ITestRun – rozhraní
Představuje spuštění sady testů proti konkrétní sestavení.
Obor názvů: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client
Sestavení: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client (v Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client.dll)
public interface ITestRun : ITestMessageLogOwner, ITestRunBase,
IIdentifiable<int>, IAttachmentOwner, INotifyPropertyChanged
public interface class ITestRun : ITestMessageLogOwner, ITestRunBase,
IIdentifiable<int>, IAttachmentOwner, INotifyPropertyChanged
type ITestRun =
interface ITestMessageLogOwner
interface ITestRunBase
interface IIdentifiable<int>
interface IAttachmentOwner
interface INotifyPropertyChanged
Public Interface ITestRun
Inherits ITestMessageLogOwner, ITestRunBase, IIdentifiable(Of Integer),
IAttachmentOwner, INotifyPropertyChanged
Název | Popis | |
Attachments | Získá kolekce příloh.(Zděděno od IAttachmentOwner.) |
BuildConfigurationId | Gets the build configuration ID for this test run. |
BuildDirectory | Gets or sets the path of the output of the build. |
BuildFlavor | Gets or sets the flavor of the build (that is, "Release" or "Debug"). |
BuildNumber | Name of the build.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
BuildPlatform | Gets or sets the platform of the build. |
BuildUri | Name (as a URI) of the build the run was executed against. As an example: new Uri("vstfs:///Build/Build/1")(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
Comment | Comments entered by those analyzing the run.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
Controller | The name of the controller of this run(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
DateCompleted | Date the last test completed.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
DateCreated | Date the run was created.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
DateDue | Gets the date that this test run is due. |
DateStarted | Date the run was started.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
ErrorMessage | Gets or sets a short description of a failure, if any. |
Id | Získá identifikátor.(Zděděno od IIdentifiable<TKey>.) |
IncompleteTests | The number of tests that are not completed. |
IsAutomated | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the test run contains tests that should be automatically executed. |
IsBvt | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this test run is a build verification test. |
IsDirty | Returns true if the test run has been changed since the last Save().(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
Iteration | Gets or sets the number of times that this test run has been executed. |
LastUpdated | Date the run was last modified (title or owner set).(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
LastUpdatedBy | Last person to update run(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
LastUpdatedByName | Last person to update run(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
LinkedWorkItemCount | The total number of bugs associated with the test results.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
NotApplicableTests | ||
Owner | User who started the run.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
OwnerName | User who started the run.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
OwnerTeamFoundationId | User who started the run.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
PassedTests | The number of tests that passed. |
PostProcessState | Gets the state of any post-process activities that occur on the server. |
Project | Gets the team project for this run. |
Revision | Revision number of TestRun for concurrency control(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
State | Gets the current state of this test run. |
Statistics | Gets the statistics that detail the number of test cases in various states in this test run. |
TestEnvironmentId | The test environment for this run(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
TestMessageLogEntries | Kolekce zkoušky získává položky protokolu zpráv.(Zděděno od ITestMessageLogOwner.) |
TestPlanId | Returns the ID of the test plan that contains this run or 0 if this is an ad-hoc run.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
TestSettings | The test settings being used for this test run execution. Null if the run has no test settings.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
TestSettingsId | ID of the public test settings being used for this test run.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
Title | Title of the associated run template.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
TotalTests | The total number of tests in this run. |
Type | Gets the type of this test run. |
UnanalyzedTests | The number of tests that are not analyzed. |
Version | Gets the client version that ran the test. |
Název | Popis | |
Abort() | Aborts this test run. |
Abort(TestRunAbortOptions) | Aborts this test run by using the given options. |
AddTest(Int32, Int32, TeamFoundationIdentity) | Adds a test case and configuration to the test run. |
AddTest(Int32, String, String, ITmiTestImplementation) | Creates a new test result in the test run against a test configuration. Does not require an existing test case for the test result. Must be followed by a Save(). |
AddTest(String) | Adds a new test with given name. Must be followed by a Save() |
AddTestPoint(ITestPoint, TeamFoundationIdentity) | Adds a new test point to this test run. |
AddTestPoints(IEnumerable<ITestPoint>, TeamFoundationIdentity) | Adds new test points to the test run. Must be followed by a Save(). The test result objects returned by this call are not usable until after the save. |
CopyTestSettings(ITestSettings) | Copy the test settings and associate it to the test run.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
CreateAttachment(Byte[], Int32, Int32) | Creates an attachment for a Test Result from a byte array.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
CreateAttachment(String) | Vytvoří přílohu ze souboru. (Zděděno od IAttachmentOwner.) |
CreateAttachment(String, SourceFileAction) | Vytvoří přílohu ze souboru, můžete také odstranit zdrojový soubor po odeslání.(Zděděno od IAttachmentOwner.) |
CreateLogEntry(String, TestMessageLogEntryLevel) | Vytvoří položku testovací zpráva protokolu a přidá ji TestMessageLogEntryCollection.(Zděděno od ITestMessageLogOwner.) |
Delete() | Removes the given test run and its results from the server.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
QueryResults() | Returns a collection that contains all test results for this test run. |
QueryResults(Boolean) | Vrátí že všechny výsledky testu pro tohoto spuštění. |
QueryResultsByOutcome(TestOutcome) | Returns a collection of test results for this test run that has the provided test outcome. |
QueryResultsByOwner(TeamFoundationIdentity) | Returns a collection of test results for this test run that has the provided test owner. |
QueryResultsByStatus(TestResultState) | Returns a collection of test results for this test run that has the provided test status. |
Refresh() | Updates the run with new data from the server.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
Refresh(DateTime) | Updates the test run with the new data from the server only if there exists a test run with newer timestamp than lastUpdated parameter Returns true if test run was updated with the new data and false otherwise |
RefreshLogEntries() | Aktualizuje položky protokolu ze serveru.(Zděděno od ITestMessageLogOwner.) |
Save() | Writes the new or updated test run to the server.(Zděděno od ITestRunBase.) |
SaveLogEntries() | Ukládá položky protokolu změněn na serveru.(Zděděno od ITestMessageLogOwner.) |
Název | Popis | |
AttachmentUploadCompleted | Tato událost je vyvolána po dokončení odesílání příloh.(Zděděno od IAttachmentOwner.) |
PropertyChanged | (Zděděno od INotifyPropertyChanged.) |
Žádný obsah zde budou aktualizovány; prosím nepřidávejte materiálu zde.
Viz také
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client – obor názvů
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