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Event ID 6141 (Windows SharePoint Services health model)

Applies To: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0



Several features of Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 rely on scheduled background processes called timer jobs. Administrators can configure and schedule timer jobs by using Central Administration. When you use the Services on Server page in Central Administration to start or stop a service, a timer job is used to perform this action.

To improve the performance of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, much of the data in the configuration database is kept in a local file-system cache, called the configuration data cache. Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 uses the timer service to keep this cache synchronized with the configuration database. Alternate access mapping is a feature of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 that enables administrators to configure a load-balanced system by mapping an incoming URL to alternate URLs used by Windows SharePoint Services. Windows SharePoint Services enables administrators to create new SharePoint sites. Site owners and (depending on the site settings) site visitors can also create subsites.

Event Details


Windows SharePoint Services




Windows SharePoint Services 3



Symbolic Name:



The site %1 could not be created. The following exception occured: %2.


There was one or more problems in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. The error can be caused by one or more of the following. Note: Investigate the failure in this order:

  • The Windows SharePoint Services Administration service is stopped or disabled.

  • The farm service account has insufficient permissions to write to the configuration data cache.

  • An alternate access mapping update failed.

  • Failed to create a SharePoint site.

  • A service instance provisioning failed.

The Windows SharePoint Services Administration service is stopped or disabled

In the Services MMC snap-in, check the "Windows SharePoint Services Administration" service. It should be started and configured as "Automatic". To start the service, use the section titled Start the administration service.

The account has insufficient permissions to write to the configuration data cache

  1. Navigate to the %systemdrive%\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\config directory and open its property pages.

  2. On the Security tab, check that the following accounts have these permissions (see table below).

  3. To assign the correct rights see the section entitled Assign sufficient permissions to the configuration data cache.

Account Permissions


Read and Write


Read and Write

An alternate access mapping update failed

Look in the Windows Event log for any events with the Source = "Windows SharePoint Services 3" and event ID = "6397". These events will provide information needed to troubleshoot the problem, such as the Web application affected. To fix this, see the section titled Complete the alternate access mapping update.

You must be a member of the SharePoint Administrators group to perform this task:

To view alternate access mapping settings

  1. In Central Administration, click Operations.

  2. On the Operations page, in the Global Configuration section, click Alternate access mappings.

Failed to create a SharePoint site

Look in the Windows Event log for any events with the Source = "Windows SharePoint Services 3" and event ID = "6141". These events will provide information needed to troubleshoot the problem, such as the Web site affected.


To resolve this issue, use the resolution that corresponds to the cause you identified in the Diagnose section. After performing the resolution, see the Verify section to confirm that the feature is operating properly.

Cause Resolution

The Windows SharePoint Services Administration service is disabled

Start the administration service

The service account has insufficient permissions to write to the configuration data cache

Assign sufficient permissions to the configuration data cache

An alternate access mapping update failed

Complete the alternate access mapping update

A service instance provisioning failed

Reprovision the service instance

Start the administration service

You must be a member of the SharePoint Administrators group to perform this action.

To start the Windows SharePoint Services Administration service (if you can use at least one instance of Central Administration)

  1. Ensure that you can logon to at least one instance of Central Administration.

  2. In Central Administration, click Operations.

  3. On the Operations page, in the Topology and Services section, click Services on server.

  4. On the Services on server page, select the server you want to start the administration service on from the Server drop-down list.

  5. Select the Custom option.

  6. In the Start services in the table below section, next to Central Administration, click Start.

If the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Administration service still will not start, you need to reprovision Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. To do this, see the Reprovision the service instance section.

Assign sufficient permissions to the configuration data cache

Ensure that the WSS_ADMIN_WPG and WSS_RESTRICTED_WPG local groups have been granted permissions to write to the %systemdrive%\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\config folder.

You must have Modify permissions to the folder to perform this task.

Complete the alternate access mapping update

The event string for event 6397 will provide the alternate access mapping that failed. You can try to re-create the mapping using Central Administration.

You must be a member of the SharePoint Administrators group to perform this task.

To view or change alternate access mapping settings

  1. In Central Administration, click Operations.

  2. On the Operations page, in the Global Configuration section, click Alternate access mappings.

  3. To edit the mapping, click the mapping.

Reprovision the service instance

On the specified server, re-provision the service by using the Psconfig command. For more information about this command-line operation, see Command-line reference for the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard (Windows SharePoint Services).

You must be a member of the SharePoint Administrators group to perform this action.

To reprovision Central Administration by using the Psconfig command-line tool

  1. On the affected server, navigate to the Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN directory.

  2. Open the command line and type the following: psconfig -cmd adminvs -unprovision

  3. This will unprovision the service instance.

  4. Open the command line and type the following: psconfig -cmd adminvs -provision -port-windowsauthprovider onlyusentlm

  5. This will reprovision the service instance. The administration service should now work.


If the SharePoint Administration Service was restarted, run the Stsadm command stsadm -o execadminsvcjobs to ensure all tasks that required the administration service have been completed.

You must be a member of the SharePoint Administrators group to perform this task.

Deployment and topology (Health model)

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 health model