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Mobility performance counters in Lync Server 2013


Topic Last Modified: 2013-02-22

The following tables list the names and descriptions of performance counters that you can use to monitor servers running the Unified Communications Web API (UCWA) and the Lync Server 2013 Mcx Mobility Service.

The category name for the counters in the UCWA table is LS:WEB – UCWA.

The category name for the counters in the Mcx Mobility Service table is LS:WEB - Mobile Communication Service.

Performance Counters for UCWA

Counter Description

Active Application Count

The current number of applications

Active Application Sharing Modality Count

The current number of Application Sharing modality

Active Audio Modality Count

The current number of Audio modality

Active Data Collaboration Modality Count

The current number of Data Collaboration modality

Active Directory Photo Get Latency (ms)

This counter shows the average time (in milliseconds) to retrieve a photo from active directory

Active Messaging Modality Count

The current number of Messaging modality

Active Panoramic Video Modality Count

The current number of Panoramic Video modality

Active Pending Get Count

The number of currently active pending gets; long-held connections to the server

Active Session Count

The current number of endpoints registered in UCWA per application and total

Active User Instance Count

The current number of user instances

Active User Instances without Application

The current number of user instances without application

Active Video Modality Count

The current number of Video modality

Application Creation Requests Received/Second

The per second rate of received application creation requests

AS MCU Join Failures

The number of AS MCU Join Failures

AV MCU Join Failures

The number of AV MCU Join Failures

Average Application Startup Time (ms)

The average application startup time in Milliseconds

Average Lifetime for Session (ms)

The average lifetime for a session in milliseconds

Data MCU Join Failures

The number of Data MCU Join Failures

Exchange Contact Search Latency (ms)

This counter shows the average time (in milliseconds) to search contact in Exchange

Exchange HD Photo Get Latency (ms)

This counter shows the average time (in milliseconds) to retrieve a photo from Exchange

HTTP 4xx Responses/Second

The per second rate of responses with HTTP 4xx code

HTTP 5xx Responses/Second

The per second rate of responses with HTTP 5xx code

IM MCU Join Failures

The number of IM MCU Join Failures

Number of Active Directory Photo Get Failures

The total number of failures to retrieve photos from Active Directory

Number of Contact Search failures

The total number of failures to search contacts in Exchange

Number of Deserialization Failures

The total number of deserialization failures

Number of HD Photo Get Failures

The total number of failures to retrieve HD photos from Exchange

Over The Maximum Subscriptions Per Application

The number of Subscription requests over the maximum allowed per application

Over The Maximum Subscriptions Per Batch

The number of Subscription requests over the maximum allowed per batch

Presence Subscription Failures

The number of failures to subscribe presence

Registering Endpoint Failures

The number of failures to register endpoints

Requests Received/Second

The per second rate of received requests

Requests Succeeded/Second

The per second rate of successful requests (HTTP 2xx/3xx response codes)

Succeeded Create Application Requests/Second

The per second rate of successful application creation requests

Timed Out Pending Get Count

The number of pending gets that timed out

Total Application Creation Requests Received

The total number of application creation requests received since the service was started

Total HTTP 4xx Responses

The total number of HTTP 4xx responses

Total HTTP 5xx Responses

The total number of HTTP 5xx responses

Total Requests Received on the Command Channel

The total number of requests received on the command channel

Total Requests Succeeded

The total number of requests that succeeded

Total Sessions Initiated

The total number of sessions that were initiated since the service was started

Total Sessions Terminated Because of Idle Timeout

The total number of sessions that were terminated because of user idle timeout

Total Throttled Applications

The number of throttled applications

Performance Counters for Mcx Mobility Service

Counter Description

Average Lifetime for a Session in Milliseconds

The average lifetime for a session in milliseconds

Current Push Notification Subscriptions

The current number of push notification subscriptions. This number, in conjunction with Currently Active Session Count, represents the subset of currently active sessions that are registered for Windows Mobile or iPhone devices.

Currently Active Network Timeout Poll Count

The number of network polls that timed out

Currently Active Poll Count

The number of currently active polls (long-held connections to the server)

Currently Active Session Count

Current number of endpoints registered in the Mobility Service

Currently Active Session Count with Active Presence Subscriptions

The number of currently active sessions with active presence subscriptions

Push Notification Requests Failed/Second

The per second rate of failed push notifications

Push Notification Requests Succeeded/Second

The per second rate of successful push notifications

Push Notification Requests Throttled/Second

The per second rate of throttled push notifications

Push Notification Requests/Second

The per second rate of sent push notifications

Requests Failed/Second

The per second rate of failed requests

Requests Received/Second

The per second rate of received requests

Requests Rejected/Second

The per second rate of rejected requests

Requests Succeeded/Second

The per second rate of successful requests

Succeeded Initiate Session Requests/Second

The per second rate of successful Get Location requests. Requests to initiate a session consume the most CPU on the server. Peak supported load is 12/second. Sustainability depends on other loads on the server. Initiate a session typically means a sign-in for a user that has been signed out for an extended period of time.

Total Declined Inbound Voice Calls

The total number of inbound voice calls that were declined

Total Failed Inbound Voice Calls

The total number of inbound voice calls that failed

Total Failed Outbound Voice Calls

The total number of outbound voice calls that failed

Total number of sessions terminated by user

The total number of sessions terminated by users

Total Push Notification Requests

The total number of push notification requests

Total Push Notification Requests Failed

The total number of push notification requests that failed

Total Push Notification Requests Succeeded

The total number of push notification requests that were successful

Total Push Notification Requests Throttled

The total number of push notification requests that were throttled

Total Requests Failed

The total number of requests that failed

Total Requests received on the Command Channel

The total number of requests received on the command channel

Total Requests Rejected

The total number of requests that were rejected

Total Requests Succeeded

The total number of requests made to the Mobility Service that succeeded

Total Session Initiated Count

The total number of sessions that were initiated since the Mobility Service was started

Total Sessions Terminated Because of User Idle Timeout

The total number of sessions that were terminated because of user idle timeout

Total Successful Inbound Voice Calls

The total number of inbound voice calls that were successful

Total Successful Outbound Voice Calls

The total number of outbound voice calls that were successful