CPI-C Functions Not Supported (CPI-C)
The Microsoft® Windows® CPI-C implementation does not support the following CPI-C 1.2 functions.
CPI-C Function | Function Name |
Extract_Conversation_Context | cmectx |
Extract_Maximum_Buffer_Size | cmembs |
Extract_Secondary_Information | cmesi |
Extract_Send_Receive_Mode | cmesrm |
Extract_TP_ID | xceti |
Initialize_Conversation_For_TP | xcinct |
Initialize_For_Incoming | cminic |
Receive_Expedited | cmrcvx |
Release_Local_TP_Name | cmrltp |
Send_Expedited | cmsndx |
Set_Queue_Callback_Function | cmsqcf |
Set_Queue_Processing_Mode | cmsqpm |
Set_Send_Receive_Mode | cmssrm |
Start_TP | xcstp |
Wait_For_Completion | cmwcmp |
End_TP | xcendt |