Inherited from Control.)
Public method Dispose (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method EnsureChildControls (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method EnsureID (Inherited from Control.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method FindControl(String) (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method FindControl(String, Int32) (Inherited from Control.)
Public method Focus (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method GetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetRouteUrl(Object) (Inherited from Control.)
Public method GetRouteUrl(RouteValueDictionary) (Inherited from Control.)
Public method GetRouteUrl(String, Object) (Inherited from Control.)
Public method GetRouteUrl(String, RouteValueDictionary) (Inherited from Control.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetUniqueIDRelativeTo (Inherited from Control.)
Public method HasControls (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method HasEvents (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method IsLiteralContent (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method LoadControlState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method LoadViewState Preserves the values of private members by restoring them from view state during post back. (Overrides Control.LoadViewState(Object).)
Protected method MapPathSecure (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method OnBubbleEvent (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnDataBinding (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnInit Raises an event when the server control is initialized. (Overrides Control.OnInit(EventArgs).)
Protected method OnLoad Raises an event when the server control is loaded. (Overrides Control.OnLoad(EventArgs).)
Protected method OnPreRender Raises an event after the control is loaded but prior to rendering. (Overrides Control.OnPreRender(EventArgs).)
Public method OnPreRenderOverride Raises an event after the control is loaded but prior to rendering, regardless of permissions settings.
Protected method OnUnload (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OpenFile (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method RaiseBubbleEvent (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method RemovedControl (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method Render Sends the content of the control to the specified HtmlTextWriter object, which writes the content that is rendered on the client. (Overrides Control.Render(HtmlTextWriter).)
Protected method RenderChildren (Inherited from Control.)
Public method RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter) (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter, ControlAdapter) (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ResolveAdapter (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ResolveClientUrl (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ResolveUrl (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method SaveControlState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method SaveViewState Saves the view state of the control. (Overrides Control.SaveViewState().)
Protected method SetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Public method SetRenderMethodDelegate (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method TrackViewState (Inherited from Control.)



  Name Description
Public event DataBinding (Inherited from Control.)
Public event Disposed (Inherited from Control.)
Public event Init (Inherited from Control.)
Public event Load (Inherited from Control.)
Public event PreRender (Inherited from Control.)
Public event Unload (Inherited from Control.)


Explicit interface implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IParserAccessor.AddParsedSubObject (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IControlBuilderAccessor.ControlBuilder (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IDataBindingsAccessor.DataBindings (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IExpressionsAccessor.Expressions (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IControlDesignerAccessor.GetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IDataBindingsAccessor.HasDataBindings (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IExpressionsAccessor.HasExpressions (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IControlDesignerAccessor.SetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IControlDesignerAccessor.SetOwnerControl (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IControlDesignerAccessor.UserData (Inherited from Control.)


See also


MenuItemTemplate class

Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls namespace