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Delete an existing collection of CDR configuration settings in Lync Server 2013


Topic Last Modified: 2013-02-23

Call Detail Recording (CDR) enables you to track usage of such things as peer-to-peer instant messaging sessions, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone calls, and conferencing calls. This usage data includes information about who called whom, when they called, and how long they talked.

When you install Microsoft Lync Server 2013, a single, global collection of CDR configuration settings is created for you. Administrators also have the option of creating custom setting collections that can be applied to individual sites. By design, settings configured at the site scope take precedence over settings configured at the global scope. If you delete site-scoped settings, then CDR will be managed in that site by using the global settings.

Note that you can also “delete” the global settings. However, the global settings will not actually be removed. Instead, all the properties in that collection will be reset to their default values. For example, by default purging is enabled in a collection of CDR configuration settings. Suppose you modify the global collection so that purging is disabled. If you later delete the global settings, all the properties will be reset to their default values. In this case, that means that purging will once again be enabled.

You can remove CDR configuration settings by using the Lync Server Control Panel or the Remove-CsCdrConfiguration cmdlet.

To remove CDR configuration settings with Lync Server Control Panel

  1. In Lync Server Control Panel, click Monitoring and Archiving.

  2. On the Call Detail Recording tab, select the collection (or collections) of CDR settings to be removed. To select multiple collections, click the first collection, hold down the Ctrl key, and click additional collections.

  3. Click Edit, and then click Delete.

  4. In the Lync Server Control Panel dialog box, click OK.

Removing CDR Configuration Settings by Using Windows PowerShell Cmdlets

You can delete call detail recording configuration settings by using Windows PowerShell and the Remove-CsCdrConfiguration cmdlet. You can run this cmdlet either from the Lync Server 2013 Management Shell or from a remote session of Windows PowerShell. For details about using remote Windows PowerShell to connect to Lync Server, see the Lync Server Windows PowerShell blog article "Quick Start: Managing Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Using Remote PowerShell" at

To remove a specified collection of CDR configuration settings

  • This command removes the CDR configuration settings applied to the Redmond site:

    Remove-CsCdrConfiguration -Identity "site:Redmond"

To remove all the CDR configuration settings applied to the site scope

  • This command removes all the CDR configuration settings applied to the site scope:

    Get-CsCdrConfiguration -Filter "site:*" | Remove-CsCdrConfiguration

To remove all the CDR configuration settings that disable call detail recording

  • This command removes all the CDR configuration settings where Call Detail recording has been disabled:

    Get-CsCdrConfiguration | Where-Object {$_.EnableCDR -eq $False} | Remove-CsCdrConfiguration

For more information, see the help topic for the Remove-CsCdrConfiguration cmdlet.