
Sdílet prostřednictvím

NameSpace.AutoDiscoverComplete event (Outlook)

Occurs after Microsoft Outlook has finished accessing the auto-discovery service of the Microsoft Exchange server that hosts the primary Exchange account and has the related information available in NameSpace.AutoDiscoverXml.


expression. AutoDiscoverComplete

expression A variable that represents a 'NameSpace' object.


This event is similar to the AutoDiscoverComplete event of the Accounts object. If there are multiple Exchange accounts defined in the current profile, use the AutoDiscoverComplete event of the Accounts object that specifies the particular account.


NameSpace.AutoDiscoverXml is an XML string that is returned from the auto-discovery service of the Exchange server. The following code sample shows when this XML string is available during a normal Outlook session:

  1. When the Application.Startup event occurs, if NameSpace.AutoDiscoverConnectionMode is not equal to olAutoDiscoverConnectionUnknown

  2. When the AutoDiscoverComplete event occurs, if AutoDiscoverConnectionMode is not equal to olAutoDiscoverConnectionUnknown

Dim WithEvents Session As NameSpace 
Dim LastAutoDiscoverXml As String 
Dim LastAutoDiscoverConnectionMode As OlAutoDiscoverConnectionMode 
Private Sub Application_Startup() 
 Set Session = Application.Session 
 If (Session.AutoDiscoverConnectionMode <> olAutoDiscoverConnectionUnknown) Then 
 LastAutoDiscoverXml = Session.AutoDiscoverXml 
 LastAutoDiscoverConnectionMode = Session.AutoDiscoverConnectionMode 
 End If 
End Sub 
Private Sub Session_AutoDiscoverComplete() 
 LastAutoDiscoverXml = Session.AutoDiscoverXml 
 LastAutoDiscoverConnectionMode = Session.AutoDiscoverConnectionMode 
 If LastAutoDiscoverConnectionMode <> olAutoDiscoverConnectionUnknown Then 
 End If 
End Sub 
Private Sub DoAutoDiscoverBasedWork() 
 ' Do activity requires auto discover information 
 Dim displayName As String 
 Dim posStartTag, posEndTag As Integer 
 posStartTag = InStr(1, LastAutoDiscoverXml, "<DisplayName>") 
 posEndTag = InStr(1, LastAutoDiscoverXml, "</DisplayName>") 
 If (posStartTag > 1 And posEndTag > 1) Then 
 displayName = Mid(LastAutoDiscoverXml, posStartTag + 13, posEndTag - posStartTag - 13) 
 Debug.Print "DisplayName = " & displayName 
 End If 
End Sub

See also

NameSpace Object

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