Sdílet prostřednictvím


Applies to: Office 2010 | Outlook 2010 | Visual Studio

Information for downloading a hierarchy from the server during the download hierarchy state, which is part of a full hierarchy synchronization. This downloading process uses Microsoft Exchange Incremental Change Synchronization (ICS). For more information on ICS, see ICS Evaluation Criteria.

Quick Info

struct DNHIER 
    ULONG ulFlags; 
    LPSTREAM pstmReserved; 
    PXIHC pxihc; 
    UINT cEntNew; 
   UINT cEntMod; 
    UINT cEntDel; 


  • ulFlags
    [in] Flags to determine the appropriate behavior during the download.

    • DNH_OK

      • [in] Download was successful. The client sets this after downloading information from the server.
  • pstmReserved
    [out] This member is reserved for the internal use of Outlook and is not supported.

  • pxihc
    [out] Pointer to the IExchangeImportHierarchyChanges hierarchy interface that supports downloading incremental hierarchy changes. For more information on IExchangeImportHierarchyChanges, see ICS Evaluation Criteria.

  • cEntNew
    [out] Number of folders added to the local store. Outlook populates this value during the downloading when using ICS.

  • cEntMod
    [out] Number of folders to be modified on the local store. Outlook populates this value during the downloading when using ICS.

  • cEntDel
    [out] Number of folders to be deleted on the local store. Outlook populates this value during the downloading when using ICS.

See Also


About the Replication State Machine

MAPI Constants