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How to Create Localized Versions of Message Classifications

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 will reach end of support on April 11, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.


Applies to: Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP3

This topic explains how to use the Exchange Management Shell to create localized versions of message classifications in Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.

After you have created a new message classification instance, you can then create localized versions of the message classification. Before the message classification is attached to a recipient e-mail message, Exchange 2007 determines the language of the recipient's mailbox. If a message classification in the corresponding language exists in the Active Directory directory service, Exchange attaches the localized message classification to the message. If a message classification doesn't exist for the language of the recipient, Exchange tries to match the locale of the recipient.

Before the message classification is attached to a recipient message, Exchange determines the locale of the recipient by looking at the locale property on the recipient's mailbox.


Users can set the locale property on their mailbox by logging on to Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access. If a user doesn't log on to Outlook Web Access and set the locale, the user's locale uses the locale of the Exchange server. Alternatively, the mailbox will take the locale of the last Outlook client that has logged on to the mailbox.

If a message classification for the locale of the recipient exists in Active Directory, Exchange will attach the localized message classification to the message. If a message classification doesn't exist for the locale of the recipient, Exchange first looks for a culture-neutral version, such as "es" for "es-MX," or "fr" for "fr-CA." If there is no language-specific or culture-neutral version, Exchange uses the default message classification, regardless of its locale.

Each localized version of a given message classification is a new message classification instance. The Locale parameter defines the locale for a particular message classification instance. The Locale parameter takes a data type of CultureInfo. For more information about the CultureInfo data type, see the table of predefined culture names and identifiers at CultureInfo Class.

When you create a new localized version of a message classification, you actually reference the default instance of the message classification and create a new localized instance of the existing message classification.

Before You Begin

The following example shows how to create a Spanish - Spain ("es-ES") version of an existing message classification.

To run the New-MessageClassification cmdlet or create transport rules, the account you use must be delegated the following:

  • Exchange Organization Administrator role

For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations.


To create a localized version of a message classification

  • In the Exchange Management Shell, run the following command:

    New-MessageClassification Example -Locale es-ES -DisplayName "España Example" -SenderDescription "Este es el texto de la descripción"

For More Information

For more information, see the following topics: