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Enhance AI-generated bot messages

AI label, citation, feedback buttons, and sensitivity label in your bot’s messages improve user engagement and foster transparency and trust.

  • AI label enables users to identify that the message was generated using AI.
  • Citation enables users to refer to the source of the bot message through in-text citations and references.
  • Feedback buttons enable users to provide positive or negative feedback to the bot messages.
  • Sensitivity label enables users to understand the confidentiality of the bot message.

The following screenshots show how bot messages can be enhanced with AI label, citation, feedback buttons, and sensitivity label:


AI label

An AI label on your bot message indicates it’s generated by AI. While AI-powered bots using Large Language Models (LLMs) are generally reliable, the label helps prevent confusion about the information's source.

Screenshot shows an AI label in a bot message.

Add AI label

If you're using Teams AI library to build yout bot, AI label is automatically enabled for all AI-powered bot messages in the ai module within the PredictedSayCommand action. For more information, see AIEntity interface.

If you're using Microsoft Bot Framework SDK to build your bot, include additionalType under the entities array of the message entity object. Following is an example code snippet:

await context.sendActivity({
  type: ActivityTypes.Message,
  text: `Hey! I'm a friendly AI bot. This message is generated by AI.`,
  entities: [
     type: "https://schema.org/Message",
     "@type": "Message",
     "@context": "https://schema.org",
     additionalType: ["AIGeneratedContent"], // Enables AI label
Property Type Required Description
additionalType Array Yes Enables the AI label in the bot message.
Allowed value: AIGeneratedContent.

After adding an AI label, your bot’s message shows an "AI generated" label next to the bot’s name. A disclaimer hovers stating, "AI-generated content may be incorrect." The AI label and disclaimer cannot be customized for AI-powered bots.


The AI generated label is available only when you send a new message using SendActivity. If you update a message using UpdateActivity, the Edited label is added.

Error handling

Error code Description
400 Multiple root message entities found under entities array.
400 Error parsing message entity from entities array.


Citing sources in bot messages helps users ask follow-up questions or conduct independent research. Cite data sources like files, messages, emails, and work items to provide valuable insights. Citations are crucial for bots using techniques like Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).

Screenshot shows an AI-powered bot response with in-text citation.

Citations to your bot message include in-text citation, details of citation reference, and sensitivity label for the content referenced.

  • In-text citation denotes the citation numbers added to the bot message in the [#] format, each corresponding to a reference. A citation can be inserted anywhere within the text.
  • Details of citation reference include the title, keywords, abstract, hyperlink, and sensitivity information. References appear as pop-up windows for each in-text citation.
  • Sensitivity labels to citation indicate the confidentiality of the citation content referenced and aren't added automatically. To add a sensitivity label for a citation, see add sensitivity label.


  • A maximum of 10 citation are displayed in a message.
  • Adaptive Cards aren't rendered in the citation pop-up window. However, Adaptive Cards can be rendered in the bot's message.

Add citations

If you're using Teams AI library to build your bot, citations are added to an AI-powered bot message automatically through PredictedSayCommand action. You can also modify the PredictedSayCommand action to add citations to your bot message. For more information, see ClientCitation interface.

If you're using Bot Framework SDK to build your bot, include citation under the entities array. Following is an example code snippet:

await context.sendActivity({
  type: ActivityTypes.Message,
  text: `Hey I'm a friendly AI bot. This message is generated through AI [1]`, // cite with [1],
  entities: [
    type: "https://schema.org/Message",
    "@type": "Message",
    "@context": "https://schema.org",
    citation: [
      "@type": "Claim",
      position: 1, // Required. Must match the [1] in the text above
      appearance: {
        "@type": "DigitalDocument",
        name: "AI bot", // Title
        url: "https://example.com/claim-1", // Hyperlink on the title
        abstract: "Excerpt description", // Appears in the citation pop-up window
        keywords: ["keyword 1", "keyword 2", "keyword 3"], // Appears in the citation pop-up window
Property Type Required Description
citation Object Yes Details of the citation.
citation.@type String Yes Object of the citation.
Allowed value: Claim.
citation.position Integer Yes Displays the citation number. The values are limited to less than eight.
citation.appearance Object Yes Information about the appearance of the citation.
citation.appearance.@type String Yes Object of the citation appearance.
Allowed value: DigitalDocument.
citation.appearance.name String Yes Title of the referenced content.
citation.appearance.url String No URL of the referenced content.
citation.appearance.abstract String No Extract of the referenced content and is limited to less than 1,000 characters.
citation.appearance.keywords Array No Keywords from the referenced content. You can't add more than three keywords.

After you enable citations, the bot message includes in-text citations and references. The in-text citations display the reference details when users hover over the citation.

Error handling

Error code Description
400 Multiple root message entities found under entities array
400 Error parsing message entity from entities array
400 Bot message with more than 10 citations
400 The appearance object is empty
400 Error while parsing citation entity with ID: X

Feedback buttons

Feedback buttons in bot messages are essential for tracking user engagement, identifying errors, and gaining insights into bot performance. These insights enable targeted enhancements of the bot’s conversational capabilities. Enable feedback buttons to allow users to like or dislike messages and provide detailed feedback.

Screenshot shows the feedback buttons in a bot.

When the user selects a feedback button, a respective feedback form appears based on the user's selection.

Screenshot shows the feedback form in a bot.

Feedback buttons are located at the footer of the bot’s message and include a 👍 (thumbs up) and a 👎 (thumbs down) button that the user to choose. You can collect feedback on bot responses from one-on-one and group chats.

Add feedback buttons

For a bot built using Teams AI library, Teams enables feedback buttons to all bot messages when enable_feedback_loop is set to true in the ai module.

export const app = new Application<ApplicationTurnState>({
    ai: {
        planner: planner,
        enable_feedback_loop: true

For more information, see the const app variable.

After you enable feedback buttons, all SAY commands from the bot have feedbackLoopEnabled automatically set to true in the channelData object.

To enable feedback buttons in a bot built using Bot Framework SDK, add a channelData object in your bot message and set the value of feedbackLoopEnabled to true.

await context.sendActivity({
  type: ActivityTypes.Message,
  text: `Hey! I'm a friendly AI bot!`,
  channelData: {
    feedbackLoopEnabled: true // Enable feedback buttons
Property Type Required Description
feedbackLoopEnabled Boolean Yes Enables feedback buttons in the bot's message

Handle feedback

The bot receives user input from the feedback form through a bot invoke flow. For bots built using Teams AI library, the bot invoke request is automatically handled. To manage feedback, use the app.feedbackLoop method to register a feedback loop handler when the user provides feedback.

app.feedbackLoop(async (context, state, feedbackLoopData) => {
  // custom logic here...

For more information, see the asynchronous callback function.

For a bot built using Bot Framework SDK, you must have an onInvokeActivity handler to process the feedback. Ensure that you return a status code 200 with an empty JSON object as a response.

The following code snippet shows how to handle feedback received in a bot invoke and return a response with the status code 200:

public async onInvokeActivity(context: TurnContext): Promise<InvokeResponse> {
    try {
      switch (context.activity.name) {
        case "message/submitAction":
           console.log('Your feedback is ' + JSON.stringify(context.activity.value))
           // Your feedback is {"actionName":"feedback","actionValue":{"reaction":"like","feedback":"{\"feedbackText\":\"This is my feedback.\"}"}}
           return CreateInvokeResponse(200, {});
          return {
            status: 200,
            body: `Unknown invoke activity handled as default- ${context.activity.name}`,
    } catch (err) {
      console.log(`Error in onInvokeActivity: ${err}`);
      return {
        status: 500,
        body: `Invoke activity received- ${context.activity.name}`,

 export const CreateInvokeResponse = (
  status: number,
  body?: unknown
 ): InvokeResponse => {
    return { status, body };

Store the feedback by saving message IDs and content of messages your bot sends and receives. When your bot gets an invoke request with feedback, match the message ID with the corresponding feedback.


Teams doesn't store or process feedback. It doesn't provide an API or a storage mechanism.

If a user uninstalls your bot and still has access to the bot chat, Teams removes the feedback buttons from the bot messages to prevent the user from providing feedback to the bot.

Error handling

Error code Description
400 message/submitAction invoke response isn't empty.

Sensitivity label

Bot responses might contain confidential information or be accessible only to certain individuals within the organization. Add a sensitivity label to help users identify the confidentiality of a message, enabling them to exercise caution when sharing it.

Screenshot shows an AI-powered bot sensitivity label.


Add a sensitivity label to your bot's messages only when they contain sensitive information.

Add sensitivity label

For bots built using Teams AI library, sensitivity label can be added through PredictedSayCommand action. For more information, see SensitivityUsageInfo interface.

For bots built using Bot Framework SDK, add a sensitivity label to your bot message by modifying the message to include usageInfo in the entities object.

The following code snippet shows how to add sensitivity labels to both bot messages and citation reference:

await context.sendActivity({
  type: ActivityTypes.Message,
  text: `Hey, I'm a friendly AI bot. This message is generated through AI [1]`,
  entities: [
      type: "https://schema.org/Message",
      "@type": "Message",
      "@context": "https://schema.org",
      usageInfo: {
        "@type": "CreativeWork",
        name: "Sensitivity title",
        description: "Sensitivity description",
Property Type Required Description
usageInfo.@type String Yes Enables the sensitivity label in the bot message.
citation.usageInfo.@id String Yes Enables the sensitivity label in the citation reference. It's required when adding a sensitivity label to citation reference.
usageInfo.name String Yes Specifies the title of the sensitivity label.
usageInfo.description String No Specifies the pop-up window message that appears when a user hovers over the sensitivity label.

After adding the sensitivity label, your bot message displays a shield icon. Users can hover over the icon to see a disclaimer about the message's sensitivity.

Error handling

Error code Description
400 Multiple root message entities found under entities array
400 Error parsing message entity from entities array
400 Citation level usageInfo.@id value doesn't match the message level usageInfo.@id in at least one instance
400 There are multiple citation-level usageInfo properties with the same @id, but their name and description properties are different.

Modify PredictedSayCommand

For a bot built using Teams AI library, the PredictedSayCommand provides control on how AI label, citation, feedback button, and sensitivity label are added to the bot's activity. Following is the code snippet to modify PredictedSayCommand:

app.ai.action<PredictedSayCommand>(AI.SayCommandActionName, async (context, state, data, action) => {
  // custom logic here...
  await context.sendActivity(data.content);
  return "";

For more information about PredictedSayCommand, see PredictedSayCommand interface.

Code sample

Sample name Description Node.js C#
Teams conversation bot This sample app displays the AI label, citation, feedback buttons, and sensitivity label in messages. View NA
Azure OpenAI on your data This conversational bot uses Teams AI library and contains the AI label, feedback buttons, sensitivity label, and citation in its generated messages. NA View

See also