Migrate an extension from Manifest V2 to V3
This article lists important changes being implemented as part of Manifest V3, which is the next version of the Chromium Extensions platform. For guidance on migrating your extension to Manifest V3, see Overview of Manifest V3 - Chrome Developers.
Remotely hosted code
Today, some parts of the extensions code are hosted remotely, and aren't included as part of the extension package during the validation process. Although this offers the flexibility to change code without resubmitting the extension at Microsoft Edge Add-ons, it's possible to exploit the code after installation.
To ensure that the extensions at Microsoft Edge Add-ons are validated, the Microsoft Edge extensions team disallows extensions from using remotely hosted code. This change makes extensions more secure.
Developers will need to package and submit all code that is used by the extension, for validation. Alternatively, you can use the eval()
function in a sandboxed environment.
Run-time host permissions
At installation time, it's possible for extensions to request blanket permissions to access all sites and content. These permissions allow extensions to operate with minimum intervention, and so present a risk for user privacy and security. To improve transparency, the Microsoft Edge extensions team provides controls that enable users to allow or restrict access to websites at runtime.
Cross-origin requests in content scripts
Today, content scripts can request access to any origin, including origins that aren't allowed by the website. The behavior breaks cross-origin principles. Going forward, the Microsoft Edge extensions team requires content scripts to have the same permissions as the webpage into which the scripts are injected. This requirement closes a potential security loophole.
To perform cross-origin requests, you need to use background scripts to relay responses back to content scripts. These changes are available and are behind a flag. For more information, see Changes to Cross-Origin Requests in Chrome Extension Content Scripts.
Web Request API
The Microsoft Edge extensions team replaces the Web Request API by the Declarative Net Request API, but we continue to keep the observational capabilities of the Web Request API. We recommend using the Declarative Net Request (DNR) APIs only, rather than the Web Request API, except in some specific scenarios where observational capabilities of the Web Request API are required by the extension.
This change will have positive impact on extensions that use feature-rich declarative capabilities. As more extensions transition to the Declarative Net Request APIs, this change will improve user privacy, which contributes to trust in the use of extensions.
Enterprises can continue to use the blocking behavior of the Web Request API for extensions that are managed through enterprise policies. For more information about extension policies, see Extensions in Microsoft Edge – Policies.
Background service workers
Service workers are available for testing in the Canary preview channel of Microsoft Edge. To migrate your extensions from background pages to service workers, see Migrate to a service worker. The Microsoft Edge extensions team is evaluating and investigating the impact that this change brings to both developers and users.
When are these changes available in Microsoft Edge
The current Declarative Net Request API implementation is available in the Microsoft Edge Stable and Beta channels. Please test the changes and provide feedback.
The Microsoft Edge extensions team publishes updates at our blog. You can provide feedback on the changes through Microsoft Tech Community; see Manifest V3 changes are now available in Microsoft Edge.