lotusnotesconnector.bat reference
Applies to: FAST Search Server 2010
Use the FAST Search Lotus Notes content connector tool, lotusnotesconnector.bat, to extract items from Lotus Notes sources that will be indexed in Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint.
To use a command-line tool, verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: You are a member of the FASTSearchAdministrators local group on the computer where FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint is installed.
<FASTSearchFolder>\bin\lotusnotesconnector.bat <command> [options]
Parameter | Description |
<FASTSearchFolder> |
The path of the folder where you have installed FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint, for example C:\FASTSearch. |
lotusnotesconnector.bat commands
Command | Description |
start |
Starts the Lotus Notes content extraction with the configuration specified in the -f option. Do not start more than one Lotus Notes content extraction using the same configuration file at the same time. |
stop |
Shuts down the Lotus Notes content extraction for the configuration specified in the -f option. After setting the stop flag, the running connector stops gracefully in several minutes. |
testconnections |
Checks the availability of the Lotus Notes sources and FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint resources specified in the configuration file (-f option). |
lotusnotesconnector.bat options
Option | Value | Required? | Description |
-h |
<none> |
No |
Displays help. |
-v |
<none> |
No |
Displays version information and exits. |
-f |
File path of configuration file (absolute or relative reference) |
Yes |
Specifies the configuration file that is used to extract Lotus Notes content. |
To start Lotus Notes content extraction:
<FASTSearchFolder>\bin>lotusnotesconnector.bat start –f ..\etc\my_test_ln_configuration.xml
To stop Lotus Notes content extraction:
<FASTSearchFolder>\bin>lotusnotesconnector.bat stop –f ..\etc\my_test_ln_configuration.xml
You must run the lotusnotesconnector.bat tool from the <FASTSearchFolder>\bin folder and have JAVA_HOME set to a 32-bit JRE (Java 1.6 or newer). You must also point Notes_ExecDirectory to the installation path of the Lotus Notes Client, and NOTES_JAR_LIB to the folder where the file Notes.jar is located.
See Also
lotusnotessecurity.bat reference
lotusnotestemplate.xml reference
lotusnotessecuritytemplate.xml reference