Sdílet prostřednictvím

GetEventInterest Method (Automation Only)

GetEventInterest Method (Automation Only)

Returns the interest an object has in a particular event for the InkCollector class, InkOverlay class, or InkPicture class.



HRESULT GetEventInterest (
    [in] InkCollectorEventInterest eventId,
    [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Listen

[Microsoft® Visual Basic® 6.0]

Public Function GetEventInterest( _
    eventId As InkCollectorEventInterest _
) As Boolean



[in] The event in which the ink collector is or is not interested.


[in] Returns the Boolean value that indicates whether interest in the specified event has been set.

Return Value

HRESULT value Description
S_OK Success.
E_POINTER A parameter contained an invalid pointer.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid event interest.
E_INK_EXCEPTION An exception occurred during processing.


[Visual Basic 6.0]

This Visual Basic 6.0 example displays application and system gesture event information in a multiline text edit control, Text1, on the main form window. Starting with a standard .exe application and adding a reference to the Microsoft Tablet PC Type Library, this example adds a check box, Check1, which toggles tracking of System Gesture information, using the GetEventInterest method.

Option Explicit
Dim WithEvents theInkCollector As InkCollector

Private Sub Check1_Click()
    theInkCollector.SetEventInterest ICEI_SystemGesture, _
        Not theInkCollector.GetEventInterest(ICEI_SystemGesture)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Set theInkCollector = New InkCollector
    theInkCollector.hWnd = Me.hWnd
    'Set the ink collection mode to collect ink and gestures,
    'and turn off all application gestures except the chevrons.
    theInkCollector.CollectionMode = ICM_InkAndGesture
    theInkCollector.SetGestureStatus IAG_AllGestures, False
    theInkCollector.SetGestureStatus IAG_ChevronUp, True
    theInkCollector.SetGestureStatus IAG_ChevronDown, True
    theInkCollector.SetGestureStatus IAG_ChevronLeft, True
    theInkCollector.SetGestureStatus IAG_ChevronRight, True
    theInkCollector.Enabled = True

    Check1.Value = 1
    theInkCollector.SetEventInterest ICEI_SystemGesture, True
End Sub

Private Sub theInkCollector_Gesture( _
ByVal Cursor As MSINKAUTLib.IInkCursor, _
ByVal Strokes As MSINKAUTLib.InkStrokes, _
ByVal Gestures As Variant, _
Cancel As Boolean)
    Dim theGesture As Variant
    Dim X As Long
    Dim Y As Long
    Text1.Text = ""
    For Each theGesture In Gestures
        theGesture.GetHotPoint X, Y
        Text1.Text = Text1.Text & "Gesture " & _
        AppGestureName(theGesture.Id) & _
        " at (" & X & "," & Y & ") confidence: " & _
        ConfidenceName(theGesture.Confidence) & vbCrLf
End Sub

Private Sub theInkCollector_SystemGesture( _
ByVal Cursor As MSINKAUTLib.IInkCursor, _
ByVal Id As MSINKAUTLib.InkSystemGesture, _
ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, _
ByVal Modifier As Long, _
ByVal Character As String, _
ByVal CursorMode As Long)
    Text1.Text = "SystemGesture " & _
    SystemGestureName(Id) & " (x:" & X & ",y:" & Y & ")"
End Sub

Private Function SystemGestureName(ByVal Id As InkSystemGesture) As String
    Select Case Id
        Case ISG_DoubleTap
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_DoubleTap"
        Case ISG_Drag
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_Drag"
        Case ISG_HoldEnter
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_HoldEnter"
        Case ISG_HoldLeave
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_HoldLeave"
        Case ISG_HoverEnter
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_HoverEnter"
        Case ISG_HoverLeave
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_HoverLeave"
        Case ISG_RightDrag
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_RightDrag"
        Case ISG_RightTap
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_RightTap"
        Case ISG_Tap
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_Tap"
        Case Else
            SystemGestureName = "SystemGesture(" & Id & ")"
    End Select
End Function

Private Function AppGestureName(ByVal Id As InkApplicationGesture) As String
    Select Case Id
        Case IAG_AllGestures
            AppGestureName = "IAG_AllGestures"
        Case IAG_NoGesture
            AppGestureName = "IAG_NoGesture"
        Case IAG_ChevronUp
            AppGestureName = "IAG_ChevronUp"
        Case IAG_ChevronDown
            AppGestureName = "IAG_ChevronDown"
        Case IAG_ChevronLeft
            AppGestureName = "IAG_ChevronLeft"
        Case IAG_ChevronRight
            AppGestureName = "IAG_ChevronRight"
        Case Else
            AppGestureName = "AppGesture(" & Id & ")"
    End Select
End Function

Private Function ConfidenceName(ByVal Id As InkRecognitionConfidence) As String
    Select Case Id
        Case IRC_Strong
            ConfidenceName = "IRC_Strong"
        Case IRC_Intermediate
            ConfidenceName = "IRC_Intermediate"
        Case IRC_Poor
            ConfidenceName = "IRC_Poor"
        Case Else
            ConfidenceName = "Confidence(" & Id & ")"
    End Select
End Function

Applies To