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Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.Workflow Namespace


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  Class Description
Public class AddOrRemoveDiscountCodesRequestHandler
Public class AuthenticateDevicePartialRequestHandler Handles AuthenticateDeviceRequest.
Public class BeginReadChangedProductsRequestHandler Handles request to begin read changed products.
Public class CalculateChargesRequestHandler Handles workflow for CalculateCharges.
Public class CancelOrderRequestHandler Pick up at store request handler.
Public class CartWorkflowHelper Helper class for shopping cart related workflows.
Public class ChangeDatabaseConnectionRequestHandler
Public class ChangeShiftStatusRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to update the status of a shift record.
Public class CheckAccessRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to perform check access.
Public class CompleteAccountActivationRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow to mark the account activation request as finished.
Public class CreateCustomerRequestHandler CreateCustomerRequest class.
Public class CreateHardwareStationTokenRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow for creating a hardware station token.
Public class CreateOrUpdateCartRequestHandler Saves a shopping cart.
Public class CreateShiftRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to create a shift record.
Public class CreateStockCountRequestHandler Handler for creating StockCount journals.
Public class CustomerOrderWorkflowHelper Helper class for customer order logic.
Public class CustomerSearchRequestHandler Customer search request handler.
Public class DeactivateDeviceRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to deactivate the device.
Public class DeleteCartRequestHandler Deletes a previously saved shopping cart.
Public class DeleteShiftRequestHandler
Public class DeleteStockCountRequestHandler Handler for deleting StockCount journals and associated Transactions from RetailServer db.
Public class DeviceActivationRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to activate the device.
Public class DownloadDataSetRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to download dataset.
Public class EmployeeTimeRegistrationRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow to process the employee time clock registration.
Public class EmployeeTimeRegistrationWorkflowHelper Workflow helper class for employee time registration.
Public class EndReadChangedProductsRequestHandler Handles request to end read changed products.
Public class GetActiveProductPriceRequestHandler Retrieves the price of an item.
Public class GetAddressRequestHandler Gets the global address values that consists of countries/regions, counties, state provinces, cities.
Public class GetAffiliationsRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve affiliations.
Public class GetAllDeliveryOptionsRequestHandler Handles workflow for GetAllDeliveryOptionsRequestHandler.
Public class GetAllStoreEmployeesRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to get all available employees for a store.
Public class GetAvailableShiftsRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to get available stores for device.
Public class GetAvailableStoresRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to get available stores for device.
Public class GetBarcodeRequestHandler Workflow class helps to retrieve the Barcode details.
Public class GetButtonGridByIdRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to fetch buttongrid by identifier.
Public class GetButtonGridsByIdsRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to fetch buttongrids by identifiers.
Public class GetButtonGridsRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to fetch buttongrids.
Public class GetCardTypeRequestHandler Workflow class helps to retrieve the CardType details.
Public class GetCartRequestHandler Gets the shopping cart specified by cart id and optionally calculates the totals on the cart.
Public class GetChangedProductsRequestHandler Retrieves the collection of products.
Public class GetChannelAttributesRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve channel attributes.
Public class GetChannelCashDeclarationRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve channel cash declaration setup.
Public class GetChannelCategoryAttributesRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve the channel category attributes.
Public class GetChannelCategoryHierarchyRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve the channel category hierarchy.
Public class GetChannelConfigurationRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve channel configuration.
Public class GetChannelCurrencyRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve supported channel currency amounts.
Public class GetChannelProductAttributeRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve one channel product attribute.
Public class GetChannelProductAttributesRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve the channel product attributes.
Public class GetChannelProfileByChannelIdRequestHandler Handler for the GetChannelProfileByChannelIdRequest.
Public class GetChannelTaxOverridesRequestHandler
Public class GetChannelTenderTypesRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve channel tender types.
Public class GetClientPermissionRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to get employee permission.
Public class GetCommerceListRequestHandler Gets the commerce lists specified by the request.
Public class GetCreditMemoRequestHandler Handles workflow to get gift card.
Public class GetCurrenciesRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve currencies.
Public class GetCurrentChannelRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve the current channel identifier.
Public class GetCustomerBalanceRequestHandler Get customer balance request handler.
Public class GetCustomerGroupsRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve the customer groups.
Public class GetCustomerLoyaltyCardsRequestHandler Handles the request for getting the loyalty cards of a customer.
Public class GetCustomersRequestHandler GetCustomersRequest class.
Public class GetDefaultChannelRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve the default channel.
Public class GetDeliveryOptionsRequestHandler Handles workflow for GetDeliveryOptions.
Public class GetDeliveryPreferencesRequestHandler
Public class GetDeviceConfigurationRequestHandler Request handler to get the device configurations.
Public class GetDirectChildCategoriesRequestHandler Handles workflow for GetDirectChildCategoriesRequest.
Public class GetDiscountCodesRequestHandler Get discount codes request handler.
Public class GetEmployeePermissionRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to get employee permission.
Public class GetGiftCardRequestHandler Handles workflow to get gift card.
Public class GetHardwareProfileRequestHandler Request handler to get the hardware profiles.
Public class GetIncomeExpenseAccountsRequestHandler Workflow to handle the income or expense accounts.
Public class GetIndependentProductPriceDiscountRequestHandler
Public class GetInvoiceRequestHandler Handles workflow for recall customer order into a cart.
Public class GetItemAvailabilitiesRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to get item availabilities.
Public class GetItemAvailableQuantitiesRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to get item available quantities.
Public class GetItemBarcodesByIdRequestHandler Handles workflow for GetBarcodesById.
Public class GetItemByIdRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve an item.
Public class GetItemDimensionsRequestHandler Handles workflow for GetItemDimensions.
Public class GetLatestOfflineDatabaseChunksRequestHandler
Public class GetLineDeliveryOptionsRequestHandler Handles workflow for GetLineDeliveryOptions.
Public class GetListingAvailableQuantitiesRequestHandler Retrieves quantities of provided listings from the default warehouse associated with the customer.
Public class GetListingPublishStatusesRequestHandler Retrieves all listing publish statuses matching the specified listing identifiers.
Public class GetLocalizedStringsRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve localized strings.
Public class GetLoyaltyCardStatusRequestHandler Handles the request for getting the status of a loyalty card including card tiers and reward points status.
Public class GetLoyaltyCardTransactionsRequestHandler Handles the request for getting the loyalty card transactions.
Public class GetNextBatchListingPublishStatusesRequestHandler Retrieves next batch of listing publish statuses.
Public class GetOfflineDatabaseChunkRequestHandler
Public class GetOfflineSyncStatsRequestHandler
Public class GetOfflineTransactionCountRequestHandler
Public class GetOfflineTransactionIdsRequestHandler
Public class GetOfflineTransactionsRequestHandler
Public class GetOnlineChannelRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve the online channel.
Public class GetOrdersRequestHandler Handles workflow for GetSalesOrders.
Public class GetPickingListRequestHandler The class to handle GetPickingListRequest.
Public class GetProductCatalogsRequestHandler Retrieves the collection of product catalogs.
Public class GetProductDeliveryOptionsRequestHandler Handles workflow for GetProductDeliveryOptions.
Public class GetProductsInCartRequestHandler Gets the products used in context of the shopping cart specified by cart id.
Public class GetPromotionsRequestHandler Handles workflow for GetPromotionsForCart.
Public class GetPurchaseOrderRequestHandler The class to handle GetPurchaseOrderRequest.
Public class GetReasonCodesRequestHandler Request handler to get the reason codes.
Public class GetReceiptRequestHandler The request handler for GetReceiptRequest class.
Public class GetReportDataRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to get datatable for reports data.
Public class GetReturnOrderReasonCodesRequestHandler
Public class GetSalesTaxGroupsRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve sales tax groups associated with AX company.
Public class GetShiftRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to get a single Shift object.
Public class GetShipmentLineMappingRequestHandler Handler for reading shipments.
Public class GetShipmentPublishingStatusRequestHandler Handler for reading shipments.
Public class GetShipmentsBatchRequestHandler Handler for reading shipments.
Public class GetShipmentsRequestHandler Handler for reading shipments.
Public class GetStockCountRequestHandler Handler for retrieving StockCount journals and associated Transactions from RetailServer db.
Public class GetStoreOperationRequestHandler Save all incoming non-sale transaction from store operations.
Public class GetStoreRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve stores.
Public class GetStoresByEmployeeRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow to process the employee time clock registration.
Public class GetStoresProductAvailabilityRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to get product availability information.
Public class GetStoresRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to get list of stores.
Public class GetSupportedCardTypesRequestHandler Retrieves list of supported credit cards associated with the channel.
Public class GetSupportedLanguagesRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve supported languages.
Public class GetSupportedReportsRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to get reports configured.
Public class GetTillLayoutRequestHandler Request handler to get the screen layout.
Public class GetTransferOrderRequestHandler The class to handle GetTransferOrderRequest.
Public class GetUnitsOfMeasureRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to retrieve currencies.
Public class GetWarehouseDetailsRequestHandler Handles workflow for GetWarehouseDetails.
Public class GetXAndZReportReceiptRequestHandler The request handler for GetXAndZReportReceiptRequest class.
Public class IssueLoyaltyCardRequestHandler Handles the request for issuing a loyalty card.
Public class IssueOrAddToGiftCardRequestHandler Handles workflow to issue or add balance to gift card.
Public class ItemAvailabilityHelper Helper class for item availability related workflows.
Public class NumberSequenceRequestHandler
Public class PickAndPackOrderRequestHandler Workflow for picking list and packing slip creation.
Public class PickupAtStoreRequestHandler Pick up at store request handler.
Public class PriceCheckRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to get price check information.
Public class ProcessBarcodeTypeRequestHandler Workflow class helps to process the scanned barcode based on its type.
Public class PurgeOfflineTransactionsRequestHandler
Public class RecalculateOrderRequestHandler Handles workflow for order recalculation.
Public class RecallCustomerOrderRequestHandler Handles workflow for recall customer order into a cart.
Public class RecallSalesInvoiceRequestHandler Handles workflow for recall customer order into a cart.
Public class ResumeCartRequestHandler Handles workflow to resume suspended cart.
Public class ResumeShiftRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to create a shift record.
Public class SalesTaxGroupPicker Encapsulates the business logic to pick up the correct sales tax group based on channel settings.
Public class SalesTaxOverrideHelper Adds or updates a tax override.
Public class SaveCartLinesRequestHandler Saves a cart line.
Public class SaveCommerceListRequestHandler Saves a commerce list.
Public class SaveCustomerOrderRequestHandler Handler for the submit order request.
Public class SaveKitTransactionRequestHandler Save all incoming kit (disassembly) operation transactions.
Public class SaveOfflineTransactionsRequestHandler
Public class SavePickingListRequestHandler The class to handle SavePickingListRequestHandler.
Public class SavePurchaseOrderRequestHandler The class to handle SavePickingReceivingCountRequest.
Public class SaveReasonCodeLineRequestHandler Adds or updates a reason code line.
Public class SaveShipmentPublishingStatusRequestHandler Handler for saving shipments publishing status.
Public class SaveStockCountRequestHandler Handler for save/ commit StockCount journal Transactions.
Public class SaveStoreOperationRequestHandler Save all incoming non-sale transaction from store operations.
Public class SaveTenderLineRequestHandler Adds/Removes/Updates the tender line from the cart.
Public class SaveTransferOrderRequestHandler The class to handle SavePickingReceivingCountRequest.
Public class SaveVoidTransactionRequestHandler Handler for submit sales transaction request.
Public class SearchProductsRequestHandler Retrieves the collection of products.
Public class SearchStoreRequestHandler Search the store information for the given search criteria.
Public class SendCustomerAccountActivationEmailRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow to send an e-mail to a specified user.
Public class SendCustomerEmailRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow to send an e-mail to a specified user.
Public class SubmitOrderRequestHandler Handler for the submit order request.
Public class SubmitSalesTransactionRequestHandler Handler for submit sales transaction request.
Public class SuspendCartRequestHandler Handles workflow to suspend cart.
Public class SyncStockCountRequestHandler Handler for syncing StockCount journals and associated Transactions from AX to RetailServer db.
Public class TransferCartRequestHandler
Public class TransferShiftRequestHandler
Public class UnlockRegisterRequestRequestHandler
Public class UpdateChannelPropertiesRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to save the channel-specific properties.
Public class UpdateCustomerRequestHandler UpdateCustomerRequest class.
Public class UpdateListingPublishingStatusRequestHandler Updates the publishing status for the specified listings.
Public class UpdateOnlineChannelPublishStatusRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to update the channel publish status.
Public class UploadOrderRequestHandler Handles workflow for UploadOrder.
Public class UseExistingShiftRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to create a shift record.
Public class UserAuthenticationRenewalRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to do user authentication renewal.
Public class UserAuthenticationRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to do user authentication.
Public class UserChangePasswordRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to do user authentication.
Public class UserLogOffRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to do user authentication.
Public class UserResetPasswordRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow required to do user authentication.
Public class ValidateAccountActivationRequestRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow to validate the customer account activation request.
Public class ValidateHardwareStationTokenRequestHandler Encapsulates the workflow for validating a hardware station token.
Public class ValidateTenderLineForAddRequestHandler
Public class VerifyProductExistenceRequestHandler Handles request to verify products existence.
Public class WorkflowRequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse> Abstract base class for all request handlers for workflow.


  Interface Description
Public interface IRequestHandler The request handler interface.
Public interface IRequestPipeline Base interface for a pipeline implementation.