Subcategories for Invokable TPs (CPI-C)
The following table shows subcategories for invokable transaction programs (TPs).
Queued or nonqueued |
Application or service |
Starting method |
Queued | Running as an application or a service | Autostarted or operator-started |
Nonqueued | Running as an application | Autostarted |
The concept of a TP running as a service or running as an application is distinct from a service TP or an application TP. Service TP and application TP are SNA terms that describe how a TP is used: either as a supportive service program for other Common Programming Interface for Communications (CPI-C) programs, or directly by a user, as an application. For detailed information about services in Windows, see the Windows documentation.
To write an autostarted TP so it runs under Windows as a service and also runs in a nonqueued way, write a multithreaded program with an Accept_Conversation always outstanding. For more information, see Invokable TPs.
To run an autostarted TP as an application under Windows make sure the TPSTART program is always started before the TP.