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Microsoft Host Integration Server Trace Viewer

Microsoft Host Integration Server Trace Viewer is graphical user interface to create, view and analyze trace results when trying to diagnose a problem.

Run Trace Viewer

To run Trace Viewer, on the Start menu, point to All Programs, Microsoft Host Integration Server 2013, and then click Trace Viewer.

Open a Trace File

To open a trace file:

  1. On the File menu, click Open, and then click Trace File.

  2. In the Open File dialog box, select the trace data file you want to open.

    To open a recent trace file:

  3. On the File menu, click Recent Files, and then click a recent trace data file.

Save Trace Results to a File

To save trace results to a text file:

  1. On the File menu, click Save As, and then click Text.

  2. In the Save As dialog, specify a path and filename, and then click Save.

    To save trace results to a comma separated file:

  3. On the File menu, click Save As, and then click Comma Separated.

  4. In the Save As dialog, specify a path and filename, and then click Save.

File Menu Keyboard Shortcuts

Menu Action Shortcut
Display open file dialog box ALT+F,O
Close trace file CTRL+F4
Display save file as text dialog box ALT+F,S,T
Display save file as CSV dialog box ALT+F,S,T
Exit Trace Viewer ALT+F4

Copy a Trace File Line

To copy a trace data line:

  1. On the Edit menu, click any row in the trace results, and then click Copy.

Find a Trace Data Value

To find a trace data value:

  1. Click any row in the trace results.

  2. On the Edit menu, and then click Find.

  3. In the Find dialog box, enter a search value in the Find what text box.

    Option Description
    Find what Enter the text that you want to search for. The search matches any string containing the specified string.
    Look in Click a data column to search in the trace.
    Direction Select the direction to search up or down in the trace.
    Match case Specify to match the case of the find string.
    Include Details Choose to include trace details.
  4. To find the next occurrence of a value, click Find.

  5. To close the Find dialog, click Cancel.

Edit Menu Keyboard Shortcuts

Menu Action Shortcut
Copy trace data line CTRL+C
Find trace data value CTRL+F
Find next trace data value F3
Find previous trace data value SHIFT+F3
Go to line number CTRL+G
Set or remove bookmark CTRL+F2
Next bookmark F2
Previous bookmark SHIFT+F2
Clear bookmarks CTRL+SHIFT+F2

View Toolbar and Status

To view toolbar and status:

  1. Click Tools, and then click Toolbar.

  2. Click Tools, and then click Status.

View Menu Keyboard Shortcuts

Menu Action Shortcut
Display Toolbar toggle on and off ALT+V,T
Display Status toggle on and off ALT+V,S

Filter a Trace Data Value

To filter a trace data value:

  1. Click any row in the trace results.

  2. On the Tools menu, and then click Filter.

  3. In the Filter dialog box, click one or more Thread values, and then click OK.

Trace Viewer Options

To set Trace Viewer tracing font options:

  1. Click Tools menu, click Options, and then click Tracing Font.

  2. In the Font dialog, optionally select choice of Font, Font style, Size, Effects, Script, and then click OK.

    To set Trace Viewer editor font options:

  3. Click Tools menu, click Options, and then click Editor Font.

  4. In the Font dialog, optionally select choice of Font, Font style, Size, Effects, Script, and then click OK.

    To set Trace Viewer display columns options:

  5. Click Tools menu, click Options, and then click Display Columns.

  6. In the Display Columns dialog, optionally select from Available Columns, and then click OK.

Trace File Options

To split a large trace file:

  1. Click Tools menu, click Split a Large Trace file.

  2. Click Browse, and then specify a Filename in the File Open dialog.

  3. Specify the Size of Pieces, and then click OK.

Tools Menu Keyboard Shortcuts

Menu Action Shortcut
Display filter dialog ALT+T,F
Display tracing font options dialog ALT+T,O,T
Display editor font options dialog ALT+T,O,E
Display column options ALT+T,O,C
Display split a large trace file dialog ALT+T,O,L