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AnalysisAlternateBase Class

The base class for AnalysisAlternate. Represents the possible handwriting recognition word matches for ContextNodeBase objects.

Namespace:  System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore
Assembly:  IACore (in IACore.dll)


Public Class AnalysisAlternateBase
Dim instance As AnalysisAlternateBase
public class AnalysisAlternateBase
public ref class AnalysisAlternateBase
public class AnalysisAlternateBase


Because so many variations exist between users' handwriting, handwriting recognizers can sometimes convert handwriting into text that is different from what the user intended. When an InkAnalyzerBase performs analysis on a collection of strokes, the InkAnalyzerBase finds the most likely set of words that the handwriting represents. In addition, the InkAnalyzerBase finds sets of alternative recognition matches, which are stored in a AnalysisAlternateBaseCollection. In order for a user to take advantage of recognition alternates, you must create a user interface that allows the user to select the correct AnalysisAlternateBase.

AnalysisAlternateBase objects are generally obtained through the InkAnalyzerBase.GetAlternates method. The first AnalysisAlternateBase object in the collection is identified by the InkAnalyzerBase the most likely alternate.


This example calls InkAnalyzerBase.GetAlternates on an InkAnalyzerBase named theInkAnalyzerBase. It then loops through the AnalysisAlternateBaseCollection and populates a ListBox named alternatesListBox with all of the alternates that do not have an InkRecognitionConfidence value of Poor.

Me.currentAlternates = theInkAnalyzerBase.GetAlternates(selectedSubNodes)
Dim alternate As AnalysisAlternateBase
For Each alternate In Me.currentAlternates
    ' Add only those that are not Poor confidence 
    If alternate.InkRecognitionConfidence <> System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.InkRecognitionConfidence.Poor Then
    End If 
Next alternate
this.currentAlternates = theInkAnalyzerBase.GetAlternates(selectedSubNodes);
foreach (AnalysisAlternateBase alternate in this.currentAlternates)
    // Add only those that are not Poor confidence 
    if (alternate.InkRecognitionConfidence !=

Inheritance Hierarchy


Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.


Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003

The .NET Framework and .NET Compact Framework do not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see .NET Framework System Requirements.

Version Information

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.0

See Also


AnalysisAlternateBase Members

System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore Namespace


