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How to use a Client Context with the BizTalk Adapter for Host Applications

For Host Integration Server, the client context is a set of values that allow overriding configuration values for the remote host. These keywords can be used with the BizTalk Host Application Adapter y by modifying the ClientContext keyword in the XML file associated with your BizTalk project, or through Orchestration or custom pipeline. The following overrides are supported (USERID, PASSWORD, RecvTimeOut, SendTimeOut, PortOverride, IPAddress, TPNameOverride, ProgNameOverride, IMS_LTERM, LIbNameOverride, OverrideSourceTP and REOverride). Though for security only the following are allowed to be passed in with the XML doc (USERID, PASSWORD, RecvTimeOut, SendTimeOut, PortOverride and REOverride).

To pass the client context keywords as part of the XML doc

  1. Generate an instance of the XML document that describes your assembly from the XSD that was generated by the HIS Designer.

    For more information, see How to Create a Transaction Integrator Project and Interface Definition

  2. In the XML document, edit the TIClientContext keyword.

    The TIClientContext keyword will appear in the XML document in the following format:

    <ns0:TIClientContext TIContextKeyword="TIContextKeyword_0" TIContextValue="TIContextValue_1" />

    Where "TIContextKeyword_0" and TIContextValue_1" represent the keyword and value pair, respectively.

    For the BizTalkAdapter for Host Applications, TIClientContext accepts USERID, PASSWORD, RecvTimeOut, and SendTimeOut as valid keywords.

    Note that you need to remove or comment out the auto generated TIClientContext element from your document if you are not using ClientContext or the call will fail do to sending in an invalid client keyword.

  3. When finished, save the XML file and exit.


The following example describes an XML document generated as part of BizTalk project using the XSD generated by HIS Designer.

<ns0:DPC_WGB__GetBalance__WGBANK__Request xmlns:ns0="http://microsoft.com/HostApplications/TI/WIP">  
   <ns0:name>Kim Akers</ns0:name>  
  <ns0:TIClientContext TIContextKeyword=" RecvTimeOut " TIContextValue="15" />  
<ns0:TIClientContext TIContextKeyword="TIContextKeyword_0"TIContextValue="TIContextValue_1" />  

See Also

COMTIContext Keywords
Creating an Application for the BizTalk Adapter for Host Applications