Sdílet prostřednictvím

Accounts receivable reports


This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 product documentation. For the latest release plans, see Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

The following reports are available in the Accounts receivable module of Microsoft Dynamics AX:

Bill of exchange journal report (CustBillOfExchangeReport)

Cash receipt journal totals and transaction count chart report (CustCashRcptJrnlTotalsTrxCount)

Credit and collections operational efficiency report (CreditAndCollectionOperationalEfficiency)

COD report (CustCOD)

Collection letter note report (CustCollectionJour)

Collection letter overview report (CustCollectionLetterOverview)

Customer account statement report (CustAccountStatementExt)

Customer aging report (CustAgingReport)

Customer auditor report (CustAuditor)

Customer balance list report (CustProvisionalBalance)

Customer balance list with credit limit report (CustBalanceList)

Customer base data report (CustBasedata)

Customer currency conversion reconciliation report (CustLedgerReconciliation)

Customer currency revaluation report (CustExchRateAdjustment)

Customer foreign currency revaluation simulation report (CustExchRateAdjSimulation)

Customer interest note report (CustInterestNote)

Customer invoice journal report (CustInvoiceJour)

Customer invoice report (SalesInvoice)

Customer invoice transactions report (CustInvoice)

Customers report (CustListReport)

Detailed due day list report (CustDueReportDetail)

Expected cash in the next x days chart report (CustExpectedCashNextXDays)

Free text invoice report (FreeTextInvoice)

History by customer transaction report (CustLedgerTrans)

Internal account statement report (CustAccountStatementInt)

Invoice specification report (CustInvoiceSpec)

Invoice turnover report (CustInvoiceVolume)

Open transactions report (CustTransOpenPerDate)

Packing slip report (SalesPackingSlip)

Payment advice report (CustPaymManOutputReport)

Payment control report (CustOutPaymControl)

Payment fee list report (CustPaymManFeeHist)

Payment proposal report (CustVendPaymProposal)

Payment step process report (CustPaymManStepPosting)

Posted customer invoice totals and transaction count chart report (CustPostedCustInvoiceTotalAndTrxCnt)

Reimbursement report (CustReimbursement)

Transactions report (CustTransList)

Voided payment transactions report (CustPaymManUnpaid)

(AUT) EDIFACT-DIRDEB (AT) report (CustOutAttendingNoteAT_EDIFACT)

(AUT) EDIFACT-DIRDEB (AT) report (CustOutPaymAdviceAT_EDIFACT)

(BEL) Payment control report (CustDomStatement_BE)

(CAN, USA) Customer payment journal report (CustPaymentJournal_NA)

(CAN, USA) Customer posted payment journal report (CustPostPaymJournal_NA)

(CHE) DebitDirect (CH) report (CustOutPaymOrderCH_DebitDirect)

(CHE) Import file report (CustInPaymentCH)

(CHE) LSV+ Einzugsauftrag report (CustOutPaymOrderCH_LSV)

(CHE) Payment advice report (CustOutPaymAdviceCH_DebitDirect)

(CHE) Payment advice report (CustOutPaymAdviceCH_LSV)

(DEU) DTAUS (DE) report (CustOutAttendingNoteDE_DTAUS)

(DEU) DTAUS (DE) report (CustOutCoveringLetterDE_DTAUS)

(DNK) Betalingsservice Basis-returformat (DK) report (CustPaymReconciliationPrint_DK_BS)

(ESP) Bill-Invoice relation by transaction date report (CustInvoiceSettled_TransDate_ES)

(ESP) Open cartera transactions report (CustBillOfExchangeOpenTrans_ES)

(ESP) Remittance Format 19,32 & 58 AEB (ES) report (CustOutPaymControl_ES)

(FRA) Customer account statement report (CustAccountStatement_FR)

(FRA) French bill of exchange remittance report (CustOutPaymControl_FR_LCR)

(FRA) List of open customer drafts report (CustBillOpenTrans_FR)

(FRA) Option/Notification report (CustOutPaymLetter_FR)

(FRA) Payment control report (CustOutPaymControl_FR)

(FRA) Print bill of exchange report (BankBillOfExchange_FR)

(ITA) Payment control report (CustOutPaymControl_IT)

(MEX) Einvoice monthly report (EInvoiceReport_MX)

(MYS) Customer balance list with payments in transfer report (CustBalanceList_MY)

(NLD) Instruction letter report (CustVendOutPaymNL)

(NOR) Payment control report (CustInPaymNO)

(NOR) Payment lines report (CustVendPaymJournal)

(NOR) Setup report (BankPaymIdTypesSetup_NO)

(RUS) Register of payment orders printing report (BankPaymentOrderJour_RU)

(SWE) Bankgirot OCR (SE) report (CustInPaymSE)

(SWE) Payment slip report (Giro)

(CHN) Receivable statistics report

(CHN) Receivable details (China) (report)

(CHN) Receivable balance report

(CHN) Customer details (China) (report)

(CHN) Customer balance report

(CHN) Customer balance inquiry (report)

(CHN) Customer balance by sales groups (China) (report)

(CHN) Customer balance by profile (China) (report)

(CHN) Customer balance by dimension (China) (report)

(CHN) Customer balance by customer groups (China) (Report)

(CHN) Aging analysis of receivable payment (report)

(CHN) Customer aging (report)

(CHN) Customer collection letter (report)

(CHN) Customer settlements (China) (report)

(CHN) Due amount analysis Accounts receivable (China) (report)

(RUS) Print journal report (LedgerTransPreview_RU)

(CZE) Customer advance invoices journal report (CustAdvanceInvoiceJour)

(HUN) Customer advance invoices journal report (CustAdvanceInvoiceJour)

(POL) Customer advance invoices journal report (CustAdvanceInvoiceJour)