FormControlCommandIds.CommandIds Enumeration
The CommandIds enumeration is used to send commands to the FormControl object.
Namespace: Microsoft.Office.InfoPath
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.FormControl (in Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.FormControl.dll)
Public Enumeration CommandIds
Dim instance As FormControlCommandIds.CommandIds
public enum CommandIds
Member name | Description | |
ShowMergeFormDialog | Displays the Merge Forms dialog box | |
ShowImportFormDataDialog | Displays the Merge Forms dialog box. | |
ShowExportToWebDialog | Displays the Export to Web dialog box | |
WorkOffline | Sets the application to work offline | |
Close | Closes the application | |
Save | Performs a save operation | |
SaveAs | Performas a save as operation | |
ShowExportToExcelDialog | Displays the Export to Excel Wizard dialog box | |
Submit | Submits the form | |
GetSubmitButtonCaption | Gets the caption of the submit button | |
GotoNextErrorOnView | Repositions the focus to the next error in the current view | |
ShowCurrentErrorMessage | Displays the current error message | |
ShowSetLanguageDialog | Displays the Language dialog box | |
InsertPictureFromFile | Inserts a picture from a file | |
ShowInsertTableDialog | Displays the Insert Table dialog box | |
ShowSplitCellsDialog | Displays the Split Cells dialog box | |
ShowTablePropertiesDialog | Displays the Table Properties dialog box | |
ShowFormatPictureDialog | Displays the Format Picture dialog box | |
ShowBordersShadingDialog | Displays the Borders and Shading dialog box | |
ShowInsertHyperlinkDialog | Displays the Insert Hyperlink dialog box | |
ShowEditHyperlinkDialog | Displays the Edit Hyperlink dialog box | |
InsertNumberedList | Inserts a numbered list on selected text using the default numbering | |
InsertBulletedList | Inserts a bulleted list on selected text using the default bullet | |
FormatPainterApplyFormatting | Applies formatting from the Format Painter | |
FormatPainterCopyFormatting | Copies formatting of selected items to the Format Painter | |
FormatPainterApplyFormattingPersistent | Applies formatting from the Format Painter in double-click mode (multiple-selection) | |
SetFontFormattingBold | Sets the font formatting of the selected text to bold | |
SetFontFormattingItalic | Sets the font formatting of the selected text to italic | |
SetFontFormattingUnderline | Sets the font formatting of the selected text to underline | |
SetFontFormattingSuperscript | Sets the font formatting of the selected text to superscript | |
SetFontFormattingSubscript | Sets the font formatting of the selected text to subscript | |
SetFontFormattingStrikethrough | Sets the font formatting of the selected text to strikethrough | |
AlignTextLeft | Aligns selected text on the left | |
AlignTextCenter | Aligns selected text in the center | |
AlignTextRight | Aligns selected text on the right | |
AlignTextJustify | Justifies selected text | |
SetTextDirectionDefault | Sets the text direction to the default text direction | |
SetTextDirectionLeftToRight | Sets the text direction to left to right | |
SetTextDirectionRightToLeft | Sets the text direction to right to left | |
SetSingleLineSpacing | Sets line spacing to single | |
Set15LineSpacing | Sets paragraph spacing to 1.5 lines | |
SetDoubleLineSpacing | Sets line spacing to double | |
InsertNumberedListDecimal | Inserts a numbered list on selected text using decimals | |
InsertNumberedListAlphaLowercase | Inserts a numbered list on selected text using the lowercase letters | |
InsertNumberedListAlphaUppercase | Inserts a numbered list on selected text using the uppercase letters | |
InsertNumberedListRomanLowercase | Inserts a numbered list on selected text using the lowercase Roman numerals | |
InsertNumberedListRomanUppercase | Inserts a numbered list on selected text using the uppercase Roman numeral | |
InsertBulletedListSolidCircle | Inserts a bulleted list on selected text using the solid circle bullet | |
InsertBulletedListEmptyCircle | Inserts a bulleted list on selected text using the empty circle bullet | |
InsertBulletedListSolidSquare | Inserts a bulleted list on selected text using the solid square bullet | |
DrawTable | Draws a table | |
EraseTable | Erases a table and retains table contents | |
Cut | Cuts selected items | |
Copy | Copies selected items | |
Paste | Pastes items from the clipboard | |
SelectAll | Selects all items in the view | |
Undo | Performs an undo operation | |
Redo | Performs a redo operation | |
ClearNumberedList | Removes numbers from selected items that have been numbered | |
ClearBulletedList | Removes bullets from selected items that have been bulleted | |
DecreaseIndent | Decreases indents of selected lines | |
IncreaseIndent | Increases the indentation of selected lines | |
InsertRowAbove | Inserts a row above the selected row | |
InsertRowBelow | Inserts a row below the selected row | |
InsertColumnLeft | Inserts a column to the left of the selected column | |
InsertColumnRight | Inserts a column to the right of the selected column | |
DeleteSelectedTable | Deletes selected tables | |
DeleteSelectedRows | Deletes selected row | |
DeleteSelectedColumns | Deletes selected columns | |
SelectTable | Selects the table | |
SelectRows | Selects all rows | |
SelectColumns | Selects the current column | |
SelectCell | Selects the current cell | |
MergeCells | Merges selected cells | |
SetTableHorizontalAlignment | Sets the table horizontal alignment | |
GetTableHorizontalAlignment | Gets the horizontal alignment of a table | |
SetTableDirection | Sets the table direction | |
GetTableDirection | Gets the direction of a table | |
InsertHorizontalLine | Inserts a horizontal line | |
ShowInsertSymbolDialog | Displays the Insert Symbol dialog box | |
InsertImage | Inserts an image | |
InsertHyperlink | Inserts a hyperlink | |
SelectHyperlink | Selects the current hyperlink | |
SetAutoSpaceBetweenAsianAndLatinText | Sets the automatic spacing between Asian and Latin text | |
SetAutoSpaceBetweenAsianTextAndNumbers | Sets the automatic spacing between Asian and Latin numbers | |
ClearAutoSpace | Removes all auto spacing of selected text | |
SetFindString | Sets the string to use in a find operation | |
GetFindString | Gets the string that will be used in a find operation | |
SetReplaceWithString | Sets the string used in a replace operation | |
GetReplaceWithString | Gets the string that will be used in a replace operation | |
SetFindReplaceOptionWholeWordOnly | Sets the option to match entire words only on find or replace operations | |
SetFindReplaceOptionMatchCase | Sets the option to match case on find or replace operations | |
SetFindReplaceOptionUseWildcards | Sets the option to use wildcards on find or replace operations | |
SetFindReplaceOptionSearchDirection | Sets the search direction on find or replace operations | |
GetFindReplaceOptionSearchDirection | Gets the direction in which a find or replace operation will search | |
Replace | Performs a replace operation | |
ReplaceAll | Performs a replace all operation | |
GetDefaultHighlightColor | Gets the default highlight color | |
GetDefaultFontColor | Gets the default font color | |
ShowSetSelectedTextFontColorDialog | Displays the Color dialog box for setting font color | |
ShowSetSelectedTextHighlightColorDialog | Displays the Color dialog box for setting highlight color | |
GetFontsAvailableCount | Gets the count of available fonts | |
GetFontAvailableByIndex | Gets the available fonts by index | |
GetFontSizesAvailableCount | Gets a count of the available font sizes | |
GetFontSizeAvailableByIndex | Gets the available font sizes by index | |
SetSelectedTextFontSize | Sets the font size of selected text | |
SetSelectedTextFont | Sets the font of selected text | |
GotoFirstErrorOnView | Repositions the focus to the first error in the current view | |
ShowDigitalSignaturesDialog | Displays the Digital Signatures dialog box | |
ClearFontFormatting | Clears all font formatting of selected text | |
SetFontFormattingHeading1 | Sets the font formatting of the selected text to Heading 1 | |
SetFontFormattingHeading2 | Sets the font formatting of the selected text to Heading 2 | |
SetFontFormattingHeading3 | Sets the font formatting of the selected text to Heading 3 | |
SetFontFormattingHeading4 | Sets the font formatting of the selected text to Heading 4 | |
SetFontFormattingHeading5 | Sets the font formatting of the selected text to Heading 5 | |
SetFontFormattingHeading6 | Sets the font formatting of the selected text to Heading 6 | |
SetFontFormattingNormal | Sets the font formatting of the selected text to normal | |
DecreaseFontSizeBy2 | Decreases selected text font size by two points | |
IncreaseFontSizeBy2 | Increases the font size by two points | |
FindReplaceFindNext | Finds the next matching text | |
SetSelectedTextHighlightColor | Sets the highlight color of selected text | |
SetSelectedTextFontColor | Sets the font color of selected text | |
SetSelectedTextBackgroundColor | Sets the background color of selected text | |
GetSelectedTextFontSize | Gets the font size of the selected text | |
GetSelectedTextFont | Gets the font of the selected text | |
GetSelectedTextFontColor | Gets the font color of the selected text | |
GetSelectedTextHighlightColor | Gets the highlight color of the selected text | |
GetSelectedTextBackgroundColor | Gets the background color of the selected text | |
InsertTable | Inserts a table | |
IgnoreMisspelledWord | Ignores the current misspelled word | |
IgnoreAllOfMisspelledWord | Ignores all misspelled words | |
AddWordToDictionary | Adds a word to the dictionary | |
FindNextMisspelledWord | Finds the next misspelled word | |
CorrectMisspelledWord | Corrects selected misspelled words | |
CorrectAllOfMisspelledWord | Corrects all misspelled words | |
DeleteMisspelledWord | Deletes selected misspelled words | |
SetSpellingOptionCheckAsYouType | Sets the option to check spelling automatically | |
GetSpellingSuggestionsCount | Gets a count of the spelling suggestions of the selected text | |
GetSpellingSuggestion | Gets the spelling suggestion of the selected text | |
GetCurrentMisspelledWord | Gets the current misspelled word | |
GetSelectedRowHeight | Gets the row height of the selected row | |
SetSelectedRowHeight | Sets the height of selected row(s) | |
GetSelectedColumnWidth | Gets the column width of the selected cell | |
SetSelectedColumnWidth | Sets the width of selected column(s) | |
SelectNextRow | Selects the next row | |
SelectPreviousRow | Selects the previous row | |
SelectNextColumn | Selects the next column | |
SelectPreviousColumn | Selects the previous column | |
GetSelectedCellVerticalAlignment | Gets the vertical cell alignment of the selected cell | |
GetSelectedCellTopPadding | Gets the top cell padding of the selected cell | |
GetSelectedCellLeftPadding | Gets the left cell padding of the selected cell | |
GetSelectedCellBottomPadding | Gets the bottom cell padding of the selected cell | |
GetSelectedCellRightPadding | Gets the right cell padding of the selected cell | |
SetSelectedCellPadding | Sets the padding of selected cell(s) | |
SetSelectedCellAlignmentMiddle | Sets the selected cell(s) to middle alignment | |
SetSelectedCellAlignmentTop | Sets the selected cell(s) to top alignment | |
SetSelectedCellAlignmentBottom | Sets the selected cell(s) to bottom alignment | |
SplitCells | Splits the selected cell | |
GetHyperlinkDisplayText | Gets the display text of a hyperlink | |
GetHyperlinkAddress | Gets the address of a hyperlink | |
RemoveHyperlink | Removes a hyperlink | |
SetPictureInlineWithText | Sets the text wrapping of a picture to be inline with surrounding text | |
SetPictureToLeftOfText | Sets the text wrapping of a picture to be left of surrounding text | |
SetPictureToRightOfText | Sets the text wrapping of a picture to be right of surrounding text | |
SetPictureHeight | Sets the height of a picture | |
SetPictureWidth | Sets the width of a picture | |
SetPictureAlternativeText | Sets the alternative text (alt text) of a picture | |
GetPictureHeight | Gets the height of a picture | |
GetPictureWidth | Gets the width of a picture | |
GetPictureAlternativeText | Gets the alternative text (alt text) of a picture | |
GetPictureTextWrapping | Gets the text wrapping value of a picture | |
GetFindReplaceState | Gets the state of the find or replace operation | |
FormatPainterCopyFormattingPersistent | Copies formatting of selected items to the Format Painter in double-click mode (multiple-selection) | |
ShowExportToPDFXPSDialog | Displays the Publish as PDF or XPS dialog box | |
IsFormDirectionRightToLeft | Gets whether selected text is formatted right to left | |
IsFormDirectionLeftToRight | Gets whether selected text is formatted left to right | |
PasteKeepSourceFormatting | Pastes copied text with the same formatting as source it was copied from. | |
PasteMatchDestination | Pastes copied text matching its formatting to the destination where it is inserted. | |
PasteAsText | Pastes copied text as unformatted text. |
For more information about the FormControl object, see Hosting the InfoPath Form Editing Environment in a Custom Windows Form Application and the "InfoPath Editor Hosted as a Control" section of What's New for InfoPath Developers.