ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutEnabled |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutInterval |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutWithSingleSignOnEnabled |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
AdminDisplayName |
(Inherited from ADConfigurationObject.) |
AllowDeleteOfExternalIdentityUponRemove |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
AsynchronousOperationIds |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
AVAuthenticationService |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
CustomerFeedbackEnabled |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
DefaultPublicFolderDatabase |
DistinguishedName |
Gets the distinguished name for the object. (Inherited from ADObject.) |
DistributionGroupDefaultOU |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
DistributionGroupNameBlockedWordsList |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
DistributionGroupNamingPolicy |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
EnableAsSharedConfiguration |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
EwsAllowEntourage |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
EwsAllowList |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
EwsAllowMacOutlook |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
EwsAllowOutlook |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
EwsApplicationAccessPolicy |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
EwsBlockList |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
EwsEnabled |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
ExchangeNotificationEnabled |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
ExchangeNotificationRecipients |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
ExchangeVersion |
Gets the version of Microsoft Exchange that this object is associated with. (Inherited from ADObject.) |
ExcludedFromBackSync |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
ForeignForestFQDN |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
ForeignForestOrgAdminUSGSid |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
ForeignForestPublicFolderAdminUSGSid |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
ForeignForestRecipientAdminUSGSid |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
ForeignForestViewOnlyAdminUSGSid |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
ForwardSyncLiveIdBusinessInstance |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
Guid |
Gets the unique identifier for this object. (Inherited from ADObject.) |
Heuristics |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
HierarchicalAddressBookRoot |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
HostingDeploymentEnabled |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
Identity |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
Industry |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
IsAddressListPagingEnabled |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
IsDirSyncRunning |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
IsLicensingEnforced |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
IsMixedMode |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
IssueWarningQuota |
IsValid |
Gets a value that indicates whether the object is configured correctly. (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.) |
LegacyExchangeDN |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
MailTipsAllTipsEnabled |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
MailTipsExternalRecipientsTipsEnabled |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
MailTipsGroupMetricsEnabled |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
MailTipsLargeAudienceThreshold |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
MailTipsMailboxSourcedTipsEnabled |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
ManagedFolderHomepage |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
MicrosoftExchangeRecipientEmailAddresses |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
MicrosoftExchangeRecipientEmailAddressPolicyEnabled |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
MicrosoftExchangeRecipientPrimarySmtpAddress |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
MicrosoftExchangeRecipientReplyRecipient |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
MimeTypes |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
MSOSyncEnabled |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
Name |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
ObjectCategory |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
ObjectClass |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
ObjectVersion |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
OrganizationId |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
OrganizationSummary |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
OriginatingServer |
(Inherited from ADRawEntry.) |
ProhibitPostQuota |
PublicFolderDatabaseRetention |
RBACConfigurationVersion |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
ReadTrackingEnabled |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
ResourceAddressLists |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
SCLJunkThreshold |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
SharedConfigurationInfo |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
SIPAccessService |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
SIPSessionBorderController |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
SupportedSharedConfigurations |
(Inherited from Organization.) |
WhenChanged |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
WhenChangedUTC |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
WhenCreated |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
WhenCreatedUTC |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |