Sdílet prostřednictvím SERVER_INFO_103

The SERVER_INFO_103 structure contains information about CIFS and SMB Version 1.0 file servers, including the name, platform, type of server, attributes, associated software, and capabilities.

 typedef struct _SERVER_INFO_103 {
   DWORD sv103_platform_id;
   [string] wchar_t* sv103_name;
   DWORD sv103_version_major;
   DWORD sv103_version_minor;
   DWORD sv103_type;
   [string] wchar_t* sv103_comment;
   DWORD sv103_users;
   LONG sv103_disc;
   BOOL sv103_hidden;
   DWORD sv103_announce;
   DWORD sv103_anndelta;
   DWORD sv103_licenses;
   [string] wchar_t* sv103_userpath;
   DWORD sv103_capabilities;

sv103_platform_id: Specifies the information level to use for platform-specific information. This member can be one of the values that are listed in PLATFORM IDs (section The server MUST ignore this field during a NetrServerSetInfo operation.

sv103_name: A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode UTF-16 Internet host name or NetBIOS host name of a server.

The server MUST ignore this field during a NetrServerSetInfo operation.

sv103_version_major: Specifies the major release version number of the operating system. The server MUST ignore this field during a NetrServerSetInfo operation. The server MUST set this field to an implementation-specific major release version number that corresponds to the host operating system on a NetrServerGetInfo operation.<18>

sv103_version_minor: Specifies the minor release version number of the operating system. The server MUST ignore this field during a NetrServerSetInfo operation. The server MUST set this field to an implementation-specific minor release version number that corresponds to the host operating system on a NetrServerGetInfo operation.<19>

sv103_type: Specifies the type of software the computer is running. This member MUST be a combination of one or more of the values that are listed in section The server MUST ignore this field during a NetrServerSetInfo operation.

sv103_comment: An optional pointer to a null-terminated Unicode UTF-16 string that specifies a comment that describes the server.

sv103_users: Specifies the number of users who can attempt to log on to the server. The range of values MUST be from 0x00000001 to 0xFFFFFFFF, inclusive. The server enforces a ceiling, based on the particular SKU that is running on the server, by taking a minimum of the specified value and the ceiling.

sv103_disc: Specifies the automatic disconnect time, in minutes. A session MUST be disconnected if it is idle longer than the period of time that the sv103_disc member specifies. If the value of sv103_disc is SV_NODISC (0xFFFFFFFF), an automatic disconnect MUST NOT be enabled. The range of values MUST be from 0x00000001 to 0xFFFFFFFF, inclusive.

sv103_hidden: A Boolean that specifies whether the server is hidden or visible to other computers in the same network domain. It MUST be set to TRUE (1) to indicate that the server is hidden; or it MUST be set to FALSE (0) to indicate that the server is visible. The default value is FALSE (0).

sv103_announce: Specifies the network announce rate, in seconds. This rate determines how often the server is announced to other computers on the network for discovery by using the CIFS Browser Protocol. For more information, see [MS-BRWS]. The range of values MUST be from 1 to 65535, inclusive.

sv103_anndelta: Specifies the delta value for the announce rate, in milliseconds. This value specifies how much the announce rate can vary from the period of time that is specified in the sv103_announce member. The delta value enables the server to set randomly varied announce rates in the range sv103_announce to sv103_announce+sv103_anndelta, inclusive, to prevent many servers from announcing at the same time. The range of values MUST be from 0 to 65535, inclusive.

sv103_licenses: Unused. The server MUST ignore this field during a NetrServerSetInfo operation. The server MUST return 0 during a NetrServerGetInfo operation.

sv103_userpath: A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode UTF-16 string that specifies the path to the user directories. Due to historical reasons, the default path is "c:\". The client can set this field to any value. The server stores this string and returns it when queried. This field has no effect on the server.

sv103_capabilities: Specifies the capabilities of the server. This MUST be a combination of zero or more of the following flags. The server MUST ignore this field during a NetrServerSetInfo operation. If the server does not support any of the following capabilities, it MUST set this field to 0x0000.





Hash generation for branch cache functionality is supported by the server.



The branch cache component is installed.<20>