Sdílet prostřednictvím

Caller/Callee View

The Caller/Callee view shows the called function and functions that were called before and after it. It has the following three distinct parts:

  • Functions which Called Current Function
    All the functions that called the current function are listed at the top part of the view.
  • Current Function
    The currently selected function is listed in the middle part of the view.
  • Functions Called by Current Function
    All the functions that were called by the current function are listed at the bottom part of the view.

For example, if a function named TraverseTree appears in the middle part of the view, then all the functions that called the current function appear in the top part of the view and all the functions called by the current function appear in the bottom part of the view.

You can select a different function in the middle part of the view by double-clicking any one of the functions listed in the other two parts of the view, and the view is updated automatically to reflect the changes. You can sort the data by clicking column names. Additional columns can be added to the view. For more information, see How to: Customize Performance Report Views.

The Caller/Callee view can be customized to add or remove columns using a shortcut menu. The following table lists columns that are available in sampling and instrumentation mode. Additionally, it included columns that appear when .NET memory allocation is enabled for managed applications:

Column Name Description

Function Name

Name of the function.

Function Address

Function address in hexadecimal format.

Exclusive Allocations

Allocations in a function excluding all other allocations in subroutines that it called.

Inclusive Allocations

Allocations in a function including all allocations in subroutines that it called.

Exclusive Bytes Allocated

Bytes allocated in a function excluding all other byte allocations in subroutines that it called.

Inclusive Bytes Allocated

Bytes allocated in a function including all other byte allocations in subroutines that it called.

Exclusive Bytes Percent

(Bytes allocated in a function / total bytes ) * 100

Inclusive Bytes Percent

(Bytes allocated in a function and all other subroutines that it called / total bytes ) * 100

Number of calls

The number of calls made to the instances of this function that were called by the parent function in the call tree.

Percentage of calls

The number of instances of this function that were called by the parent function in the call tree as a percentage of the total number of calls to all functions in the specified data range.

Elapsed Exclusive Time

Calculated time for a function or summary item that includes samples that contain transition events, and excludes time from collection probes and the elapsed time of subroutines called by the function.

Elapsed Inclusive Time

Calculated time for a function or summary item that includes samples that contain transition events and time from subroutines called by the function, but excludes time from collection probes.

Application Inclusive Time

Calculated time for a function or summary item that excludes samples that contain transition events and time from collection probes, but includes the application time of subroutines called by the function.

MAX Elapsed Exclusive Time

The greatest elapsed exclusive clock time (processor cycles), or performance counter value for any one instance of this function that was called by the parent function in the call tree.

MAX Application Exclusive Time

The maximum single application exclusive clock time (processor cycles), or performance counter value for any one instance of this function that was called by the parent function in the call tree.

MAX Elapsed Inclusive Time

The greatest elapsed inclusive clock time (processor cycles), or performance counter value for any one instance of this function that was called by the parent function in the call tree.

MAX Application Inclusive Time

The greatest application inclusive clock time (processor cycles), or performance counter value for any one instance of this function that was called by the parent function in the call tree.

MIN Elapsed Exclusive Time

The least elapsed exclusive clock time (processor cycles), or performance counter value for any one instance of this function that was called by the parent function in the call tree.

MIN Application Exclusive Time

The maximum single application exclusive clock time (processor cycles), or performance counter value for any one instance of this function that was called by the parent function in the call tree.

MIN Elapsed Inclusive Time

The least elapsed inclusive clock time (processor cycles), or performance counter value for any one instance of this function that was called by the parent function in the call tree.

MIN Application Inclusive Time

The least application inclusive clock time (processor cycles), or performance counter value for any one instance of this function that was called by the parent function in the call tree.

AVG Elapsed Exclusive Time

The average elapsed exclusive clock time (processor cycles), P6 performance or user-defined counter value for all instances of the function in the specified data range.

AVG Application Exclusive Time

The average application exclusive clock time (processor cycles), P6 performance or user-defined counter value for all instances of this function in the specified data range.

AVG Elapsed Inclusive Time

The average elapsed inclusive clock time (processor cycles), P6 performance or user-defined counter value for all instances of the function in the specified data range.

AVG Application Inclusive Time

The average application inclusive clock time (processor cycles), P6 performance or user-defined counter value for all instances of the function in the specified data range.

% Elapsed Exclusive Time

The percentage of the total global clock time (processor cycles), or performance counter values of the specified data segment that was spent in the elapsed exclusive time of all instances of the function in this context.

% Application Exclusive Time

The percentage of the total global clock time (processor cycles), or performance counter values of the specified data segment that was spent in the application exclusive time of all instances of the function in this context

% Elapsed Inclusive Time

The percentage of the total global clock time (processor cycles), or performance counter values of the specified data segment that was spent in the elapsed inclusive time of all instances of the function in this context.

% Application Inclusive Time

The percentage of the total global clock time (processor cycles), or performance counter values of the specified data range that was spent in the inclusive time of all instances of the function in this context.

% Time Exclusive Probe Overhead

The percentage of the global clock time (processor cycles), or performance counter values for the specified data range that is attributed to profiling probes in the exclusive time of all instances of this function that were called by the parent function in the call tree.

% Time Inclusive Probe Overhead

The percentage of the global clock time (processor cycles), or performance counter values for the specified data range that is attributed to profiling probes in the inclusive time of all instances of this function that were called by the parent function in the call tree.

Exclusive Transitions

The number of transition events that occurred in all instance of this function, excluding functions called by the function.

Inclusive Transitions

The number of transition events that occurred in all instance of this function, including functions called by the function.

Exclusive Transitions Percentage

The percentage of transition events that occurred in the exclusive time of the instances of this function that were called by the parent function in the call tree compared to the total number of exclusive transitions in the data range.

Inclusive Transitions Percentage

The percentage of transition events that occurred in the inclusive time of the instances of this function that were called by the parent function in the call tree compared to the total number of inclusive transitions in the data range.

Time Exclusive Probe Overhead

The total time attributed to profiling probes in the exclusive time of the instances of this function that were called by the parent function in the call tree.

Time Inclusive Probe Overhead

The total time attributed to profiling probes in the inclusive time of the instances of this function that were called by the parent function in the call tree.

Application Exclusive Time

Calculated time for a function or summary item that excludes samples that contain transition events, time from collection probes, and the time of subroutines called by the function.

Inclusive Percent

([Inclusive samples for the function] / [Total inclusive samples taken during profiling]) * 100

Inclusive Samples

Total number of performance data collected for the function including performance data for other functions that were called by it.

Exclusive Percent

([Exclusive samples for the function] / [Total exclusive samples taken during profiling]) * 100

Exclusive Samples

Total number of performance data collected for the function excluding performance data for other functions that were called by it.

Line Number

Location of the function in the source file.

Module Name

Name of the module that contains the function.

Module Path

Directory location of the module.

Process ID

Numeric identifier of the process.

Process Name

Name of the process.

Source File Name

Name of the source file that contains the function.

Unique Process ID

An unsigned integer to track the process.