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Microsoft.SharePoint.MobileControls Namespace

Provides server controls for rendering SharePoint sites, pages, forms, and lists that are accessible from mobile devices such as SmartPhones or Pocket PCs.


  Class Description
Public class SPHtmlMobileTextWriter Provides an override of the WriteFullBeginTag() method to enable the writing of a special version of the page's <HTML> tag.
Public class SPMobileAddViewFilterNavigation Renders the navigation control that takes the user to the view filter page.
Public class SPMobileAllContentPageNavigation Renders a link to the All Site Content page.
Public class SPMobileAttachmentsField Renders a field that holds one or more attachments to files.
Public class SPMobileAttendeesSpecificField Renders the login name of the current user as an attendee for a shared or group calendar.
Public class SPMobileBaseChoiceField Provides core functionality for controls that render fields whose value is usually selected by users from a set of options, such as a drop-down list, a set of option buttons, or a set of check boxes.
Public class SPMobileBaseFieldControl Provides rendering of a field, including conditional rendering relative to page type.
Public class SPMobileBaseNumberField Renders a field that holds a number value (a Double).
Public class SPMobileBaseNumberFieldValidator Provides validation of the Double values of controls that are derived from SPBaseNumberField.
Public class SPMobileBaseTextField Renders a field that holds a string value.
Public class SPMobileBlogPictureUploadPanel Renders a label and file upload control that allows content to be selected for upload to SharePoint Foundation.
Public class SPMobileBooleanField Renders a field that holds a Boolean value.
Public class SPMobileBusinessDataField Provides the control that is used to render the value of an SPBusinessDataField object on a mobile page.
Public class SPMobileButtonNavigation Renders a clickable control, usually in the Footer (Navigation) section of a mobile page, that performs a function and causes a postback.
Public class SPMobileCalculatedField Renders a field that holds a calculated value.
Public class SPMobileCalendarViewSelectPersonButton Renders the clickable button control that redirects the user to the calendar view page based on the people or group selection.
Public class SPMobileCancelNavigation Renders a clickable Cancel control on a form for a mobile site.
Public class SPMobileCategoryPicker Renders a control for selecting a category from the Categories list on a mobile blog site.
Public class SPMobileChangeViewFilterNavigation Renders the Change Filter link displayed on mobile list view pages that allows the user to navigate to the view filter page.
Public class SPMobileChoiceField Renders a field that gets a value when a user picks exactly one option from a finite number of options.
Public class SPMobileChtmlFormAdapter Provides the form adapter class for the CHTML adapter set, which adds markup to the head section of the page.
Public class SPMobileClearViewFilterNavigation Renders the Clear Filter link displayed on mobile list view pages that clears the FilterField and FilterValue query strings.
Public class SPMobileCommentsCancelNavigation Renders a clickable Cancel control on a create comment form for a mobile blog site.
Public class SPMobileCommentsDeleteNavigation Renders a clickable Delete control on a Delete Comment form for a mobile blog site.
Public class SPMobileCommentsDeletePageNavigation Renders a hyperlink to a page on a mobile blog site on which a comment can be deleted.
Public class SPMobileCommentsItemFieldIterator Renders the fields in the current comment by creating the controls for each field, subject to certain exclusions.
Public class SPMobileCommentsListItemIterator Renders a list of comments on a mobile blog site that are returned by a query.
Public class SPMobileCommentsListViewNavigation Renders a link to a page that shows a list of comments for a post on a mobile blog site.
Public class SPMobileCommentsNavigation Renders a link to a Comments-oriented page on a mobile blog site.
Public class SPMobileCommentsNewFormNavigation Renders a link to a form on which a user can create a new comment for a post on a mobile blog site.
Public class SPMobileCommentsSaveNavigation Renders a clickable control on a "create comment" form, for a mobile blog site, that saves the comment.
Public class SPMobileCommentsTitleControl Renders a control for the title of a list of comments on a mobile blog site.
Public class SPMobileComponent Provides the common behaviors of mobile rendering controls in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Public class SPMobileCompositeField Specifies the ID of a RenderingTemplate for composite fields on mobile web sites.
Public class SPMobileComputedField Renders, on a mobile page, a field whose value is computed at run time.
Public class SPMobileContactsSimpleViewItemFieldIterator Renders a very short, simple version of a particular contact and a link to the display form of that contact.
Public class SPMobileControlContainer Groups child controls together to improve the chance that they are not split by pagination and to enable common formatting.
Public class SPMobileCreatedModifiedPanel Implements a container that renders the list item creation and modification details.
Public class SPMobileCreationType Renders the creation type of a list item by using a child label control.
Public class SPMobileCurrencyField Renders, on a mobile page, a field for a currency value.
Public class SPMobileCurrentDateTimeSpecificField Renders a field for a date and time value on a mobile page, in a way that is appropriate for the type of page, such as New, Edit, or Display; and this class also supplies the current local time to the appropriate field on the New page.
Public class SPMobileDateTimeField Renders on a mobile page a field for a date time value in a manner that is appropriate for the type of page, such as New, Edit, or Display.
Public class SPMobileDateTimeFieldValidator Verifies the value of a SPFieldDateTime on a mobile page.
Public class SPMobileDateTimeInputValidator Provides a control that verifies the value of the SPMobileGroupBoardDateTimeInput() control on a mobile page.
Public class SPMobileDeleteMessageLabel Renders the text of the confirmation message that is presented to the user after an attempt to delete a list item.
Public class SPMobileDeleteNavigation Renders a clickable delete control on a form for a mobile Web site.
Public class SPMobileDeletePageNavigation Renders a hyperlink to a page on a mobile web site on which a list item can be deleted.
Public class SPMobileDiscussionBoardSaveNavigation Renders a clickable control on a "create discussion board" form, for a mobile Web site, that saves the discussion board.
Public class SPMobileDiscussionFieldIterator Renders the fields for a discussion folder item by creating the controls for each field, subject to certain exclusions.
Public class SPMobileDispFormNavigation Renders a link to a form that displays a particular item from a list.
Public class SPMobileEditFormNavigation Renders a link to a form that enables the editing of a particular item from a list.
Public class SPMobileErrorLabel Renders the label control that displays the current error message.
Public class SPMobileEventsCancelNavigation Renders a clickable Cancel control on a create event or edit event form for a mobile site.
Public class SPMobileEventsEditFormNavigation Obsolete. Renders a link to a form that enables the editing of a particular event.
Public class SPMobileEventsListItemIterator Renders a list of calendar events that are returned by a query.
Public class SPMobileEventsNewFormNavigation Renders the navigation link control that takes the user to the page for creating a new calendar item.
Public class SPMobileEventsSaveNavigation Renders a clickable control on a "create event" or "edit event" form that saves the event on a mobile web site.
Public class SPMobileEventsSimpleViewItemFieldIterator Renders a very short, simple version of each field in the current Events list with links to each field.
Public class SPMobileEventsViewPeoplePicker Renders the people picker control for the daily calendar view page.
Public class SPMobileFieldLabel Renders the label for a column value for a list item.
Public class SPMobileFieldMetaData Provides two crucial properties DisplayName, and InternalName, that needed by all field-rendering controls on mobile pages in SharePoint Foundation.
Public class SPMobileFieldProperty Renders a property of a field in a mobile context.
Public class SPMobileFieldPropertyLabel Renders the name of a property of the current field by using a child label control.
Public class SPMobileFieldValidator Verifies that the value (in the UI) of a particular field for a particular list item meets any restrictions on values for that field.
Public class SPMobileFileField Renders, on a mobile page, a field that holds a file.
Public class SPMobileFileUploadBrowser Renders the control on a mobile page for browsing to and getting a file.
Public class SPMobileFileUploadBrowserInputValidator Verifies the file selected by the user for upload on the upload document mobile page.
Public class SPMobileFileUploadButton Renders a clickable button control that uploads the selected file to SharePoint Foundation.
Public class SPMobileFilterFieldSelectionControl Provides a control that renders a dropdown list to let the user select one of the view fields.
Public class SPMobileFilterStatusLabel Renders the control that displays the current view filter that is applied to the mobile list view page.
Public class SPMobileFilterValueInputControl Renders the input control for the user to enter the value of the filter.
Public class SPMobileFolder Renders the name of a folder by using a child label control.
Public class SPMobileFolderFieldIterator Renders the fields for a folder item by creating the controls for each field, subject to certain exclusions.
Public class SPMobileForm Groups mobile controls together.
Public class SPMobileFormattedString Renders a string to which composite formatting is applied.
Public class SPMobileFormDigest Inserts a security validation in a mobile Web site page.
Public class SPMobileGenericListIterator Provides the control that reads the generic lists in the current mobile site and displays them in a list.
Public class SPMobileGuidField Renders, on a mobile page, a field that holds a GUID.
Public class SPMobileHomePageNavigation Renders a link to the mobile view of the current Web site’s home page.
Public class SPMobileHomePageRedirection Redirects the user to the mobile home page.
Public class SPMobileHtmlFormAdapter Provides the form adapter for the HTML adapter set.
Public class SPMobileHtmlLabelAdapter Wraps the HtmlLabelAdapter control but renders it in a way that is sensitive to the language direction.
Public class SPMobileHtmlLinkAdapter Wraps the HtmlLinkAdapter control but renders it in a way that is sensitive to the language direction.
Public class SPMobileHtmlPageAdapter Provides the page adapter class that adds an indication to the <HTML> tag of the page if the reading direction of the language is right-to-left (e.g. Arabic or Hebrew).
Public class SPMobileHtmlPanelAdapter Wraps the HtmlPanelAdapter control but renders it in a way that is sensitive to the language direction.
Public class SPMobileHtmlTextBoxAdapter Wraps the HtmlTextBoxAdapter control but renders it in a way that is sensitive to the language direction.
Public class SPMobileHtmlTextViewAdapter Wraps the HtmlTextViewAdapter control but renders it in a way that is sensitive to the language direction.
Public class SPMobileImage Renders an image control whose visible weight can be configured.
Public class SPMobileImageSizeSpecificField Represents a field (column) in a list of images that contains the dimensions of an image.
Public class SPMobileItemFieldIterator Renders the fields in the current list item by creating the controls for each field, subject to certain exclusions.
Public class SPMobileItemValidationFailedMessage Provides the control that displays an error message about a list item validation failure if an error occurs while the list is being updated.
Public class SPMobileLabel Renders the label control whose visible weight can be configured.
Public class SPMobileLink Renders the hyperlink control whose visible weight can be configured.
Public class SPMobileLinkNavigation Renders, on a mobile page, usually in the Footer (Navigation) section, a link control that opens a page.
Public class SPMobileList Contains information about a list on a mobile page.
Public class SPMobileListContents Specifies the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the main content area of a mobile page or form other than the home page.
Public class SPMobileListField Renders the value of a particular field (column) in a particular row, either as a simple label control or, depending on the field type and page type, as a UI element.
Public class SPMobileListFieldIterator Specifies a template for rendering the fields of a list item or folder.
Public class SPMobileListFieldRendering Specifies the <RenderingTemplate> that renders a field on a mobile list view or form.
Public class SPMobileListFieldSelector Specifies the name of the <RenderingTemplate> element to be used when rendering a field on a mobile form.
Public class SPMobileListItem Renders the title of an item on its display form and edit form by using a child label control.
Public class SPMobileListItemIterator Renders a list of items that are returned by a query.
Public class SPMobileListIterator Obsolete. Renders the list of lists for a mobile site.
Public class SPMobileListNavigation Specifies the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the footer area of a mobile page or form other than the home page.
Public class SPMobileListTemplateSelector Selects, based on the current type of list, a RenderingTemplate template to render a list on a mobile page.
Public class SPMobileListTitle Specifies the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the header area of a mobile page or form other than the home page.
Public class SPMobileListTitleControl Renders the title of a list on a mobile Web site by using a child label or link control.
Public class SPMobileListView Renders the title of a mobile list view on the page by using a child label or child link control.
Public class SPMobileListViewIterator Renders the list of mobile views for a list.
Public class SPMobileListViewNavigation Renders a link to a page that shows a list.
Public class SPMobileLogOffCancelNavigation Renders a clickable Cancel button on a mobile log-off page to redirect the user to the page that was opened before the log-off page.
Public class SPMobileLogoutPageNavigation Renders a clickable control, on a mobile page, that opens a logout page.
Public class SPMobileLookupField Renders, on a mobile page, a lookup field in a manner that is appropriate to the type of page, such as New, Edit, or Display.
Public class SPMobileMailToSpecificField Renders a link that opens a new outgoing e-mail message.
Public class SPMobileModStatField Renders, on a mobile page, a field that indicates the moderation status of a list item in a manner that is appropriate for the type of page, such as New, Edit, or Display.
Public class SPMobileMultiChoiceField Renders a field, on a mobile page, in which users can select multiple values.
Public class SPMobileMultipleLookupField Renders a lookup field, on a mobile page, for which users can select multiple values.
Public class SPMobileMultiTextBox A multiline textbox control, which maintains its state through a private view state.
Public class SPMobileMultiUserField Renders a field, on a mobile page, in which multiple users and groups can be selected.
Public class SPMobileNavigation Renders a clickable control that performs some action on a mobile page; typically, the action is to open another page.
Public class SPMobileNewFormNavigation Renders a link to a form on which a user can create a new item for a list.
Public class SPMobileNextItemNavigation Navigates the user to the display form of the next list item.
Public class SPMobileNoBreakSpace Renders a non-breaking space.
Public class SPMobileNoteField Renders, on a mobile page, a field that holds a note; that is, multiple lines of text.
Public class SPMobileNoteFieldValidator Verifies the value of a field that holds a note.
Public class SPMobileNumberField Renders a field, on a mobile page, that holds a Double.
Public class SPMobileNumberFieldValidator Verifies the value in a field that holds a Double.
Public class SPMobilePaddedPanel Renders the panel control with the predetermined padding styles.
Public class SPMobilePage Represents a page on a Web site that is designed for viewing on the small screens of mobile devices.
Public class SPMobilePageContents Specifies the ID of the entry point <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the main contents of a mobile Web page.
Public class SPMobilePageNavigation Specifies the ID of the entry point <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the navigation (footer) area of a mobile Web page.
Public class SPMobilePageTitle Specifies the ID of the entry point <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the title of a mobile Web page.
Public class SPMobilePaginateNavigation Renders a control consisting of hyperlinks to the first and last pages of a paginated set.
Public class SPMobileParentWebControls Renders a control that contains a link to the parent web page.
Public class SPMobilePeoplePickerForm Renders the control for picking people.
Public class SPMobilePeoplePickerTitle Provides a control that renders a title for the mobile people picker form.
Public class SPMobilePeopleSearchButton Triggers a people search based on the user input.
Public class SPMobilePeopleSearchInputPane Renders the input text box for people search.
Public class SPMobilePeopleSearchResultPane Renders a control for displaying the search results.
Public class SPMobilePhoneCallSpecificField Renders a telephone number.
Public class SPMobilePicLibNavigation Provides the control that holds the navigation components in the mobile picture library page.
Public class SPMobilePostsCancelNavigation Renders a clickable cancel control on a Create Post form for a mobile blog site.
Public class SPMobilePostsDeleteNavigation Renders a clickable delete control on a delete post form for a mobile blog site.
Public class SPMobilePostsDispFormNavigation Renders a link to a page that displays a particular post on a mobile blog site.
Public class SPMobilePostsHomePageNavigation Obsolete. Renders a link to the home page of a mobile blog site.
Public class SPMobilePostsItemFieldIterator Renders the fields in the current post by creating the controls for each field, subject to certain exclusions.
Public class SPMobilePostsListItemIterator Renders a list of posts on a mobile blog site that are returned by a query.
Public class SPMobilePostsListNavigation Specifies the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the footer area of a list of posts on a mobile Web site.
Public class SPMobilePostsListTitle Specifies the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the header area of a list of posts on a mobile web site.
Public class SPMobilePostsListViewNavigation Renders a link to a page that shows a list of posts on a mobile blog site.
Public class SPMobilePostsNewFormNavigation Renders a link to a form on which a user can create a new post on a mobile blog site.
Public class SPMobilePostsRefreshNavigation Renders a clickable control, on the posts list page of a mobile blog site, that reloads the posts list page.
Public class SPMobilePostsSaveNavigation Renders a clickable control on a "create post" form, for a mobile blog site, that saves the post, but does not publish it.
Public class SPMobilePreviousItemNavigation Renders the control that navigates the user to the display form of the previous item.
Public class SPMobilePublishNavigation Renders a clickable control on a "publish post" form, for a mobile blog site, that saves and (optionally) publishes the post; that is, makes it visible to other site visitors.
Public class SPMobileRecurrenceField Renders, on a mobile page, a field on a list of calendar events that indicates whether the item is a recurring event.
Public class SPMobileRefreshNavigation Renders a clickable control on a SharePoint Foundation mobile page that reloads the current page.
Public class SPMobileRightToLeftMark Renders an HTML right-to-left mark (RLM) to the page.
Public class SPMobileSaveNavigation Renders a clickable control on a SharePoint mobile web site page that will save the item the user has created, such as a list item, blog post, or blog comment.
Public class SPMobileSelectionList Renders the selection list control that maintains the state of the selected option or options via the private view state.
Public class SPMobileSelectPeoplePickerFormButton Renders a clickable button control that switches to the mobile people picker form.
Public class SPMobileSelectPersonButton Renders a clickable button control that selects a person or group and sends the value to the SPMobilePeopleSearchResultPane control instance on the people picker form.
Public class SPMobileSelectStandardFormButton Renders a clickable button control that switches to the standard mobile form for the page.
Public class SPMobileSimpleViewFolderFieldIterator Renders the field for a folder item in simple list view by creating the controls.
Public class SPMobileSimpleViewItemFieldIterator Renders the mobile simple view field.
Public class SPMobileSimpleViewListFieldIterator Specifies a template for rendering the fields of a list item or folder in simple view.
Public class SPMobileSubWebControls Renders links to the sites and workspaces located under the current site.
Public class SPMobileSwitchPageViewNavigation Renders the navigation control that switches to Simple View, Detail View, or Thumbnail View in the mobile list view page.
Public class SPMobileTemplateSelector Selects, based on current context information such as type of site and type of list, a RenderingTemplate template to render part of a mobile page.
Public class SPMobileTextBox Represents a textbox control that maintains its state through a private view state.
Public class SPMobileTextField Renders, on a mobile page, a field for a single line of text.
Public class SPMobileTextFieldValidator Verifies the value of a single line of text field on a mobile page.
Public class SPMobileTextView Wraps the TextView class, but adds a property that enables the reading direction of the text to be specified.
Public class SPMobileThumbnail Renders a thumbnail image for the current image file.
Public class SPMobileThumbnailViewItemFieldIterator Renders the current list item as a thumbnail picture.
Public class SPMobileThumbnailViewListFieldIterator Specifies a template for rendering the fields of a list item or folder in thumbnail view.
Public class SPMobileThumbnailViewListItemIterator Renders a list of thumbnail pictures that are returned by a query.
Public class SPMobileUpFolderNavigation Renders a link to the parent folder of the current subfolder on a mobile SharePoint site.
Public class SPMobileUploadPageNavigation Provides the control that renders a link to the mobile file upload page.
Public class SPMobileUrlField Renders, on a mobile page, a field for a URL.
Public class SPMobileUrlFieldValidator Verifies the value of a URL field on a mobile page.
Public class SPMobileUrlRedirection Obsolete. Specifies the file name and URL of a page to which a mobile device should be redirected.
Public class SPMobileUserField Renders, on a mobile page, a field in which a user is looked up in a list of users.
Public class SPMobileViewFilterPageTitle Renders the label that is used as the title of the mobile list view filter page.
Public class SPMobileViewFilterSaveNavigation Renders the clickable button control that redirects the user to the mobile list view page with the applied view filter.
Public class SPMobileVpnLogOffPlaceHolder Provides the control that renders a placeholder comment for the SSL VPN logout link.
Public class SPMobileWeb Renders the title of a mobile Web site by using a child label control.
Public class SPMobileWebContents Specifies the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the main contents area of a mobile home page.
Public class SPMobileWebNavigation Specifies the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the footer area of a mobile home page.
Public class SPMobileWebPageLibraryItemFieldIterator Renders the fields in the current Web page library item by creating the controls for each field, subject to certain exclusions.
Public class SPMobileWebTemplateSelector Selects, based on the type of the current site, a RenderingTemplate template to either render a section (Header, Contents, or Footer) of a mobile home page or redirect the mobile device to a home page.
Public class SPMobileWebTitle Specifies the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the header area of a mobile home page.
Public class SPMobileWebUrlRedirect Specifies, for a particular Web type (such as BLOG, STS, SGS, or a custom Web type), the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that identifies the file that serves as the site's home page for mobile devices.
Public class SPMobileWikiAllPagesNavigation Renders a link to a mobile page that shows a list of all mobile pages that correspond to nonmobile wiki-enabled pages.
Public class SPMobileWikiPage Represents the mobile version of a SharePoint wiki page that can have Web Parts.
Public class SPMobileWikiTextPageNavigation Renders the link that navigates the user to the display form of the wiki page.
Public class SPMobileWikiWebPartPageNavigation Renders a link to a mobile page that corresponds to a nonmobile Web Parts page.
Public class SPMobileWorkflowStatusField Renders the value of a SPFieldWorkflowStatus object on a mobile page.
Public class SPMobileXhtmlLabelAdapter Wraps the XhtmlLabelAdapter control but renders it in a way that is sensitive to the language direction.
Public class SPMobileXhtmlLinkAdapter Wraps the XhtmlLinkAdapter control but renders it in a way that is sensitive to the language direction.
Public class SPMobileXhtmlPageAdapter Provides the page adapter that adds the “dir” attribute to the HTML tag for the XHTML adapter set.
Public class SPMobileXhtmlPanelAdapter Wraps the XhtmlPanelAdapter control but renders it in a way that is sensitive to the language direction.
Public class SPMobileXhtmlTextBoxAdapter Wraps the XhtmlTextBoxAdapter control but renders it in a way that is sensitive to the language direction.
Public class SPMobileXhtmlTextViewAdapter Wraps the XhtmlTextViewAdapter control but renders it in a way that is sensitive to the language direction.
Public class SPMobileZipCodeSpecificField Renders a control that displays a ZIP code.
Public class SPMoblogPage Represents a page on a SharePoint blog site that is designed for viewing on the small screens of mobile devices.
Public class SPXhtmlMobileTextWriter Provides an override of the WriteFullBeginTag() method to enable the writing of a special version of the page's <HTML> tag.


  Interface Description
Public interface ISPMobileHead Defines a method that adds the data into the head section of the page.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration SPMobileListViewIteratorFormat Specifies the format of a list of mobile list views, either drop-down or paginated list.
Public enumeration SPMobilePageType Specifies the major types of SharePoint mobile web pages.
Public enumeration SPMobilePageViewMode Specifies the view modes of the SharePoint Foundation mobile web page.
Public enumeration SPMobileTextDirection Specifies the reading direction of a run of text in a control such as a label or text box.