Working with Build Types in Team Foundation Build
This section contains topics that describe how to create and modify build types in Team Foundation Build.
Team Foundation Build uses build types to manage the conditions under which a single solution or a set of solutions will be built. Build types are created and modified using the New Team Foundation Build Type Creation Wizard, which includes the following configuration options:
Build Workspace
Use this setting to define the solutions to be built within the build type. Each workspace has an indicated owner who created it. Specifically, a workspace defines the part of the source tree that will be built. In particular, sources visible from a particular workspace will be built on the build machine.
Build Machine
Use this setting to specify the machine on which the build runs.
Build Drop Location
Use this setting to specify a network share into which output of the build can be dropped. Output from each build will be dropped into a separate directory under this share.
Use this setting to specify the configuration and platform; for example, debug, x86, or retail x86.
Build Steps
Use to specify additional steps, such as code analysis, that get run in the build process.
In This Section
- How to: Create a New Build Type
Describes the steps used to create and configure a new build type for Team Foundation Build.
- How to: Configure Tests with Build Types
Explains how to modify build types and projects to take advantage of the testing capabilities in Team Foundation Build.
- Testing Web Sites and Web Services in Team System
Provides additional information about working with tests in Team Foundation Build.
- How to: Establish Permissions for Team Foundation Build Computer
Describes how to establish permissions for the team foundation build machine to run builds.
- How to: Edit a Build Type
Explains how to modify a build type's underlying xml file, including some custom settings.
- How to: Update Build Types on Branched Team Projects
Explains how to edit build types in a newly established branch so they build correctly.
- How to: Delete a Build Type
Describes how to delete a build type that is no longer needed.
Team Foundation Build Reference
Related Sections
- Running Builds in Team Foundation Build
Lists topics that describe how to run builds in Team Foundation Build, including standard, local, and scheduled builds.
- Understanding the Team Foundation Build Browser
Explains the functionality of the Team Build Browser and lists topics that describe how to view, interpret, and modify build type status and build type reports generated by a build type in Team Foundation Build.
- Team Foundation Build Walkthroughs
Lists walkthroughs that explore creating team foundation build types, running build types, and viewing build type reports.
- Administering Team Foundation Build
Lists topics for administrators of Team Foundation Build.