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Zdrojový kód Mallory.cs (příklad Kryptografické služby nové generace (CNG))

Příklad zabezpečené komunikace kryptografické služby nové generace (CNG) se skládá ze tří konzolových aplikací: Alice, Bob a Mallory. Aplikace Mallory, soubor (Mallory.cs) obsahuje následující kód.

using System;                           // Required for the IDisposable interface
using System.Text;                      // Required for the Encoding class

public partial class CNG_SecureCommunicationExample
    static int  MyColor = 5;                        // Bob White displays white text
    static int  OtherColor = 4;                     // Alice Green displays green text
    static bool fDisplaySendMessage = true;         // Boolean flag controls output display visibility

     static void Main()
        InitConsole("Mallory Purple", 310, 490);
        string s = "";
        while (true)
            s = AppControl("receive", "MalloryControlChannel");
            if ("exit" == s) break;              
        }          // End Main

    static void Run()
        ASCIIEncoding enc = new ASCIIEncoding();


        Display("Hi, I'm Mallory, the man in the middle.\n" +
                "I wonder what Alice and Bob are talking about.\n" +
                "I think I'll listen in.\n\n");

        string AliceChannelName = ReceiveChannelName();
        string BobChannelName   = AliceChannelName + "1";


        using (Communicator MalloryAlice = new Communicator("client", AliceChannelName))
        using (Communicator MalloryBob = new Communicator("server", BobChannelName))
            string s;
            fDisplaySendMessage = true;

            if (3 <= Version)
                Display("\nI know Alice will publicaly send Bob a digital signature key.\n");
                byte[] DSKey = MalloryAlice.ChMgr.ReadMessage();                      // Read the message

                s = enc.GetString(DSKey);
                if (fVerbose)
                    Display("Here it is:\n\n");
                    Display(s + "\n\n", 4);

            if (2 <= Version)
                Display(sep, 1);
                Display("Alice and Bob are going to exchange their\n" +
                        "public cryptographic keys through a public channel.\n" +  // Send and Receive ECDH public keys
                        "First, Alice will send Bob her key.\n\n");

                MalloryAlice.Send_or_Receive_PublicCryptoKey("receive", 4);
                Display("Good.  I just intercepted Alice's public key: \n");
                Display("Next, I will send my MalloryAlice public cryptographic key to Alice:\n\nSending...\n");
                MalloryAlice.Send_or_Receive_PublicCryptoKey("send", 5);

                Display("Next, I will send my MalloryBob public cryptographic key to Bob:\n\nSending...\n");
                MalloryBob.Send_or_Receive_PublicCryptoKey("send", 5);
                Display("Now I will receive Bob's public key: \n");
                if (! MalloryBob.Send_or_Receive_PublicCryptoKey("receive", 2))
                    Display("I've been discovered!\n\n",0);
                    Console.WriteLine("Press the enter key to continue.");
                Display("Good.  I just intercepted Bob's public key: \n");

// Now that all the keys have been transmitted, have a conversation.

            if (1 < Version)
                Display(sep, 1);
                Display("Now that they have exchanged their keys,\n" +
                       "they can have a secure conversation:\n\n", 5);
                Display(sep, 1);

            Display("From Alice:\n",7);
            OtherColor = 4; 
            s = MalloryAlice.ReceiveMessage();

            Display("To Bob:\n",7); 

            Display("From Bob:\n",7); 
            OtherColor = 2; 
            s = MalloryBob.ReceiveMessage();

            Display("To Alice:\n",7); 

            Display("From Alice:\n",7); 
            OtherColor = 4; 
            string NewSalesContact = MalloryAlice.ReceiveMessage();

            Display("To Bob:\n",7);
            string FakeMessage = "Coho Winery, OneEleven EveryStreet, Chicago"; 

            Display("From Bob:\n",7);
            OtherColor = 2; 

            Display("To Alice:\n",7); 
            MalloryAlice.SendMessage("I think the address is wrong, but I'll keep trying",true);

           // -------------   Gloat   ------------
            if (!fVerbose && Version >= 3)
                Display(sep1, 1);

            Display("\nI am so clever!\n\n" +
                   "Here is what I received: " + NewSalesContact + "\n" +
                   "and here is what I sent: " + FakeMessage + "\n\n" +
                   "They will never catch me!\n\n\n");

            if (Version <= 2)
                Display(sep1, 1);

            Display("Perhaps they will talk some more?\n"      +
                   "I'll listen in on what they say\n" +
                   "and add a few extra characters to their messages\n\n");
            Display(sep + sep1,1);
            s = "";

            while (true)
                Display("From Alice:\n",7);
                OtherColor = 4; 
                s = MalloryAlice.ReceiveMessage();
                if ("" == s)

                Display("Send to Bob:\n",7);
                    if (!MalloryBob.SendMessage(s + " qwerty",true))        // If Alice entered CTRL-C, or SYS_CLOSE

                Display("From Bob:\n",7);
                OtherColor = 2; 
                s = MalloryBob.ReceiveMessage();

                Display("Send to Alice:\n",7);
                if ("" != s)
                    s += " ytrewq";

                if (!MalloryAlice.SendMessage(s,true))                  // If Alice entered CTRL-C, or SYS_CLOSE

                if ("" == s)
            }        // End using (Communicator MalloryAlice, Communicator MalloryBob)
       }       // End Run

}       // public partial class CNG_SecureCommunicationExample

Viz také


Postupy: Sestavení a spuštění příkladu Kryptografické služby nové generace (CNG)


Přehled zdrojového kódu (příklad Kryptografické služby nové generace (CNG))

Příklad zabezpečené komunikace Kryptografické služby nové generace (CNG)

Služby šifrování