Finding Further Information about LUA
This section does not provide a detailed explanation of products, architectures, or standards other than those directly pertaining to the Microsoft® Windows® logical unit application (LUA) programming interface. For information about specific operating environments, refer to your system documentation. For information about SNA, refer to your system network documentation.
The following topics provide additional information about Microsoft Host Integration Server application programming interfaces (APIs) based on SNA architecture:
For more information about SNA and about 3270 information display systems, see the following manuals:
IBM 3270 Information Display System: 3274 Control Unit Description and Programmers Guide
IBM 3270 Information Display System: Color and Programmed Symbols
IBM 3270 Information Display System: 3274 Control Unit Display Station: Operators Guide
IBM Systems Network Architecture: Technical Overview
IBM Systems Network Architecture: Concepts and Products
IBM Advanced Communications Function Products Installation Guide
IBM Installation and Resource Definition
IBM 9370 LAN Token Ring Support
IBM SNA Format and Protocol Reference Manual: Architectural Logic
For background information about logical unit (LU) 6.2, Advanced Program-to-Program Communications (APPC), and/or the Common Programming Interface for Communications (CPI-C), see the following manuals:
IBM Systems Network Architecture: Introduction to APPC
IBM Systems Network Architecture: Transaction Programmers Reference Manual for LU Type 6.2
IBM SNA: Format and Protocol Reference Manual: Architecture Logic for LU Type 6.2
IBM SNA: Formats
IBM SNA: Technical Overview
IBM SNA: ACF/VTAM Programming for LU Type 6.2