IAssemblyName Interface
Provides methods for describing and working with an assembly's unique identity.
interface IAssemblyName : IUnknown {
[out] IAssemblyName **pName
HRESULT Finalize ();
HRESULT GetDisplayName (
[out] LPOLESTR szDisplayName,
[in, out] LPDWORD pccDisplayName,
[in] DWORD dwDisplayFlags
[in, out] LPDWORD lpcwBuffer,
[out] WCHAR *pwzName
HRESULT GetProperty (
[in] DWORD PropertyId,
[out] LPVOID pvProperty,
[in, out] LPDWORD pcbProperty
HRESULT GetVersion (
[out] LPDWORD pdwVersionHi,
[out] LPDWORD pdwVersionLow
[in] IAssemblyName *pName,
[in] DWORD dwCmpFlags
HRESULT SetProperty (
[in] DWORD PropertyId,
[in] LPVOID pvProperty,
[in] DWORD cbProperty
Method |
Description |
Creates a shallow copy of this IAssemblyName object. |
Allows this IAssemblyName object to release resources and perform other cleanup operations before its destructor is called. |
Gets the human-readable name of the assembly referenced by this IAssemblyName object. |
Gets the simple, unencrypted name of the assembly referenced by this IAssemblyName object. |
Gets a pointer to the property referenced by the specified PropertyId. |
Gets the version information for the assembly referenced by this IAssemblyName object. |
Determines whether a specified IAssemblyName object is equal to this IAssemblyName, based on the specified comparison flags. |
Sets the value of the property referenced by the specified PropertyId. |
Platforms: See .NET Framework System Requirements.
Header: Fusion.h
.NET Framework Versions: 3.5 SP1, 3.5, 3.0 SP1, 3.0, 2.0 SP1, 2.0