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PublishingPage Members

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Include Inherited Members

Provides publishing-related behavior for an .aspx page that is stored in a PublishingWeb object.

The PublishingPage type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Audience Gets or sets a value that represents the audience that this PublishingPage is targeted to.
Public property Contact Gets or sets the user who currently owns this PublishingPage object.
Public property ContentType Gets the content that is available to this PublishingPage object.
Public property CreatedBy Gets an SPUser object that indicates who created this PublishingPage object.
Public property CreatedDate Gets the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when this PublishingPage object was created.
Public property Description Gets or sets descriptive text for this PublishingPage object.
Public property EndDate Gets or sets the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) at which this ScheduledItem class ends and is no longer visible on the published site. (Inherited from ScheduledItem.)
Public property Fields Gets the underlying SPField object definitions for this PublishingPage object.
Public property IncludeInCurrentNavigation Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the PublishingPage object is included by PortalSitemapProviders that have NavigationType set to "Current".
Public property IncludeInGlobalNavigation Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this PublishingPage object is included by the dynamic portion of the PortalSitemapProvider in the GlobalNavigation mode.
Public property IsDisconnected Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this PublishingPage object is disconnected from its PageLayout object.
Public property Label Gets the VariationLabel object in whose hierarchy this PublishingWeb object is situated.
Public property LastModifiedBy Gets the SPUser object that represents the user who last modified this PublishingPage object.
Public property LastModifiedDate Gets the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when this PublishingPage object was last modified.
Public property Layout Gets and sets the PageLayout for this PublishingPage object.
Public property ListItem Gets the underlying SPListItem object that is wrapped by the ScheduledItem object. (Inherited from ScheduledItem.)
Public property LocalContactEmail Gets or sets the e-mail address of the local contact for this PublishingPage object.
Public property LocalContactImage Gets or sets a URL that refers to an image that is associated with the local contact for the PublishingPage object.
Public property LocalContactName Gets or sets a name that identifies the local contact of this PublishingPage object.
Public property Name Gets the URL name for this PublishingPage object.
Public property PublishingWeb Gets the PublishingWeb object that contains this ScheduledItem object. (Inherited from ScheduledItem.)
Public property RequiresRouting
Public property ReviewRequestInterval Gets or sets the interval between content review request notifications.
Public property ReviewRequestIntervalUnit Gets or sets the unit of time used by the content review request notification interval.
Public property ReviewRequestTimeSpan Gets the span of time between content review request notifications.
Public property ScheduleEndNotificationInterval Gets or sets the interval of time before end-of-schedule notifications are sent.
Public property ScheduleEndNotificationIntervalUnit Gets or sets the unit of time used for the EndDate schedule notification interval.
Public property ScheduleEndNotificationTimeSpan Gets the span of time prior to the PublishingPage object's EndDate that the end-of-schedule e-mail notification is sent.
Public property StartDate Gets or sets the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) at which this ScheduledItem object becomes a visible part of the published Web site. (Inherited from ScheduledItem.)
Public property Title Gets or sets the title that is displayed for this PublishingPage object.
Public property Uri Gets the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this PublishingPage object.
Public property Url Gets the server-relative URL for PublishingPage object.
Public property VariationPageUrls Gets a StringCollection object of URLs that point to Variation peer PublishingPage objects associated with this PublishingPage object.



  Name Description
Public method CheckIn Checks in this PublishingPage object.
Public method CheckOut Checks out this PublishingPage instance for editing.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetEffectiveAnonymousPageCacheProfileId Returns the current cache profile identifier (ID) that this page uses if output is cached for an anonymous user.
Public method GetEffectiveAuthenticatedPageCacheProfileId Getsthe current cache profile identifier (ID) that this page uses if output is cached for an authenticated user.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member GetPublishingPage Gets a PublishingPage object instance that wraps the given SPListItem object.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetVariation Get the peer VariationPublishingPage object that belongs to this PublishingPage object for the specified Label.
Public methodStatic member IsPublishingPage Confirms that an SPListItem is compatible with the PublishingPage object.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method QuickDeploy Deploys this PublishingPage object by using the QuickDeploy method.
Public methodStatic member Route(PublishingPage)
Public methodStatic member Route(PublishingPage, String)
Public method Schedule() Schedules an instance of the SPListItem class to be automatically approved (start) and to be unpublished (end) on specified dates. (Inherited from ScheduledItem.)
Public method Schedule(String) Schedules an SPListItem object to automatically be approved (start) and be unpublished (end) on specified dates. (Inherited from ScheduledItem.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Update Commits changes to this PublishingPage object.
Public method UpdateContentFromSourceDocument Updates a PublishingPageobject created by converting a document and reruns the conversion.



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member DisconnectedPublishingPageUrl Specifies a value that indicates whether the publishing page is disconnected.


See Also


PublishingPage Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing Namespace