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Manually purging the call detail recording and Quality of Experience databases in Lync Server 2013


Topic Last Modified: 2014-07-07

Administrators can configure the Call Detail Recording (CDR) and/or the Quality of Experience (QoE) databases to automatically purge old records from the database; this occurs if purging has been enabled for the specified database (CDR or QoE) and if there are any records that have been in the database longer than the specified amount of time. For example, every day at 1:00 AM administrators might configure the system so that QoE records more than 60 days old will be deleted from the QoE database.

In addition to that automatic purging, two new cmdlets -- Invoke-CsCdrDatabasePurge and Invoke-CsQoEDatbasePurge -- have been added to Microsoft Lync Server 2013; these cmdlets allow administrators to manually purge records from the CDR and the QoE databases at any time. For example, to manually purge all the records more than 10 days old from the CDR database you can use a command similar to this:

Invoke-CsCdrDatabasePurge -Identity -PurgeCallDetailDataOlderThanDays 10 -PurgeDiagnosticDataOlderThanDays 10

In the preceding command both call detail records and diagnostic data records older than 10 days are deleted from the monitoring database on (Call detail records are user/session reports. Diagnostic data records are diagnostic logs uploaded by client applications such as Lync 2013.)

As shown above, when you run the Invoke-CsCdrDatabasePurge cmdlet you must include both the PurgeCallDetaiDataOlderThanDays and the PurgeDiagnosticDataOlderThanDays parameters. However, these parameters do not have to be set to the same value. For example, it's possible to purge call detail records more than 10 days old and yet, at the same time, leave all the diagnostic data records in the database. To do that, set PurgeCallDetailDataOlderThanDays to 10 and PurgeDiagnosticDataOlderThanDays to 0. For example:

Invoke-CsCdrDatabasePurge -Identity -PurgeCallDetailDataOlderThanDays 10 -PurgeDiagnosticDataOlderThanDays 0

By default, any time you run Invoke-CsCdrDatabasePurge you will see a prompt similar to this one for each database table that must be purged:

Are you sure you want to perform this action?
Performing operation "Stored procedure: RtcCleanupDiag" on Target "Target SQL\archinst Database: lcscdr".
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"):

You must type either Y (for Yes) or A (for Yes to All) before the database purging will actually take place. If you would prefer to suppress these confirmation prompts, add the following parameter to the end of your call to Invoke-CsCdrDatabasePurge:


For example:

Invoke-CsCdrDatabasePurge -Identity -PurgeCallDetailDataOlderThanDays 10 -PurgeDiagnosticDataOlderThanDays 10 -Confirm:$False

If you do that, confirmation prompts will not be displayed, and database purging will immediately be performed.

To purge the QoE database, use the Invoke-CsQoEDatabasePurge cmdlet and specify the age (in days) of the records to be deleted:

Invoke-CsQoEDatabasePurge -Identity -PurgeQoEDataOlderThanDays 10