Commerce Foundation CreditCard
This Commerce Server 2009 commerce entity is used to store information for a single credit card.
This commerce entity can be modified, as required. This model, taken from the out-of-the-box site, is provided as an example.
<CommerceEntity name="CreditCard">
<DisplayName value="CreditCard">
<LanguageSpecific value="fr: CreditCard" language="fr-CA"/>
<Description value="User Credit Card">
<LanguageSpecific value="fr: User Credit Card" language="fr-CA"/>
<EntityMapping csType="Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders.CreditCardPayment" csAssembly="Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" csArea="Orders">
<PropertyMapping property="Id" csProperty="PaymentId"/>
<PropertyMapping property="CustomerName" csProperty="CustomerNameOnPayment"/>
<EntityMapping csType="Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Profiles.Profile" csAssembly="Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" csDefinitionName="CreditCard" csArea="Profiles">
<PropertyMapping property="AdapterLastChangedDate" csProperty="ProfileSystem.csadapter_date_last_changed" />
<PropertyMapping property="BillingAddressId" csProperty="GeneralInfo.billing_address" />
<PropertyMapping property="CreditCardIdentifier" csProperty="GeneralInfo.last_4_digits" />
<PropertyMapping property="CreditCardNumber" csProperty="GeneralInfo.cc_number" />
<PropertyMapping property="DateCreated" csProperty="ProfileSystem.date_created" />
<PropertyMapping property="DateModified" csProperty="ProfileSystem.date_last_changed" />
<PropertyMapping property="ExpirationMonth" csProperty="GeneralInfo.expiration_month" />
<PropertyMapping property="ExpirationYear" csProperty="GeneralInfo.expiration_year" />
<PropertyMapping property="Id" csProperty="" />
<PropertyMapping property="KeyIndex" csProperty="ProfileSystem.KeyIndex" />
<PropertyMapping property="ModifiedBy" csProperty="ProfileSystem.user_id_changed_by" />
<Property name="CreditCardNumber" dataType="String">
<DisplayName value="Credit Card Number">
<LanguageSpecific value="fr: Credit Card Number" language="fr-CA"/>
<Description value="Credit Card Number">
<LanguageSpecific value="fr: Credit Card Number" language="fr-CA"/>
<Message value="Credit Card Number is required">
<LanguageSpecific value="fr: Credit Card Number is required" language="fr-CA"/>
<Range minValue="0" minBoundaryType="Include" maxValue="40" maxBoundaryType="Include">
<Message value="Credit Card Number length must be within the defined range.">
<LanguageSpecific value="fr: Credit Card Number length must be within the defined range." language="fr-CA"/>
<Property name="BillingAddressId" dataType="String" />
Property |
Type |
Description |
AdapterLastChangedDate |
DateTime? |
Used for BizTalk adapter functionality. |
AuthorizationCode |
String |
The credit card authorization code provided by the payment processor. This property is only meaningful when the CreditCard is being accessed as part of a Basket operation. |
BillingAddressId |
String |
The billing address for the credit card. |
CreditCardIdentifier |
String |
A user-viewable identifier for this credit card. For example, last four digits of the credit card. |
CreditCardNumber |
String |
Account number of this credit card. ![]()
The full credit card number will never be returned by the service. Instead it will only return a masked version of the credit card number.
CustomerName |
String |
The customer's name as it appears on the credit card. This property is only meaningful when the CreditCard is being accessed as part of a Basket operation. |
DateCreated |
DateTime? |
Date the credit card was created. |
DateModified |
DateTime? |
Date the credit card was last modified. |
DisplayName |
String |
The display name of the payment account. This property is only meaningful when the CreditCard is being accessed as part of a Basket operation. |
ExirationYear |
int? |
Expiration year of the credit card. |
ExpirationMonth |
int? |
Expiration month of the credit card. |
Id |
String |
ID for this credit card. |
KeyIndex |
int? |
Key index that was used to encrypt the sensitive data in this profile. This property is read-only. |
ModifiedBy |
String |
User that last modified the credit card. |
ValidationCode |
String |
A validation code specific to the credit card vendor. For example, CVV number. This property is only meaningful when the CreditCard is being accessed as part of a Basket operation. |
Relationship |
Description |
PaymentMethod |
The payment method associated with this credit card. |
Supported Operations
Commerce Foundation Basket CommerceQuery
Commerce Foundation Basket CommerceUpdate
Commerce Foundation UserProfile CommerceCreate
Commerce Foundation UserProfile CommerceQuery
Commerce Foundation UserProfile CommerceUpdate