Applies to: SharePoint Server 2010
Updates a regular expression aliaser.
Set-FASTSearchSecurityRegexAliaser [-Identity] <String> [-CaseSensitive <$true | $false>] [-InputUserStoreId <String>] [-OutputUserStoreIds <String[]>] [-Patterns <List>] [-RegexAliaser <SecurityRegexAliaser>] [-UnicodeCaseSensitive <$true | $false>]
Detailed Description
This cmdlet updates the configuration settings for a regular expression aliaser to map users/groups from one user store to users/groups in other user stores, based on a regular expression pattern.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
Identity |
Required |
System.String |
The identity of the aliaser to update. |
CaseSensitive |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
Specifies whether the regular expressions patterns defined in the RegExAliasPatternMapConfig list are matched based on case sensitivity matching rules. The default is true. |
InputUserStoreId |
Optional |
System.String |
The identity of the mapped-from user store. |
OutputUserStoreIds |
Optional |
System.String[] |
A comma-separated list of mapped-to user store identities. |
Patterns |
Optional |
System.Collections.Generic.List |
List of RegExAliasPatternMapConfig instances containing the regular expression patterns using for the mapping. Use the New-RegExAliasPatternMapConfig cmdlet to create patterns. |
RegexAliaser |
Optional |
Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Extended.Security.PowerShell.Commands.RegexAliaser.SecurityRegexAliaser |
A SecurityRegexAliaser object whose property values are used for the SecurityRegexAliaser aliaser being created. |
UnicodeCaseSensitive |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
Specifies whether the regular expressions patterns defined in the RegExAliasPatternMapConfig list are matched based on Unicode case sensitivity matching rules. |
Input Types
Return Types
---------------EXAMPLE 1-----------------
Set-FASTSearchSecurityRegexAliaser -Identity regex1 -OutputUserStoreIds ln2, ln3
This example modifies the output user store ids for the “regex1” regular expression aliaser.
---------------EXAMPLE 2-----------------
New-FASTSearchSecurityRegexAliaserPattern -Regex .* -InputPropertyName mail -MapToUsername "\1" | Set-FASTSearchSecurityRegexAliaser -Identity regexalias1
This example sets the regular expression pattern for the Regex Aliaser “regexalias1”. The regular expression pattern can be used to map the “mail” property of a Microsoft user store to identities in other user stores.
See Also