
Sdílet prostřednictvím

Catalog item submission document reference

You must include data in JSON format when you submit an item to the catalog. This article describes the valid properties for that document. This JSON is an example:

  "modelVersion": "",
  "operation": "CreateOrUpdate",
  "sourcePortal": 526430005,
  "businessJustification": "Power Platform custom connector for Conference API",
  "publisherDetails": {
    "publisherId": "ContosoConferencesTeam",
    "publisherDisplayName": "Catalog Conferences Team"
  "catalogItemDefinition": {
    "id": "ContosoConferencesCustomConnector",
    "displayName": "Contoso Conference Custom Connector",
    "description": "Demo Custom connector to query Conference Speakers & Sessions",
    "offer": {
      "type": "Component_Collection",
      "deploymentType": "Normal",
      "engineeringName": {
        "firstName": "Jennifer",
        "lastName": "Wilkins",
        "email": "jwilkins@contoso.com",
        "phoneNumber": "555-111-1234"
      "supportName": {
        "firstName": "Aidan",
        "lastName": "Hunt",
        "email": "ahunt@contoso.com",
        "phoneNumber": "555-111-1234"
      "packageFile": {
         "name": "packageFileName.zip",
         "filesaslink": "https://Contoso.blob.core.windows.net/ContosoConferencesCustomConnector/packageFileName.zip"

This table describes the properties for the submission document:

Property Type Required Description
modelVersion string No Version number of the submission document. Default is
sourcePortal int No Identifies the source of this request. Defaults to 526430005 which is the PAC CLI. For other sources, use 526430000. The mspcat_GetPowerCatalogDetails function returns the full list. The mspcat_GetPowerCatalogDetailsResponse.CatalogDetails.sourceOptions property lists the available options.
submissionId guid No Guid to identify the submission. This value is a foreign key to allow for linking the request to other systems.
operation string Yes For future expansion and isn't currently respected. The type of operation that to be used. Valid values:
- CreateOrUpdate (Default)
- Create
- Update
- Disabled
businessJustification string No Describes the business value of the submission to the approver. This value can contain HTML or Rich Text Format (RTF). This information appears in the planned consumption experience in the maker discovery user experience. Users might say their submission helps with cost reduction or productivity, for example. Some organizations require certain classes of value and those values can be entered here.
publisherDetails Publisher Yes The publisher associated with this item submission.
catalogItemDefinition CatalogItemDefinition Yes Defines the catalog item being submitted.


Use this data to specify the catalog submission item publisherDetails property.

Creates a publisher record that can be associated to one or more Microsoft Entra ID groups containing authorized users who can make updates to the catalog item going forward.


Don't confuse this term with Solution Publisher. Catalog item publisher isn't used with solutions.

You need to provide the publisherDisplayName at a minimum. publisherId can be any string value. The system checks if that publisher exists, else creates it and assigns an publisherId.

For example, HR IT team of developers can create a publisher and ID the developers using a Microsoft Entra ID group.

Here's a sample of a publisher record that includes operations to add a person and an Entra ID group

   "publisherId": "MyPublisherId",
   "publisherDisplayName": "Contoso Publishing",
   "publisherUpnList": [
         "action": "Add",
         "upn": "john.doe@contoso.com"
   "publisherAADGroupOIDS": [
         "action": "Add",
         "groupName": "PowerCatalogSubmitters",
         "groupOID": "2ded6de9-ab44-4478-9bd4-e609947daa2e",
         "groupType": "Security"
Property Type Required Description
publisherId string Yes The unique ID for this publisher. Use this ID to identify this publisher anytime you're creating or updating a catalog item for this publisher. Catalog Items can only be associated to one publisher at a time. The value can be a GUID or string. Once set, it must be maintained.
publisherDisplayName string Yes Consumers see this data in the catalog gallery.
publisherUpnList CatalogUPNOperation[] No People that can submit new or update catalog items as this publisher. Always includes the submitting user the first time the Publisher is created.
publisherAADGroupOIDS CatalogGroupOperation[] No Entra ID Groups whose members are allowed to access this publisher.


Use this data to specify the Publisher publisherUpnList property.

Defines an operation to add or remove people that can submit new or update catalog items as this publisher.

Property Type Required Description
action string Yes The action to take with this UPN. Valid values: Add or Remove.
upn string Yes User Principal Name (UPN) of the user.
userOid guid Yes Object Identifier for the user.


Use this data to specify the Publisher publisherAADGroupOIDS property.

Defines an operation to add or remove an Entra ID Group that can access this publisher.

Property Type Required Description
action string Yes The action to take with this UPN. Valid values: Add or Remove.
groupName string Yes Name of group.
groupOid guid Yes Object identifier for group.
groupType string Yes Type of Group being addressed. Valid Values are Security and Modern.


Use this data to specify the catalog submission item catalogItemDefinition property.

These properties define the catalog item being submitted. This is the actual Power Platform solution. A package is what is stored in the catalog.

Here's an example of a catalog item including its engineeringName and supportName contacts that are mandatory.

"catalogItemDefinition": {
   "id": "ContosoTravelsApp",
   "displayName": "Contoso Travel Expense App",
   "description": "Submit expenses on the go!",
   "offer": {
   "businessCategories": [526430000, 526430001, 526430002],
   "type": "Component_Collection",
   "deploymentType": "Normal",
   "small48x48Image": {
      "name": "Small48Image",
      "fileSasLink": "https://www.contoso.com/icon48.jpg"      
   "large216x216Image": {
      "name": "Large216image2",
      "fileSasLink": "https://www.contoso.com/icon216.jpg"
   "documents": [
         "name": "ImaNewfile",
         "fileSasLink": "https://www.contoso.com/screenshot1.jpg"
         "name": "ImaNewfile2",
         "fileSasLink": "https://www.contoso.com/screenshot2.jpg"
   "helpLink": "https://www.contoso.com/help.html",
   "privacyPolicyLink": "https://www.contoso.com/privacy.html",
   "legalTerms": "https://www.contoso.com/legal.html",
   "engineeringName": {
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Roon",
      "email": "john@contoso.com",
      "phoneNumber": "999-111-1234"
   "supportName": {
      "firstName": "Jane",
      "lastName": "Drill",
      "email": "jane@contoso.com",
      "phoneNumber": "999-111-1234"
Property Type Required Description
id guid Yes The unique ID of the catalog item. Use this ID when updating or installing the catalog item.
displayName string Yes Name shown to consumers in the catalog galleries.
description string No Description shown to consumers in the catalog galleries.
offer OfferDetails Yes The details of the catalog item submission.
packageFile CatalogFileAsset Yes Describes where to get the catalog package file for the submission.


Use this data to specify the CatalogItemDefinition offer property.

These properties define the details of the catalog item submission.

Property Type Required Description
businessCategories int[] No List of choice option values respected by the target catalog. Identifies the business categories to associate with this catalog item. See Business categories for the valid values to use.
type string Yes Type of catalog item. Valid values:
- Application
- Component_Collection
supportsApplicationTypes string[] No List of the supported application types. Valid values:
- CanvasApps
- ModelApps
- PowerPortals
- PowerAutomate
deploymentType string Yes Indicates the type of deployment to deploy this catalog item. Valid values:
- Normal represents a managed item.
- Template A copy of your unmanaged solution that other makers can edit however they choose.
Learn more about catalog item types
searchKeywords string[] No Words that people might use to find this catalog item.
small48x48Image CatalogFileAsset No Image for gallery view. If you don't provide this image, a system default icon is used.
large216x216Image CatalogFileAsset No Image for detail view. Provide an icon to be displayed in the maker or other discovery UI. Some user experiences uses larger icons to render cards for discovery.
useCaseDocument CatalogFileAsset No Use case description and explanation to approvers.
videos CatalogFileAsset[] No Detail view displays links to these video/gif files.
documents CatalogFileAsset[] No Detail view displays links to these files.
screenshots CatalogFileAsset[] No Detail view displays these images. You can pass screenshots here of your application to help makers identify whether this app provides the functionality or capability they're looking for. The most common thing people do before downloading an app or template is look at its images and screenshots to understand the capabilities instead of reading the description.
helpLink uri No Link to documentation. These URLs can be links to internal docs or sharepoint resources.
privacyPolicyLink uri No Link to privacy document. Policies regarding careful usage of the component or application being submitted.
legalTermsLink uri No Link to the Terms and Conditions document. Any legal terms or internal guidance for evaluation of the consumer of the catalog item.
legalTerms string No Markdown, HTML, or text version of the Terms and Conditions document. Any legal terms or internal guidance for evaluation of the consumer of the catalog item.
sourceCodeRepositoryLink uri No Link to the source code repository
engineeringName PersonContactInformation Yes Contact information for engineer or group that developed this catalog item.
supportName PersonContactInformation No Contact information for support or group that supports this catalog item. Can be same as the engineering contact that the consumer of a catalog item can reach out to if they run into issues with the application.

Business categories

Set the OfferDetails businessCategories property to one or more of these business categories:

Code Description
526430000 Customer Service
526430001 Project Management
526430002 Calendar Management & Scheduling
526430003 Email Management
526430004 Files & Documentation
526430005 Notification & Reminders
526430006 Analytics
526430007 Collaboration
526430008 Commerce
526430009 Finance
526430010 Compliance & Legal
526430011 Sales
526430012 IT Tools
526430013 Marketing
526430014 Operations & Supply Chain
526430015 Internet of Things
526430016 AI Machine Learning
526430017 Geolocation
526430018 Human Resources

Currently, new business categories can't be configured, but they can be retrieved from the Catalog Business Category (mspcat_catalogbusinesscategory) global choice.


These properties define a file referenced in the CatalogItemDefinition packageFile and the OfferDetails small48x48Image, large216x216Image, useCaseDocument, videos, documents, and screenshots properties.

Property Type Required Description
name string Yes Name of the file.
filesaslink uri Yes Link to download the file. If the link requires authentication, provide a shared access signature (SAS) URL.


These properties define people in the catalog item OfferDetails engineeringName and supportName properties.

Property Type Required Description
firstName string No Person first name.
lastName string Yes Person family name.
email string Yes Person email address.
phoneNumber string No Person phone number.