.jpeg) |
AcceptVerbsAttribute |
Represents an attribute that specifies which HTTP verbs an action method will respond to. |
.jpeg) |
ActionDescriptor |
Provides information about an action method, such as its name, controller, parameters, attributes, and filters. |
.jpeg) |
ActionExecutedContext |
Provides the context for the ActionExecuted method of the ActionFilterAttribute class. |
.jpeg) |
ActionExecutingContext |
Provides the context for the ActionExecuting method of the ActionFilterAttribute class. |
.jpeg) |
ActionFilterAttribute |
Represents the base class for all action-filter attributes. |
.jpeg) |
ActionMethodSelectorAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used to influence the selection of an action method. |
.jpeg) |
ActionNameAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used for the name of an action. |
.jpeg) |
ActionNameSelectorAttribute |
Represents an attribute that affects the selection of an action method. |
.jpeg) |
ActionResult |
Encapsulates the result of an action method and is used to perform a framework-level operation on behalf of the action method. |
.jpeg) |
AjaxHelper |
Represents support for rendering HTML in AJAX scenarios within a view. |
.jpeg) |
AjaxHelper<TModel> |
Represents support for rendering HTML in AJAX scenarios within a strongly typed view. |
.jpeg) |
AjaxRequestExtensions |
Represents a class that extends the HttpRequestBase class by adding the ability to determine whether an HTTP request is an AJAX request. |
.jpeg) |
AreaRegistration |
Provides a way to register one or more areas in an ASP.NET MVC application. |
.jpeg) |
AreaRegistrationContext |
Encapsulates the information that is required in order to register an area within an ASP.NET MVC application. |
.jpeg) |
AssociatedMetadataProvider |
Provides an abstract class to implement a metadata provider. |
.jpeg) |
AssociatedValidatorProvider |
Provides an abstract class for classes that implement a validation provider. |
.jpeg) |
AsyncController |
Provides the base class for asynchronous controllers. |
.jpeg) |
AsyncTimeoutAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used to set the timeout value, in milliseconds, for an asynchronous method. |
.jpeg) |
AuthorizationContext |
Encapsulates the information that is required for using an AuthorizeAttribute attribute. |
.jpeg) |
AuthorizeAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used to restrict access by callers to an action method. |
.jpeg) |
BindAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used to provide details about how model binding to a parameter should occur. |
.jpeg) |
ByteArrayModelBinder |
Maps a browser request to a byte array. |
.jpeg) |
ChildActionOnlyAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used to indicate that an action method should be called only as a child action. |
.jpeg) |
ClientDataTypeModelValidatorProvider |
Returns the client data-type model validators. |
.jpeg) |
ContentResult |
Represents a user-defined content type that is the result of an action method. |
.jpeg) |
Controller |
Provides methods that respond to HTTP requests that are made to an ASP.NET MVC Web site. |
.jpeg) |
ControllerActionInvoker |
Represents a class that is responsible for invoking the action methods of a controller. |
.jpeg) |
ControllerBase |
Represents the base class for all MVC controllers. |
.jpeg) |
ControllerBuilder |
Represents a class that is responsible for dynamically building a controller. |
.jpeg) |
ControllerContext |
Encapsulates information about an HTTP request that matches specified RouteBase and ControllerBase instances. |
.jpeg) |
ControllerDescriptor |
Encapsulates information that describes a controller, such as its name, type, and actions. |
.jpeg) |
CustomModelBinderAttribute |
Represents an attribute that invokes a custom model binder. |
.jpeg) |
DataAnnotationsModelMetadata |
Provides a container for common metadata, for the DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider class, and for the DataAnnotationsModelValidator class for a data model. |
.jpeg) |
DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider |
Implements the default model metadata provider for ASP.NET MVC. |
.jpeg) |
DataAnnotationsModelValidator |
Provides a model validator. |
.jpeg) |
DataAnnotationsModelValidator<TAttribute> |
Provides a model validator for a specified validation type. |
.jpeg) |
DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider |
Implements the default validation provider for MVC. |
.jpeg) |
DataErrorInfoModelValidatorProvider |
Provides a container for the error-information model validator. |
.jpeg) |
DefaultControllerFactory |
Represents the controller factory that is registered by default. |
.jpeg) |
DefaultModelBinder |
Maps a browser request to a data object. This class provides a concrete implementation of a model binder. |
.jpeg) |
DefaultViewLocationCache |
Represents a memory cache for view locations. |
.jpeg) |
DictionaryValueProvider<TValue> |
Represents the base class for value providers whose values come from a collection that implements the IDictionary<TKey, TValue> interface. |
.jpeg) |
EmptyModelMetadataProvider |
Provides an empty metadata provider for data models that do not require metadata. |
.jpeg) |
EmptyModelValidatorProvider |
Provides an empty validation provider for models that do not require a validator. |
.jpeg) |
EmptyResult |
Represents a result that does nothing, such as a controller action method that returns nothing. |
.jpeg) |
ExceptionContext |
Provides the context for using the HandleErrorAttribute class. |
.jpeg) |
ExpressionHelper |
Provides a helper class to get the model name from an expression. |
.jpeg) |
FieldValidationMetadata |
Provides a container for client-side field validation metadata. |
.jpeg) |
FileContentResult |
Sends the contents of a binary file to the response. |
.jpeg) |
FilePathResult |
Sends the contents of a file to the response. |
.jpeg) |
FileResult |
Represents a base class that is used to send binary file content to the response. |
.jpeg) |
FileStreamResult |
Sends binary content to the response by using a Stream instance. |
.jpeg) |
FilterAttribute |
Represents the base class for action-filter attributes. |
.jpeg) |
FilterInfo |
Encapsulates information about the available action filters. |
.jpeg) |
FormCollection |
Contains the form value providers for the application. |
.jpeg) |
FormContext |
Encapsulates information that is required in order to validate and process the input data from an HTML form. |
.jpeg) |
FormValueProvider |
Represents a value provider for form values that are contained in a NameValueCollection object. |
.jpeg) |
FormValueProviderFactory |
Represents a class that is responsible for creating a new instance of a form-value provider object. |
.jpeg) |
HandleErrorAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used to handle an exception that is thrown by an action method. |
.jpeg) |
HandleErrorInfo |
Encapsulates information for handling an error that was thrown by an action method. |
.jpeg) |
HiddenInputAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used to indicate whether a property or field value should be rendered as a hidden input element. |
.jpeg) |
HtmlHelper |
Represents support for rendering HTML controls in a view. |
.jpeg) |
HtmlHelper<TModel> |
Represents support for rendering HTML controls in a strongly typed view. |
.jpeg) |
HttpAntiForgeryException |
Represents an HTTP anti-forgery exception. |
.jpeg) |
HttpDeleteAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used to restrict an action method so that the method handles only HTTP DELETE requests. |
.jpeg) |
HttpFileCollectionValueProvider |
Represents a value provider to use with values that come from a collection of HTTP files. |
.jpeg) |
HttpFileCollectionValueProviderFactory |
Represents a class that is responsible for creating a new instance of an HTTP file collection value provider object. |
.jpeg) |
HttpGetAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used to restrict an action method so that the method handles only HTTP GET requests. |
.jpeg) |
HttpPostAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used to restrict an action method so that the method handles only HTTP POST requests. |
.jpeg) |
HttpPostedFileBaseModelBinder |
Binds a model to a posted file. |
.jpeg) |
HttpPutAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used to restrict an action method so that the method handles only HTTP PUT requests. |
.jpeg) |
HttpRequestExtensions |
Extends the HttpRequestBase class that contains the HTTP values that were sent by a client during a Web request. |
.jpeg) |
HttpUnauthorizedResult |
Represents the result of an unauthorized HTTP request. |
.jpeg) |
JavaScriptResult |
Sends JavaScript content to the response. |
.jpeg) |
JsonResult |
Represents a class that is used to send JSON-formatted content to the response. |
.jpeg) |
LinqBinaryModelBinder |
Maps a browser request to a LINQ Binary object. |
.jpeg) |
ModelBinderAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used to associate a model type to a model-builder type. |
.jpeg) |
ModelBinderDictionary |
Represents a class that contains all model binders for the application, listed by binder type. |
.jpeg) |
ModelBinders |
Provides global access to the model binders for the application. |
.jpeg) |
ModelBindingContext |
Provides the context in which a model binder functions. |
.jpeg) |
ModelClientValidationRangeRule |
Provides a container for a range-validation rule that is sent to the browser. |
.jpeg) |
ModelClientValidationRegexRule |
Provides a container for a regular-expression client validation rule that is sent to the browser. |
.jpeg) |
ModelClientValidationRequiredRule |
Provides a container for client validation for required field. |
.jpeg) |
ModelClientValidationRule |
Provides a base class container for a client validation rule that is sent to the browser. |
.jpeg) |
ModelClientValidationStringLengthRule |
Provides a container for a string-length validation rule that is sent to the browser. |
.jpeg) |
ModelError |
Represents an error that occurs during model binding. |
.jpeg) |
ModelErrorCollection |
A collection of ModelError instances. |
.jpeg) |
ModelMetadata |
Provides a container for common metadata, for the ModelMetadataProvider class, and for the ModelValidator class for a data model. |
.jpeg) |
ModelMetadataProvider |
Provides an abstract base class for a custom metadata provider. |
.jpeg) |
ModelMetadataProviders |
Provides a container for the current ModelMetadataProvider instance. |
.jpeg) |
ModelState |
Encapsulates the state of model binding to a property of an action-method argument, or to the argument itself. |
.jpeg) |
ModelStateDictionary |
Represents the state of an attempt to bind a posted form to an action method, which includes validation information. |
.jpeg) |
ModelValidationResult |
Provides a container for a validation result. |
.jpeg) |
ModelValidator |
Provides a base class for implementing validation logic. |
.jpeg) |
ModelValidatorProvider |
Provides a list of validators for a model. |
.jpeg) |
ModelValidatorProviderCollection |
Provides a container for a list of validation providers. |
.jpeg) |
ModelValidatorProviders |
Provides a container for the current validation provider. |
.jpeg) |
MultiSelectList |
Represents a list of items that users can select more than one item from. |
.jpeg) |
MvcHandler |
Selects the controller that will handle an HTTP request. |
.jpeg) |
MvcHtmlString |
Represents an HTML-encoded string that should not be encoded again. |
.jpeg) |
MvcHttpHandler |
Verifies and processes an HTTP request. |
.jpeg) |
MvcRouteHandler |
Creates an object that implements the IHttpHandler interface and gives it the request context. |
.jpeg) |
NameValueCollectionExtensions |
Extends a NameValueCollection object so that the collection can be copied to a specified dictionary. |
.jpeg) |
NameValueCollectionValueProvider |
Represents the base class for value providers whose values come from a NameValueCollection object. |
.jpeg) |
NoAsyncTimeoutAttribute |
Provides a convenience wrapper for the AsyncTimeoutAttribute attribute. |
.jpeg) |
NonActionAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used to indicate that a controller method is not an action method. |
.jpeg) |
OutputCacheAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used to mark an action method whose output will be cached. |
.jpeg) |
ParameterBindingInfo |
Encapsulates information for binding action-method parameters to a data model. |
.jpeg) |
ParameterDescriptor |
Contains information that describes a parameter. |
.jpeg) |
PartialViewResult |
Represents a base class that is used to send a partial view to the response. |
.jpeg) |
QueryStringValueProvider |
Represents a value provider for query strings that are contained in a NameValueCollection object. |
.jpeg) |
QueryStringValueProviderFactory |
Represents a class that is responsible for creating a new instance of a query-string value-provider object. |
.jpeg) |
RangeAttributeAdapter |
Provides an adapter for the RangeAttribute attribute. |
.jpeg) |
RedirectResult |
Controls the processing of application actions by redirecting to a specified URI. |
.jpeg) |
RedirectToRouteResult |
Represents a result that performs a redirection by using the specified route values dictionary. |
.jpeg) |
ReflectedActionDescriptor |
Contains information that describes a reflected action method. |
.jpeg) |
ReflectedControllerDescriptor |
Contains information that describes a reflected controller. |
.jpeg) |
ReflectedParameterDescriptor |
Contains information that describes a reflected action-method parameter. |
.jpeg) |
RegularExpressionAttributeAdapter |
Provides an adapter for the RegularExpressionAttribute attribute. |
.jpeg) |
RequiredAttributeAdapter |
Provides an adapter for the RequiredAttributeAttribute attribute. |
.jpeg) |
RequireHttpsAttribute |
Represents an attribute that forces an unsecured HTTP request to be re-sent over HTTPS. |
.jpeg) |
ResultExecutedContext |
Provides the context for the OnResultExecuted method of the ActionFilterAttribute class. |
.jpeg) |
ResultExecutingContext |
Provides the context for the OnResultExecuting method of the ActionFilterAttribute class. |
.jpeg) |
RouteCollectionExtensions |
Extends a RouteCollection object for MVC routing. |
.jpeg) |
RouteDataValueProvider |
Represents a value provider for route data that is contained in an object that implements the IDictionary<TKey, TValue> interface. |
.jpeg) |
RouteDataValueProviderFactory |
Represents a factory for creating route-data value provider objects. |
.jpeg) |
SelectList |
Represents a list that lets users select one item. |
.jpeg) |
SelectListItem |
Represents the selected item in an instance of the SelectList class. |
.jpeg) |
SessionStateTempDataProvider |
Provides session-state data to the current TempDataDictionary object. |
.jpeg) |
StringLengthAttributeAdapter |
Provides an adapter for the StringLengthAttribute attribute. |
.jpeg) |
TagBuilder |
Represents a class that is used by HTML helpers to build HTML elements. |
.jpeg) |
TempDataDictionary |
Represents a set of data that persists only from one request to the next. |
.jpeg) |
TemplateInfo |
Encapsulates information about the current template context. |
.jpeg) |
UrlHelper |
Contains methods to build URLs for ASP.NET MVC within an application. |
.jpeg) |
UrlParameter |
Represents an optional parameter that is used by the MvcHandler class during routing. |
.jpeg) |
ValidateAntiForgeryTokenAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used to detect whether a server request has been tampered with. |
.jpeg) |
ValidateInputAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is used to mark action methods whose input must be validated. |
.jpeg) |
ValueProviderCollection |
Represents the collection of value-provider objects for the application. |
.jpeg) |
ValueProviderDictionary |
Obsolete. Represents a dictionary of value providers for the application. |
.jpeg) |
ValueProviderFactories |
Represents a container for value-provider factory objects. |
.jpeg) |
ValueProviderFactory |
Represents a factory for creating value-provider objects. |
.jpeg) |
ValueProviderFactoryCollection |
Represents the collection of value-provider factories for the application. |
.jpeg) |
ValueProviderResult |
Represents the result of binding a value (such as from a form post or query string) to an action-method argument property, or to the argument itself. |
.jpeg) |
ViewContext |
Encapsulates information that is related to rendering a view. |
.jpeg) |
ViewDataDictionary |
Represents a container that is used to pass data between a controller and a view. |
.jpeg) |
ViewDataDictionary<TModel> |
Represents a container that is used to pass strongly typed data between a controller and a view. |
.jpeg) |
ViewDataInfo |
Encapsulates information about the current template content that is used to develop templates and about HTML helpers that interact with templates. |
.jpeg) |
ViewEngineCollection |
Represents a collection of view engines that are available to the application. |
.jpeg) |
ViewEngineResult |
Represents the result of locating a view engine. |
.jpeg) |
ViewEngines |
Represents a collection of view engines that are available to the application. |
.jpeg) |
ViewMasterPage |
Represents the information that is needed to build a master view page. |
.jpeg) |
ViewMasterPage<TModel> |
Represents the information that is required in order to build a strongly typed master view page. |
.jpeg) |
ViewPage |
Represents the properties and methods that are needed to render a view as a Web Forms page. |
.jpeg) |
ViewPage<TModel> |
Represents the information that is required in order to render a strongly typed view as a Web Forms page. |
.jpeg) |
ViewResult |
Represents a class that is used to render a view by using an IView instance that is returned by an IViewEngine object. |
.jpeg) |
ViewResultBase |
Represents a base class that is used to provide the model to the view and then render the view to the response. |
.jpeg) |
ViewTemplateUserControl |
Provides a container for TemplateInfo objects. |
.jpeg) |
ViewTemplateUserControl<TModel> |
Provides a container for TemplateInfo objects. |
.jpeg) |
ViewType |
Represents the type of a view. |
.jpeg) |
ViewUserControl |
Represents the information that is needed to build a user control. |
.jpeg) |
ViewUserControl<TModel> |
Represents the information that is required in order to build a strongly typed user control. |
.jpeg) |
VirtualPathProviderViewEngine |
Represents an abstract base-class implementation of the IViewEngine interface. |
.jpeg) |
WebFormView |
Represents the information that is needed to build a Web Forms page in MVC. |
.jpeg) |
WebFormViewEngine |
Represents a view engine that is used to render a Web Forms page to the response. |