Logical Datacenter Modeling (How Do I in Team Edition for Architects)
This page contains links to popular topics about modeling run-time environments as logical datacenters using Logical Datacenter Designer and related tool windows in Visual Studio Team Edition for Architects. To view other categories of popular topics, see Getting Started (How Do I in Team Edition for Architects) and How Do I in Team Edition for Architects.
Defining Zones and Logical Servers
- How to: Define Zones on Logical Datacenter Diagrams
Describes how to create zones on logical datacenter diagrams.
- How to: Add Logical Servers to Logical Datacenter Diagrams
Describes the steps required to add a logical server, such as an IIS Web server, to a logical datacenter diagram.
- How to: Add Endpoints to Zones and Logical Servers
Describes how to add a new endpoint to a logical server or zone.
Configuring Settings and Constraints
- How to: Enable Pre-defined Constraints
Describes how to configure constraints on zones, logical servers, and their endpoints.
- How to: Apply a Setting
Describes how to apply settings to zones, logical servers, and their endpoints.
- How to: Prevent Logical Servers from Being Hosted in Zones
Explains how to use a zone containment constraint to prevent zones from hosting certain types of logical servers.
- How to: Disallow Hosting Relationships
Discusses how to write a hosting constraint on a logical server that allows the logical server to specify which types of applications it will host.
- How to: Import Settings from an IIS Server
Describes how to import settings from existing IIS servers for logical IIS Web servers on the logical datacenter diagram.
Defining Communication Pathways Between Zones and Logical Servers
- How to: Control Communication Across Zones
Explains how to use zone constraints to control the type and directionality of communication through the zone.
- How to: Connect Zones and Logical Servers
Explains how to create communication pathways between logical servers and zones.
- How to: Change Communication Direction on Zones
Explains how to modify a zone endpoint to allow inbound, outbound, or bidirectional communication through it.
- Walkthrough: Creating Logical Datacenter Diagrams
Basic walkthrough that demonstrates how to create a logical datacenter diagram, add zones and logical servers, and make connections between zones and servers.
- Walkthrough: Applying Constraints to a Logical Datacenter
Discusses how to apply application hosting constraints on a logical server in Logical Datacenter Designer.