OlkTimeControl.Time Property (Outlook)
Returns or sets a Date that represents the time value currently selected in the control. Read/write.
Version Information
Version Added: Outlook 2007
expression .Time
expression A variable that represents an OlkTimeControl object.
The default value is Dec 30, 1899 12:00 AM.
When using the time control to indicate a duration (that is, the Style is olTimeStyleDuration), if the duration is longer than 24 hours, the Time property will indicate the duration from Dec 30, 1899 12:00 AM. For example, a duration spanning 24 hours will return a Date value of Dec 31 1899 12:00 AM. If this is a duration value for an appointment and you would like to determine an end time for the appointment, you can add this value to the ReferenceTime property value.