Sdílet prostřednictvím

SiteProvision Method

Applies to: SharePoint Foundation 2010

Requests that Microsoft SharePoint Foundation add the default set of lists to an existing Web site. The set of SharePoint lists is specified in the Onet.xml file, which resides on the Web server running SharePoint Foundation.

<Method ID="Text">
  <SetVar Name="Cmd">SiteProvision</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="CreateLists">[True|False]</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="SiteTemplate">Text</SetVar>




ID = "Text"

Application-specific string. In an HTML editor compatible with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services, such as Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007, the string provides the sequence number and name of the method.

Name = "Cmd"

Must be set to SiteProvision.

Name = "CreateLists"

Boolean. TRUE to create the default types of SharePoint lists as specified in the Onet.xml file residing on the server; otherwise, FALSE.

Name = "SiteTemplate"

Text. Specifies the site definition configuration to use to instantiate the site. If not specified, by default SharePoint Foundation creates the site by using the standard Team Site configuration. The following site definition configurations are included by default in an installation of SharePoint Foundation.

  • STS#0   Team Site

  • STS#1   Blank Site

  • STS#2   Document Workspace

  • MPS#0   Basic Meeting Workspace

  • MPS#1   Blank Meeting Workspace

  • MPS#2   Decision Meeting Workspace

  • MPS#3   Social Meeting Workspace

  • MPS#4   Multipage Meeting Workspace

  • BLOG#0   Blog

  • SGS#0   Basic Group Work Site

  • SGS#1   Blank Group Work Site

  • WIKI#0   Wiki

Note that WIKI provides a site definition configuration for legacy wiki sites that were originally created in an earlier version of SharePoint Foundation. Because standard site pages on SGS sites are wiki-enabled pages, you do not need to create sites that are specifically for wikis.


<ows:Batch OnError="Return">
  <Method ID="0,SiteProvision">
    <SetVar Name="Cmd">SiteProvision</SetVar>
    <SetVar Name="CreateLists">True</SetVar>
    <SetVar Name="SiteTemplate">STS#0</SetVar>