Sdílet prostřednictvím NetrDfsCreateExitPoint (Opnum 48)

The NetrDfsCreateExitPoint method creates a DFS link on the server. An implementation MAY<147> choose to support this method.

 NET_API_STATUS NetrDfsCreateExitPoint(
   [in, string, unique] SRVSVC_HANDLE ServerName,
   [in] GUID* Uid,
   [in, string] WCHAR* Prefix,
   [in] unsigned long Type,
   [in, range(0,32)] DWORD ShortPrefixLen,
   [out, size_is(ShortPrefixLen)] WCHAR* ShortPrefix

ServerName: An SRVSVC_HANDLE (section pointer that identifies the server. The client MUST map this structure to an RPC binding handle (see [C706] sections 4.3.5 and The server MUST ignore this parameter.

Uid: Specifies the GUID for the DFS link. This GUID MUST be obtained by using the NetrDfsGetInfo (Opnum 4) method, which is specified in [MS-DFSNM] section

Prefix: A pointer to a null-terminated UTF-16 string that specifies the path of the DFS link.

Type: This parameter MUST be one of the values that are specified in section

ShortPrefixLen: Specifies the size of the buffer passed in the ShortPrefix. The value of this field MUST be within the range 0 through 32, inclusive.

ShortPrefix: A pointer to a null-terminated UTF-16 string that is the buffer where the name of the DFS namespace root or link is returned.<148>

Return Values: The method returns 0x00000000 (NERR_Success) to indicate success; otherwise, it returns a nonzero error code. The method can take any specific error code value, as specified in [MS-ERREF] section 2.2.

In response to a NetrDfsCreateExitPoint message, the server SHOULD<149> choose to perform no processing and return an implementation-specific error code when this method is called. If the server supports DFS, the server MAY create a DFS link, as specified in [MS-DFSC].

The Uid parameter specifies the GUID to be assigned to the new link.

The Prefix parameter specifies the path of the DFS link. The string MUST be in one of two forms:

  • The first form is \Dfsname\sharename\path_to_link, where Dfsname is the name of the storage server that hosts the root of a standalone DFS implementation; sharename is the name of a shared folder that is published on the DFS host server; and path_to_link specifies the path on the physical network share.

  • The second form is \DomainName\DomDfsname\path_to_link, where DomainName is the name of the domain that hosts the DFS root; DomDfsname is the root name of a domain-based DFS implementation that is published in the directory service of the domain; and path_to_link specifies the path on the physical network share.

The Type parameter specifies the type of the new link and MUST be one of the values listed in section If the value of this parameter is PKT_ENTRY_TYPE_MACHINE, the server MUST fail the call and return an implementation-specific error code.

The ShortPrefixLen parameter specifies the length of the ShortPrefix parameter that specifies a short name for the new link in the 8.3 format.

The server MAY<150> enforce security measures to verify that the caller has the required permissions to execute this call. If the server enforces these security measures and the caller does not have the required credentials, the server SHOULD<151> fail the call.