Sdílet prostřednictvím

Fields Property (IMessage)

Topic Last Modified: 2006-12-01

The Fields collection for the object. This property is read-only.

Applies To

IMessage Interface

Type Library

Microsoft CDO for Exchange 2000 Library

DLL Implemented In



Property Fields As ADODB.Fields

HRESULT get_Fields(Fields** pVal);


  • pVal
    Returned reference to the Fields collection of the object.


The Fields property obtains a collection of Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) Field objects, each of which contains a field relating to the message.


When you use the ADO Fields.Update method, field values are updated only in memory. You must call Save Method to save the changes to the Exchange store. To get the IDataSource interface, use the GetInterface method on the Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) object.


This example determines how many fields a message has.

Dim iMsg As New CDO.Message
Dim collFields As Fields
Set collFields = iMsg.Fields

If collFields.Count = 0 Then
  MsgBox "Fields collection is empty"
  MsgBox "Message has " & collFields.Count & " fields"
End If