Microsoft Azure PowerShell: Rutiny LabServices
Lab Services
Add-AzLabServicesUserQuota |
API to add additional user quota. |
Get-AzLabServicesLab |
API to get labs. |
Get-AzLabServicesLabForVM |
API to return the lab for a specific VM. |
Get-AzLabServicesLabPlan |
Retrieves the properties of a Lab Plan. |
Get-AzLabServicesPlanImage |
Gets an image resource. |
Get-AzLabServicesSchedule |
Returns the properties of a lab Schedule. |
Get-AzLabServicesTemplateVM |
API to get the template vm for the lab. |
Get-AzLabServicesUser |
Returns the properties of a lab user. |
Get-AzLabServicesUserVM |
API to get the assigned vm for the user. |
Get-AzLabServicesVM |
Returns the properties for a lab virtual machine. |
New-AzLabServicesLab |
Operation to create a lab resource. |
New-AzLabServicesLabPlan |
Operation to create or update a Lab Plan resource. |
New-AzLabServicesSchedule |
Operation to create or update a lab schedule. |
New-AzLabServicesUser |
Operation to create or update a lab user. |
Publish-AzLabServicesLab |
Publish or re-publish a lab. This will create or update all lab resources, such as virtual machines. |
Remove-AzLabServicesLab |
Operation to delete a lab resource. |
Remove-AzLabServicesLabPlan |
Operation to delete a Lab Plan resource. Deleting a lab plan does not delete labs associated with a lab plan, nor does it delete shared images added to a gallery via the lab plan permission container. |
Remove-AzLabServicesSchedule |
Operation to delete a schedule resource. |
Remove-AzLabServicesUser |
Operation to delete a user resource. |
Reset-AzLabServicesVMPassword |
Resets a lab virtual machine password. |
Save-AzLabServicesLabPlanImage |
Saves an image from a lab VM to the attached shared image gallery. |
Send-AzLabServicesUserInvite |
Operation to invite a user to a lab. |
Start-AzLabServicesUserVM |
API to start the assigned vm for the user. |
Start-AzLabServicesVM |
Action to start a lab virtual machine. |
Start-AzLabServicesVMRedeployment |
Action to redeploy a lab virtual machine to a different compute node. For troubleshooting connectivity. |
Stop-AzLabServicesUserVM |
API to stop the assigned vm for the user. |
Stop-AzLabServicesVM |
Action to stop a lab virtual machine. |
Sync-AzLabServicesLabUser |
Action used to manually kick off an AAD group sync job. |
Update-AzLabServicesLab |
Operation to update a lab resource. |
Update-AzLabServicesLabPlan |
Operation to update a Lab Plan resource. |
Update-AzLabServicesPlanImage |
Updates an image resource. |
Update-AzLabServicesQuota |
API to update the lab quota. |
Update-AzLabServicesSchedule |
Operation to update a lab schedule. |
Update-AzLabServicesUser |
Operation to update a lab user. |
Update-AzLabServicesVMReimage |
Re-image a lab virtual machine. The virtual machine will be deleted and recreated using the latest published snapshot of the reference environment of the lab. |
Azure PowerShell