Sdílet prostřednictvím


Please see Azure Cognitive Services for Speech documentation for the latest supported speech solutions.

Microsoft Speech Platform


The following methods may be used to construct the instance.

Creates and sets the instance to NULL.

<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns=""> <strong>void CSpDynamicString( void )</strong> </pre>


None. Initializes string to NULL.

Creates and allocates an instance of the specified number of WCHARs.

<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns=""> <strong>void CSpDynamicString(</strong> <strong> ULONG</strong> <em>cchReserve</em> <strong>);</strong> </pre>


  • cchReserve
    [in] The length of the string to allocate.

Creates and initializes and copies the source string into it.

<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns=""> <strong>void CSpDynamicString(</strong> <strong> const WCHAR</strong> *<em>pSrc</em> <strong>)</strong> </pre>


  • cchReserve
    [in] Initializes the string to pSrc.

Creates and initializes and copies the source string into it.

<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns=""> <strong>void CSpDynamicString(</strong> <strong> const char</strong> *<em>pSrc</em> <strong>)</strong> </pre>


  • pSrc
    [in] Initializes the string to pSrc.

Makes a copy of the CSpDynamicString class string. The current instance is CoTaskMemFree() first, if needed.

<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns=""> <strong>void CSpDynamicString(</strong> <strong> const CSpDynamicString</strong> <em></em>&amp;src; <strong>)</strong> </pre>


  • src
    [in] Initializes the string by copying the string of src.

Allocates an instance and copies the reference GUID into it.

<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns=""> <strong>void CSpDynamicString(</strong> <strong> REFGUID</strong> <em>rguid</em> <strong>)</strong> </pre> Parameters

  • rguid
    [in] Initializes the string from the CLSID of rguid.