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Document farm configuration settings (SharePoint Foundation 2010)


Applies to: SharePoint Foundation 2010

This article describes how to use Windows PowerShell 2.0 to document the configuration settings for your farm. Documenting configuration settings is important both so that you can create scripted deployments for your environment, and so that you can quickly re-create a set of configurations in the event of a failure.

To document configuration settings by using Windows PowerShell

  1. Verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: See Add-SPShellAdmin.

  2. On the Start menu, click All Programs.

  3. Click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.

  4. Click SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.

  5. Using Notepad, create a text file and then copy and paste the following script into the file. The commands in the example create XML files that document the configurations of the Web applications and service applications in the current farm. Choose only those commands that are relevant to your environment.

    ## Common SharePoint configuration settings
    #Retrieve Web Application information. The default depth of 2 does not return much detail--we recommend that you use a depth of 4 for this cmdlet.
    Get-SPWebApplication | Export-Clixml .\WebAppFilename.xml -depth 4
    #Retrieve custom layout information. 
    Get-SPWebApplication | Get-SPCustomLayoutsPage | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPCustomLayoutsPage.xml
    #Determine how SharePoint designer access is configured
    Get-SPWebApplication | Get-SPDesignerSettings  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPDesignerSettings.xml
    #Retrieve information about alternate access mapping
    Get-SPAlternateURL  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPAlternateURL.xml
    #Retrieve information about content databases
    Get-SPContentDatabase  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPContentDatabase.xml
    #Retrieve database properties for each database
    Get-SPDatabase  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPDatabase.xml
    #Retrieve information about all SharePoint Products installed in the farm, and the versions of all updates installed for each product.
    Get-SPProduct  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPProduct.xml
    #Retrieve farm information
    Get-SPFarm  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPFarm.xml
    Get-SPFarmConfig  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPFarmConfig.xml
    #Retrieve information about the servers in the farm
    Get-SPServer  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPServer.xml
    #Retrieve information about installed features
    Get-SPFeature  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPFeature.xml
    #Retrieve information about globally-installed site templates
    Get-SPWebTemplate  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPWebTemplate.xml
    #Retrieve information about deployed solutions
    Get-SPSolution  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPSolution.xml
    #Retrieve information about sandboxed solutions deployed in a site collection
    Get-SPSite | Get-SPUserSolution  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPUserSolution.xml
    #Retrieve information about installed Help
    Get-SPHelpCollection  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPHelpCollection.xml
    #Retrieve information about the logging levels that have been set
    Get-SPLogLevel  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPLogLevel.xml
    #Retrieve information about the sites in the farm
    Get-SPSite  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPSite.xml
    Get-SPSiteAdministration  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPSiteAdministration.xml
    Get-SPSiteSubscription  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPSiteSubscription.xml
    #Retrieve ULS logging information
    Get-SPDiagnosticConfig  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPDiagnosticConfig.xml
    Get-SPDiagnosticsPerformanceCounter  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPDiagnosticsPerformanceCounter.xml
    Get-SPDiagnosticsProvider  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPDiagnosticsProvider.xml
    #Retrieve information about accounts registered in the configuration database
    Get-SPManagedAccount  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPManagedAccount.xml
    Get-SPProcessAccount  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPProcessAccount.xml
    Get-SPShellAdmin  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPShellAdmin.xml
    #Retrieve information about the Mobile Messaging account.
    Get-SPWebApplication | Get-SPMobileMessagingAccount  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPMobileMessagingAccount.xml
    ##Common service infrastructure settings
    #Retrieve information about the service applications in the farm
    Get-SPServiceApplication  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPServiceApplication.xml
    Get-SPServiceApplicationPool  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPServiceApplicationPool.xml
    Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy.xml
    Get-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroup  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroup.xml
    Get-SPServiceApplication | Get-SPServiceApplicationEndpoint  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPServiceApplicationEndpoint.xml
    #Retrieve information about the services running in the farm
    Get-SPServiceInstance  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPServiceInstance.xml
    #Retrieve information about common Web service settings
    Get-SPServiceHostConfig  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPServiceHostConfig.xml
    ## Common service application configurations
    #Application Discovery and Load Balancer Service Application 
    Get-SPTopologyServiceApplication  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPTopologyServiceApplication.xml
    Get-SPTopologyServiceApplicationProxy  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPTopologyServiceApplicationProxy.xml
    #Business Data Connectivity Service
    #Retrieve information about data connection files. ###WARNING: The following cmdlet requires  run as administrator rights
    Get-SPDataConnectionFile | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPDataConnectionFile.xml
    ###WARNING: The following cmdlet requires  run as administrator rights
    Get-SPDataConnectionFile | Get-SPDataConnectionFileDependent  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPDataConnectionFileDependent.xml
    #Security Token Service Application
    #Retrieve information about the security token service used for incoming SOAP messages.
    Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig.xml
    #Usage and Health data collection
    #Retrieve information about the Usage and Health Data Collection service application.
    Get-SPUsageApplication  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPUsageApplication.xml
    Get-SPUsageDefinition  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPUsageDefinition.xml
    Get-SPUsageService  | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPUsageService.xml
    ###Note: These cmdlets are commented out because you are unlikely to want to run them. ###
    #Get-SPSite | %{$web=Get-SPWeb $_.Url;$webid=$web.Id;$web | Get-SPUser | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPUser-$webid.xml}
    # Get-SPSite | %{$web=Get-SPWeb $_.Url;$webid=$web.Id;$web | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPWeb-$webid.xml}
  6. To run the script, in the Windows PowerShell console, at the command prompt (that is, PS C:\>), type the following command and press ENTER:C:\<path>\<filename>.ps1

For more information, see Export-Clixml, Get-SPWebApplication, Get-SPServiceApplication.

Example of using a cmdlet

This section provides an example of ways that you can use one of the recommended cmdlets.

The Get-SPAlternateURL cmdlet provides information about alternate access mapping. Piping the cmdlet to the Export-Clixml cmdlet writes the information to an XML file.

Get-SPAlternateURL | Export-Clixml .\Get-SPAlternateURL.xml

The following section lists the content of the Get-SPAlternateURL.xml file. Some sections are collapsed.

- <Objs Version="" xmlns="">
+ <Obj RefId="0">
- <Obj RefId="7">
  <TNRef RefId="0" /> 
- <Props>
  <S N="IncomingUrl">https://servername</S> 
  <URI N="Uri">https://servername/</URI> 
+ <Obj N="UrlZone" RefId="8">
- <Obj N="Collection" RefId="9">
  <TNRef RefId="2" /> 
- <IE>
- <Obj RefId="10">
  <TNRef RefId="0" /> 
+ <Props>
- <MS>
  <S N="Zone">Default</S> 
  <S N="PublicUrl">https://servername</S> 
- <Props>
  <I32 N="Count">1</I32> 
  <B N="IsReadOnly">false</B> 
  <S N="TypeName">Alternate Access Mapping Collection</S> 
  <S N="DisplayName">SharePoint - 80</S> 
  <U64 N="DiskSizeRequired">0</U64> 
  <B N="CanSelectForBackup">false</B> 
  <B N="CanRenameOnRestore">false</B> 
  <B N="CanSelectForRestore">false</B> 
  <S N="Name">SharePoint - 80</S> 
  <G N="Id">5b65a69a-222d-4fe0-904b-0fb928bc7a89</G> 
  <S N="Status">Online</S> 
  <S N="Parent">SPFarm Name=SERVERNAME_SharePoint_Configuration_Database</S> 
  <I64 N="Version">3661</I64> 
+ <Obj N="Properties" RefId="12">
  <TNRef RefId="3" /> 
  <DCT /> 
  <S N="Farm">SPFarm Name=SERVERNAME_SharePoint_Configuration_Database</S> 
  <Ref N="UpgradedPersistedProperties" RefId="11" /> 
  <Ref N="UpgradedPersistedProperties" RefId="11" /> 
+ <MS>
+ <Obj N="Zone" RefId="13">
  <TNRef RefId="1" /> 
  <S N="PublicUrl">https://servername</S> 

This example imports the output from the XML file, so that you can see its contents more easily.

Import-Clixml .\Get-SPAlternateURL.xml

Once an XML file is imported, you can use the objects in the pipeline as though they were real objects of the given type.

Import-Clixml .\Get-SPAlternateURL.xml | %{$_.Uri}

You can also pipe the objects as part of the cmdlet, and view all of the expected properties, methods, and TypeNames. The following example pipes URIs.

Import-Clixml .\Get-SPAlternateURL.xml | %{$_.Uri | Get-Member}

For more information, see Export-Clixml, Import-Clixml, Get-SPAlternateURL, ForEach-Object, Get-Member.