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Configure the FAST Search Lotus Notes connector


Applies to: FAST Search Server 2010

The FAST Search Lotus Notes connector is a specialized indexing connector that consists of two parts: a user directory connector and a content connector. The connector gathers content from the Lotus Notes content source. It fully supports Lotus Notes security, including roles, and can index Lotus Notes databases as attachments.

You install the FAST Search Lotus Notes connector by installing FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint. After installation, but before you crawl content, you need to configure two XML files. You configure one file for the content connector and one for the user directory connector. Then, you apply security by configuring FAST Search Authorization (FSA), by creating a local cache and creating a mapping between Lotus Domino users and Active Directory users. After you run user directory connector, you should import the mapping between Domino and Active Directory users into the connector setup. After you run the content connector, you can map additional crawled to managed properties in the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Central Administration.

Before you begin

Before you configure the FAST Search Lotus Notes connector, ensure you meet the following requirements. This topic assumes that you have installed FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010.


If you have deployed FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint on multiple servers, you need to fulfill the requirements on the server that will run the connector, not on all the machines.

  • Install the 32 bit Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.6 or newer.


    Note the path to the installation directory, you will need it during the configuration.

  • Install a 32 bit Lotus Notes Client version 6.5.6 or newer.


    Note the path to the installation directory, you will need it during the configuration.

  • Start the Lotus Notes Client and connect it to the Domino domain at least once before running the connector for the first time. The Active Directory user who runs the FAST Search Lotus Notes connector should access the Lotus Notes content with the permissions of a Domino user who has sufficient permissions to crawl Lotus Notes content.


    It is not sufficient that the user has read permissions on the documents in the database. The user must also have permissions to look up metadata (for example security) on the database, its views and its documents.

    To ensure the Active Directory user running the connector uses the correct Domino user permissions to crawl content:

    1. Copy the ID file of a Domino user with sufficient permissions to the \etc folder of the FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint installation directory.

    2. Start the Lotus Notes Client. The logon dialog will appear. Expand the User drop down menu and select Other user.

    3. The file browser dialog appears. Locate the Domino user ID file that you copied to the \etc folder and click Open.

    4. Continue to log on to the Lotus Notes Client using the selected ID file, and then exit the Lotus Notes Client.

  • Use a SQL Server 2008 Enterprise (or newer) database for tracking the state of items and the connector, instead of a SQL Server Express database, if you plan to crawl more than approximately 2 million items.


    The system generates the file dbconfig.xml in the \etc folder in the FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint installation directory when you configure or reconfigure FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint. If you have to change the database after installation, you must update the connection string in this file.

  • The Lotus Domino Administrator should make sure that all the Active Directory users are added to the user documents in the Domino directory to enable mapping between the Domino user and the Active Directory user who performs the search query from SharePoint.

    This should be done before running the user directory connector. The Active Directory user names should be put in the multi-value field that is named User name in the format DOMAIN\user_name and it should be the bottom value in that field.


    Do not map the Active Directory user running the FAST Search Query Search Service Application to a Domino user document. If you enable mapping for this user, all other user queries will return search results with the permission settings of that user.


    Do not map multiple Domino users to the same Active Directory user or one Domino user to multiple Active Directory users. This is not supported and will lead to errors when you import the mappings.

  • Running the FAST Search Lotus Notes connector against a Lotus Notes client that is using the Client Single Logon Feature is not supported. If the feature is enabled, you can disable it in the Lotus Notes Client. Start the Lotus Notes Client, and open File > Security > User Security. In the dialog that appears, clear the check box before Log in to Notes using your operating system logon. Then exit the Lotus Notes Client. The next time that you start the client, you are prompted for a user name and password.

  • Running the FAST Search Lotus Notes connector with an ID file that contains an embedded password so that you are not prompted to log on when you start the Lotus Notes Client, is not supported. You have to use a user who has an ID file without an embedded password.

Set the system environment variables

The following system environment variables should be set for the FAST Search Lotus Notes connector to work correctly.

You can set environment variables in Windows Server 2008 by clicking Start, right-click Computer, select Properties, and then Advanced System Settings (click Continue if prompted to provide access), click Environment Variables and then click New under System variables. Set each variable individually.


Use Windows Explorer to verify or find the actual file path in your environment.

Variable Description Value


Point this variable to the installation path of the Lotus Notes Client.

Typically C:\Program Files (x86)\lotus\notes


Point this variable to the folder where the Notes Java API (Notes.jar) is located.

Typically C:\Program Files (x86)\lotus\notes\jvm\lib\ext


Point this variable to the folder where the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed.

Note: If you have installed Java Development Kit (JDK), you should point JAVA_HOME to the bundled JRE instead.

Without JDK installed:Typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.6

With JDK installed: Typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_17\jre

See Also


Configure the FAST Search Lotus Notes content connector
Configure the FAST Search Lotus Notes user directory connector
Prepare FAST Search Authorization for use with the FAST Search Lotus Notes connector