Web Application Resources
This section explains the different settings resources available for Web applications. In the tables provided below, the term Parent Resource indicates a resource that must be added before the associated child resource can be added. For more information about how to do this, see How to: Add Resources.
Some resources can contain more than one of the same resources, while other resources are unique and can only be added once.
Not added by default. Available under Configuration. This section has no child resources.
Child Resource | Description |
None |
Used to store simple name value pairs of configuration settings in web.config files. ASP.NET Web Site projects store the Web Service URL as an AppSetting entry for each Web Reference. |
Not added by default. Available under Configuration. This section has no child resources.
Child Resource | Description |
None |
Connection string configuration information for Web applications or Web services connected to databases. |
Not added by default. Available under Configuration. This section has the following child resources.
Parent Resource | Child Resource | Description |
AuthenticationModulesSection |
None |
Used to specify a required authentication module for the IIS Web Server hosting the application. Client choices are "Negotiate", "Digest", "Basic", "Kerberos", or "NTLM". For more information, see AuthenticationModules. |
ConnectionManagementSection |
None |
Represents the configuration section for connection management. The connectionManagement element defines the maximum number of connections to a server or group of servers. For more information, see ConnectionManagementSection. |
DefaultProxySection |
None |
Specifies the proxy server used for HTTP requests to the Internet. For more information, see DefaultProxy. |
MailSettingsSectionGroup |
SmtpSection |
Configures Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) mail sending options. For more information, see Smtp. |
RequestCachingSection |
None |
Controls the caching mechanism for network requests. For more information, see RequestCaching. |
SettingsSection |
None |
Configures basic network options for the System.Net namespace. For more information, see Settings. |
WebRequestModulesSection |
None |
Specifies modules to use to request information from network hosts. For more information, see WebRequestModules. |
Not added by default. Available under Configuration. This section has the following child resources.
Child Resource | Description |
ProviderSettings |
Can contain multiple ProviderSettings resources. Represents a group of configuration element settings that are added to configure a provider. For more information, see ProtectedConfigurationProvider and Walkthrough: Encrypting Configuration Information Using Protected Configuration. |
Not added by default. Available under Configuration. This section has the following child resources.
Child Resource | Description |
DateTimeSerializationSection |
Provides a set of serializers for DateTime values. |
SchemaImporterExtensionsSection |
Allows you to customize the code generated from a Web Service Description Language (WSDL) document when using automated query tools. Provides a set of importer extensions that provide control over code generation when an XML schema is imported. |
This section contains system.web configuration elements, which are used to configure ASP.NET Web applications and control how the applications behave. The AuthenticationSection, IdentitySection, MembershipSection, RoleManagerSection, and SessionStateSection sections are added by default. There are many sections available under Configuration that are not added by default. For more information, see system.web Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema).
Not added by default. Available under Configuration. This section has the following child resources.
Child Resource | Description |
DefaultSettingsSection |
Represents an XML section in a configuration file that contains default values of a transaction. |
Not added by default. Available under Configuration. This section has the following child resources.
Child Resource | Description |
DefaultSettingsSection |
Represents an XML section in a configuration file that contains default values of a Windows Form. |
See Also
ASP.NET Configuration File Hierarchy and Inheritance
ASP.NET Configuration File Structure (Sections and Section Handlers)