Sdílet prostřednictvím


Please see Azure Cognitive Services for Speech documentation for the latest supported speech solutions.

Microsoft Speech Platform


SPWORDPRONUNCIATION contains a single pronunciation for a word.

<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns=""> <strong>typedef struct SPWORDPRONUNCIATION { struct SPWORDPRONUNCIATION </strong> *<em>pNextWordPronunciation</em>; <strong>LANGID </strong><em>LangID</em>; <strong>WORD </strong><em>wPronunciationFlags</em>; <a runat="server" href="jj127472(v=msdn.10).md"><strong>SPPARTOFSPEECH</strong></a> <em>ePartOfSpeech</em>; <strong>SPPHONEID </strong><em>szPronunciation</em>[1]; <strong>} SPWORDPRONUNCIATION</strong>; </pre>


  • pNextWordPronunciation
    Pointer to the next possible pronunciation. May be NULL.
  • LangID
    The language identifier.
  • wPronunciationFlags
    Replaces the previous wReserved field and is a bit field defined by SPPRONUNCIATIONFLAGS.
  • ePartOfSpeech
    The part of speech used by this particular variation.
  • szPronunciation[1]
    This is a null-terminated array of SPPHONID elements defining the pronunciation. It runs off the end of the SPWORDPRONUNCIATION structure and is part of data buffer in the containing SPWORDPRONUNCIATIONLIST structure.


SPWORDPRONUNCIATION is a member of SPWORDPRONUNCIATIONLIST, which is used with ISpEnginePronunciation::GetPronunciations to list possible variations in pronunciation for a given word.