Field Types
The type of a field defines the kind and size of data that users store in the field. A field can have one and only one type per Team Foundation Server. This restriction encourages organizations to use common fields across projects and work item types.
The following list shows the possible field types:
String Use a String field for a label or other short text string up to one line long. String fields are frequently used in query filters and results lists. They can contain up to 255 Unicode characters.
Integer Use an Integer field for a 32-bit signed integer value. Integer fields are frequently used in query filters and results lists.
Double Use a Double field for a floating-point value. Double fields are frequently used in query filters and results lists.
DateTime Use a DateTime field for a specific Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) moment in time.
PlainText Use a PlainText field as a text box for a longer text description such as a work item description.
HTML Use an HTML field as a rich-text box for a longer text description such as a work item description. An HTML field differs from a PlainText field in that an HTML field is strongly typed to HTML for richer displays of information.
History Use a History field for discussion threads and for keeping track of other historical information.
TreePath Use a TreePath field to associate a work item with an area path or an iteration path in the product.
See Also